NorthScope 2023.04.28

(Software Version: 2023.04.28 Database Version: 2023.04.28)

Release Date: April 28, 2023

New Feature


NS-8932 Added the ability to manage Budgets in NorthScope

Have GL Budgets? Of course you do. Want to manage them in NorthScope? Of course you do. Want a box of donuts for breakfast every morning? Of course you do! Well, we will give you the first two, the last one… maybe we just shouldn’t do.


NS-10668, NS-10672, NS-10818 and NS-10896 Added Fisher Sales to NorthScope Mobile

NorthScope Mobile has been officially released! We are happy to share with you that you can create Fisher Sales, Fish Tickets and run some inquiries. If you are interested in adding NorthScope Mobile to your system, please contact us today for a more in depth dive into all that it has to offer.



NS-10781 Improved the performance of the Lot Balances List View

In our quest to offer you the fastest software possible, we continue to find ways to improve on performance. This release we focused on the Lot Balances List View.

NS-10147 Updated the Item Record View to add validations to Inventory UOM's for Inventory type Items

When adding an item to an inventory or sales transaction, it can be annoying if the default uom is not set and things don’t look right after the item has been added. Because of this, we have updated the item save to let you know if you have an Inventory item type that doesn’t have default units of measure for inventory and with those values, if you haven’t set the sales unit of measure defaults, we will set them for you. See the help documentation for more information.


NS-11227 Updated the FN Payment Remittance2 NS report to display transactions when not directly applied to a payment

When building, printing and posting a payment batch, you want to see everything that went into the batch. Vendors are no different, they want to know how their credits applied to invoices and how the entire payment batch was created. This is now possible with the restructured FN Payment Remittance2 NS report.


NS-11073 Updated Sales Order to work with Sales Contracts

Previous to this release you could assign contracts to line items in sales order and all that good stuff. But the really good stuff was missing. You know, like calculating sold units of a contracted item or what is remaining on a contract. Well now you not only get the good stuff but also the really good stuff.

Bug Fixes


NS-9848 and NS-11179 Fixed an issue running Year-End Reverse then Year-End Close for a GL Year

While reversing a year-end or closing a year, it would appear to do nothing. This is true, it didn’t do anything. But this has been resolved and will no longer be an issue for you.

NS-10216 Fixed an issue running the FN Project Summary NS report when a corresponding transaction's Vendor Name and Description contained the max number of characters allowed

Yep, we did that.

NS-10228 Fixed an issue with Beginning Balances calculations on the FN Ledger Detail NS report

Depending on how this report was ran and for what period in the year, there could be an issue with the beginning balance calculation.

Fisherman Accounting

NS-10271 Fixed an issue with the New button dropdown on a Fisherman Payment Receipt record not displaying any values

Have you ever done something while working with a piece of software and said to yourself, “It doesn’t work”. Well this is a true statement when it came to the New button dropdown on the Fisherman Payment Receipt record view. But now we will hear you exclaim, “It Works!”.

NS-10220 Fixed a rounding and AP Transaction line Description issue with the FA Fisherman Statement NS report

Depending on the price and quantity, there were times that the rounding for the extended amount would be just a little off. Additionally, if you had a long winded description, this would also cause issues.

NS-11175 Fixed an issue with the FA Fisherman Invoice NS report doubling amounts when multiple Remit To addresses are setup

Have multiple Remit To addresses set up for your company? Want to print Fisherman Invoices? Go right ahead, they won’t double… anymore.


NS-10415 Fixed an issue with some validations not displaying on Inquiries from the More Actions button

In some inquiries, we give you the ability to navigate to master files and transactions. But what if there is no master file for the line you selected and you still click the button?? Well we don’t think you should do that, but if you do, we will give you a nice friendly message reminding you that the line in question does not have the desired master file or transaction you are attempting to open.

Grower Accounting

NS-10955 Fixed a few bugs on some Grower Accounting pages

Details details details. This item was all about improving the usability of the Grower Accounting functional area.


NS-9932 Fixed an issue with the Item Copy feature not copying the Base UOM value

There is only one location that Base UOM is used and it’s not even within NorthScope, but we still didn’t want to forget about it because as the saying goes, the little things matter.

NS-9965 Fixed an issue with the Item record lookup being blank for inactive Items

Even though an Item is inactive, it doesn’t mean that it’s gone forever. Sometimes you need to edit the Item Properties, but one weird thing about opening an Item record is the Item dropdown in the header of the page would be blank. Didn’t know? Well then we will just pretend like this was never an issue. If you did, then let’s pretend anyways.


NS-9990 Fixed an issue with the BOM records sometimes having a blank Total Current Cost

Yep, did this too.


NS-11219 Fixed a handful of bugs with AP Invoices

Sometimes to just get through the day you might want to create and post an AP Invoice all in one go, this was not possible with a small bug that we found preventing this. When creating an Invoice from a Purchase Order, any line items that had a 0 Remaining Quantity would be added to the Invoice, now we will only add 0 Remaining Quantity items if the Ordered Quantity on the Purchase Order was 0. If a line on an Invoice was linked to a Purchase Order line, you could not change the Distributed To.

NS-11183 Fixed an issue with saving a Purchase Order record with lines at the same time

This issue was specific to adding a new Purchase Order with lines without saving before adding the lines.


NS-9857 Fixed an issue with Sales Orders occasionally being able to post without a GL Date / Invoice details

We added more checks to make sure that Sales Orders could not be posted without a GL Date.

NS-10979 Fixed an issue with the Total Freight sometimes not displaying the correct amount on the Shipment Details Record View

With a specific combination of freight amounts and freight types, the freight amount was not always displayed correctly. This did not impact financials but was rather just a display issue.

NS-11020 and NS-11057 Fixed a couple of issues where items would duplicate on the Sales Programs Details Record View from a Sales Transaction

When a Shipment had multiple Legs, the details on a Program would duplicate.

NS-9877 Fixed an issue with Discounts and Write Off calculations on the SO Customer Aging NS report

Depending on when the discount or write off happened, it wouldn’t show correctly in the SO Customer Aging NS report.


NS-10018 Fixed an issue where some report name overrides were sometimes failing

When printing multiple reports we ran into issues with creating the appropriate file name when a report name override was set up.

Technical Changes

  • Please view cumulative schema changes here.
  • No config file changes.