The purpose of the Checkbook Transfer Record View is to add, edit, and remove transactions that record the movement of money from one Checkbook to another. From here, users can create a new transfer, edit an un-posted transfer, or delete an un-posted transfer. When Checkbook Transfers are posted, the Checkbook Balances for both checkbooks are updated, a journal entry is created and posted, and a transaction for each checkbook is added to the Checkbook Transaction Inquiry. Transfers make a Journal Entry that Debits the GL Account assigned to the 'To Checkbook' (the receiving checkbook) and Credits the GL Account assigned to the 'From Checkbook' (the sending checkbook). If the Currency of the two checkbooks do not match, the currency and amounts of the foreign currency will be used for the Journal Entry transaction amounts. Transfers do not create a 'Currency Gain/Loss' journal entry.
Software Version: 20202024.0105.13 20 and newer
Table of Contents | ||
Toolbar Icons | Description | ||||||||||||
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| Journal Details | This icon is only visible after the transaction is Posted. | ||||||||||
Journal Details |
The Journal Entry for this transaction will:
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New |
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Notes |
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Save |
Fields | Description |
Comment | A text box to enter a short comment pertaining to the Transfer. This field is always editable (even after the transaction is posted) and is not required. If a Comment is entered, it must be <= 60 characters. Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.Comment |
From Amount | An editable text box to enter the amount of the Transfer, in the transfer's 'From Checkbook' currency, displayed in the currency format. This defaults to 0.00 but must be a positive amount to Approve or Post. If not, the message "Transfer from Amt. must be positive." will appear on Save. Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.Amount Where TransferFromCheckbookTransactionSK is null |
From Checkbook | A single-select combo box to select the Checkbook the money is being withdrawn from. This is editable when the Status is "New". This defaults to blank but is required to Save. If missing, the message "From Checkbook is required." will be displayed on Save. This must also be different than the 'To Checkbook'. If not, the message "The 'From Checkbook' and 'To Checkbook' must be different." will be displayed on Save. This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Checkbooks, sorted by Checkbook, displayed as:
Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.CheckbookSK Where TransferFromCheckbookTransactionSK is null |
From Reference | A text box to enter a 3rd party reference number that applies to the 'From Checkbooks' bank. This field is always editable (even after the transaction is posted) and is not required. If a 'From Reference' is entered, it must be <= 60 characters. Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.Reference Where TransferFromCheckbookTransactionSK is null |
Status | A single-select standard lookup to assign the Transaction Status. This defaults to "New" but can be changed to "Approved" or "Ready to Post". Updating the Status does the following:
Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionStatusSK |
To Amount | A non editable text box that displays the transfer amount, in the transfer's 'To Checkbook' currency, displayed in the currency format. This defaults to 0.00 but is updated on Save, after the 'Transfer From Amt.' is entered.
Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.Amount Where TransferFromCheckbookTransactionSK is not null |
To Checkbook | A single-select combo box to select the Checkbook the money is being deposited into. This is editable when the Status is "New". This defaults to blank but is required to Save. If missing, the message "To Checkbook is required." will be displayed on Save. This must also be different than the 'From Checkbook'. If not, the message "The 'From Checkbook' and 'To Checkbook' must be different." will be displayed on Save. This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Checkbooks, sorted by Checkbook, displayed as:
Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.CheckbookSK Where TransferFromCheckbookTransactionSK is not null |
To Reference | A text box to enter a 3rd party reference number that applies to the 'To Checkbooks' bank. This field is always editable (even after the transaction is posted) and is not required. If a 'To Reference' is entered, it must be <= 60 characters. Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.Reference Where TransferFromCheckbookTransactionSK is not null |
Trans. Date | A date field to enter the date the Transfer was generated on the sending side. This defaults to the current date and is required to Approve and/or Post. If not, the message "Transfer Date is required." will be displayed. This field is only editable while the transaction Status is "New". This date will set the GL Date in the database and will always be the date used on the journal. Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionDate |
Properties Tab
The fields sorted at the bottom of this section, prefixed with "MC:" are only visible on multi-currency transfer transactions.
