NorthScope 2023.03.17

(Software Version: 2023.03.17 Database Version: 2023.03.17)

Release Date: March 17, 2023


Grower Accounting

NS-10135 Grower Accounting Page Updates

We updated the Tare tab of the Grower Accounting Ticket record view by removing the quick filter. This was useless and just took up space, so it got canned.

We also added the Linked Inventory Item to the Ticket Item list view.  

Fisherman Accounting

NS-11037 Updated the Fisherman Sale Save Procedure to Insert Header and Line Items in the same execution

We have a bit of bad news with this item. While it sounds super exciting (because it is), this is a task that is preparing us for something even more exciting. While it won’t be able to be realized and no changes will be visible to you, our users, something pretty cool is on the horizon.

Sales Programs

NS-10995 Organized the Programs List View under the Setup menu instead of Configuration

And that’s all we have to say about that.

Bug Fixes


NS-11069 Fixed an issue with adding New and Deleting existing rows from NorthScope 3.0 pages

We recently underwent a vast framework improvement for performance and ease of coding. Turns out that we still had some old code that was deprecated during this process. This has been resolved and now you can insert and delete to your hearts content.

NS-10560 Fixed an issue with Exporting to Excel from Properties/Attributes tabs on records not displaying values as expected

When exporting to excel from a properties tab (like in the Item record view), the text values would not display as expected in dropdown fields.

Grower Accounting

NS-10987 Fixed the Farmer Name and Price List dropdown values on the Farmers List View 

The Farmer Name field was previously including Fisherman, Tenders, Fisherman & Tender, and Loan records from the Fisherman Accounting functional area. This has been corrected and you will only be able to select Vendors from the Accounts Payable (Purchasing) functional area.

NS-10991 Updated the format of the Next Doc Number property on the Ticket Class Record View to not display a thousands separator

Next Doc Number is the property on the Ticket Class that determines what the next ticket number is going to be. Ticket Numbers are usually displayed in the format of T1000, you will notice that the 1000 number doesn’t have the comma as in 1,000, which is intentional because it just looks funny. This wasn’t happening, but the way the Ticket Class record view displayed the Next Doc Number property was with a comma, as in 1,000, this has been resolved.

Grower Accounting / Inventory / Sales

NS-10905 Fixed an issue with the New button on the Hold Code Record View not saving data

Clicking the new button from the Hold Code record view would result in a 404 error. This is no longer the case and clicking the new button will save changes and navigate to a new Hold Code record view.


NS-10963 Fixed an issue with multi company data in Update Costs Inquiry

All in good company… or not? We know that your multi-company NorthScope system has multiple good companies, but you don’t really want to see things from the other company. This was the issue with Update Costs, it would show you all the data from all companies in the system. This is no longer the case though, when looking at this screen you will only see costs for the current company you are in.


NS-10757 Added a friendly error message when a user tries to delete a Vendor record that is assigned as a Line Vendor on a Purchase Order record

Purchase Orders allow you to assign Vendors at the line level. But what if you forget and try to delete a Vendor that you previously assigned to a Purchase Order line? Well, you would get a very unfriendly error that would tell you the coding/technical reason why you can’t do that. We like NorthScope to be a friendly software for our users, so we taught it some manors and now it will alert you in the proper way.


NS-10942 Fixed an issue with the Transaction Type lookup being disabled when creating a new Hold Code Record View

We banged our head against the wall to come up with a good description, but the title was so well put we will just leave it at that.

Sales Programs

NS-10700 Fixed an issue with the 'Include Unpaid Invoices' filter for Rebate Settlements

When setting the ‘Include Unpaid Invoices’ filter to no, we were still seeing Invoices that had an Open Amount. This was not correct, what we should be seeing is Invoices with only a 0 Open Amount because they will have been paid. This has been resolved.

NS-10971 Fixed an issue with Rebates settled to 'AR Credit Memo' missing Item values

The Item wasn’t being set when settling AR Credit Memo’s based upon your setup.

NS-10983 Fixed an issue with the Expense Account on the Record View Properties Tab not always displaying the correct value

When changing a sales program setup Expense Account or Accrual Account property, sometimes the value would not save correctly.

Technical Changes

  • No schema changes.
  • No config file changes.