Fields | Description | |||||||||||||||
CheckbookSK - From Checkbook | A non-editable text box that displays the CheckbookSK of the 'From Checkbook'. This is a looked-up value, that is primarily used for support. Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbook.CurrencySK | |||||||||||||||
CheckbookSK - To Checkbook | A non-editable text box that displays the CheckbookSK of the 'To Checkbook'. This is a looked-up value, that is primarily used for support. Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbook.CurrencySK. | |||||||||||||||
Created |
Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.CreatedDate | |||||||||||||||
Created By |
Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.CreatedBy | GL Date |
GL Date - RV | GL Date - RV | nopanel | true | | |||||||||
Last Updated |
Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.LastUpdated | |||||||||||||||
Last Updated By |
Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.LastUser | |||||||||||||||
Transaction ID |
Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionID | |||||||||||||||
TransactionSK |
Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionSK | |||||||||||||||
MC: Journal Entry: Currency Conversion | This field is used to convert a Foreign Currency transfer amount to the 'Home Currency' amount for the Journal Entry. A non-editable text box that displays the currencies on the 'Exchange Table' being used to convert the foreign currency amount to the 'Home Currency' amount. This is formatted as: "From [foreign currency] to [Home Currency]". This is only displayed and required when one of the Checkbooks is not in the 'Home Currency'. This value is a looked up from the 'Exchange Table' and not stored in the database while the transaction is in a Status of "New". When the Status is changed to either "Approved" or "Ready to Post" the value is updated and written to the database. For posted transactions, this is the value that existed when the transaction posted. | |||||||||||||||
MC: Journal Entry: Exchange Date | This field is used to convert a Foreign Currency transfer amount to the 'Home Currency' amount for the Journal Entry. A non-editable text box to show the date range of the 'Rate' (Exchange Rate) on the 'Exchange Table' being used to convert the foreign currency amount to the 'Home Currency' amount. This is only displayed and required when one of the Checkbooks is not in the 'Home Currency'. This is looked-up using the 'Transfer Date', not the 'GL Date'. This is displayed as: From [Rate From] to [Rate to]. For example, "From 10/01/19 to 10/07/19". The date values are formatted based on the User Preference for 'Date Format'. This value is a looked up from the 'Exchange Table' and not stored in the database while the transaction is in a Status of "New". When the Status is changed to either "Approved" or "Ready to Post" the value is updated and written to the database. For posted transactions, this is the value that existed when the transaction posted. | |||||||||||||||
MC: Journal Entry: Exchange Rate | This field is used to convert a Foreign Currency transfer amount to the 'Home Currency' amount for the Journal Entry. A non-editable text box to show the 'Calculation Method' and 'Rate' being used to convert the foreign currency amount' to the 'Home Currency' amount. This is only displayed and required when one of the Checkbooks is not in the 'Home Currency'. It is set as follows:
This is formatted as: [Calculation Method] by [Rate]. For Example, "Multiply by 1.0250" or "Divide by 1.0250". This value is a looked up from the 'Exchange Table' and not stored in the database while the transaction is in a Status of "New". When the Status is changed to either "Approved" or "Ready to Post" the value is updated and written to the database. For posted transactions, this is the value that existed when the transaction posted. | |||||||||||||||
MC: Journal Entry: Exchange Table | This field is used to convert a Foreign Currency transfer amount to the 'Home Currency' amount for the Journal Entry. A non-editable text box that displays the 'Exchange Table ID' used to convert the foreign currency to the 'Home Currency'. This is only displayed and required when one of the Checkbooks is not in the 'Home Currency'. This is assigned as the first Exchange Table containing both the 'Home Currency' and the foreign currency, with a valid 'Rate' (exchange rate) for the 'Transfer Date'. If there are no Rates that cover the 'Transfer Date' then the last Rate will be used. If there are no Exchange Tables containing both the 'Home Currency' and the foreign currency then this will be blank and the message "A valid exchange does not exist between [ForeignCurrencyID] and [HomeCurrencyID]." will be displayed on Save. This value is a looked up from the 'Exchange Table' and not stored in the database while the transaction is in a Status of "New". When the Status is changed to either "Approved" or "Ready to Post" the value is updated and written to the database. For posted transactions, this is the value that existed when the transaction posted. | |||||||||||||||
MC: Journal Entry: Home Amount | This field is used to convert a Foreign Currency transfer amount to the 'Home Currency' amount for the Journal Entry. A non-editable text box that displays the 'Home Currency' amount of the Transfer. This is only displayed and required when one of the Checkbooks is not in the 'Home Currency'. It is calculated as follows:
This value is computed in real time and not stored in the database while the transaction is in a Status of "New". When the Status is changed to either "Approved" or "Ready to Post" the value is updated and written to the database. For posted transactions, this is the value that existed when the transaction posted. | |||||||||||||||
MC: To Checkbook: Amount | This field is used to convert the 'Transfer From Amt.' to the 'Transfer To Amt.'. A non-editable text box that displays the Amount of money being received by the 'To Checkbook', converted and formatted into the currency of the 'To Checkbook'. This is only displayed and required when the two checkbooks are not in the same currency. This value is computed in real time and not stored in the database while the transaction is in a Status of "New". When the Status is changed to either "Approved" or "Ready to Post" the value is updated and written to the database. For posted transactions, this is the value that existed when the transaction posted. | |||||||||||||||
MC: To Checkbook: Currency Conversion | This field is used to convert the 'Transfer From Amt.' to the 'Transfer To Amt.'. A non-editable text box that displays the currencies on the 'Exchange Table' being used on the 'From Checkbook' and 'To Checkbook'. This is formatted as: "From [From Checkbook Currency] to [To Checkbook Currency]". This is only displayed and required when the two checkbooks are not in the same currency. This value is a looked up from the 'Exchange Table' and not stored in the database while the transaction is in a Status of "New". When the Status is changed to either "Approved" or "Ready to Post" the value is updated and written to the database. For posted transactions, this is the value that existed when the transaction posted. | |||||||||||||||
MC: To Checkbook: Exchange Date | This field is used to convert the 'Transfer From Amt.' to the 'Transfer To Amt.'. A non-editable text box to show the date range of the 'Rate' (Exchange Rate) on the 'Exchange Table' being used to convert the currencies between the 'From Checkbook' and the 'To Checkbook'. This is only displayed and required when the two checkbooks are not in the same currency. This is looked-up using the 'Transfer Date', not the 'GL Date'. This is displayed as: From [Rate From] to [Rate to]. For example, "From 10/01/19 to 10/07/19". The date values are formatted based on the User Preference for 'Date Format'. This value is a looked up from the 'Exchange Table' and not stored in the database while the transaction is in a Status of "New". When the Status is changed to either "Approved" or "Ready to Post" the value is updated and written to the database. For posted transactions, this is the value that existed when the transaction posted. | |||||||||||||||
MC: To Checkbook: Exchange Rate | This field is used to convert the 'Transfer From Amt.' to the 'Transfer To Amt.'. A non-editable text box to show the 'Calculation Method' and 'Rate' being used to convert the currencies between the 'From Checkbook' and the 'To Checkbook'. This is only displayed and required when the two checkbooks are not in the same currency. It is set as follows:
This is formatted as: [Calculation Method] by [Rate]. For Example, "Multiply by 1.0250" or "Divide by 1.0250". This value is a looked up from the 'Exchange Table' and not stored in the database while the transaction is in a Status of "New". When the Status is changed to either "Approved" or "Ready to Post" the value is updated and written to the database. For posted transactions, this is the value that existed when the transaction posted. | |||||||||||||||
MC: To Checkbook: Exchange Table | This field is used to convert the 'Transfer From Amt.' to the 'Transfer To Amt.'. A non-editable text box that displays the 'Exchange Table ID' used to convert the currencies between the 'From Checkbook' and the 'To Checkbook'. This is only displayed and required when the two checkbooks are not in the same currency. This is assigned as the first Exchange Table containing both currencies for the 'From Checkbook' and the 'To Checkbook', with a valid 'Rate' (exchange rate) for the 'Transfer Date'. If there are no Rates that cover the 'Transfer Date' then the last Rate will be used. If there are no Exchange Tables containing both the 'Home Currency' and the foreign currency then this will be blank and the message "A valid exchange does not exist between [FromCheckbookCurrencyID] and [ToCheckbookCurrencyID]." will be displayed on Save after the Status is changed to Approve and/or Ready to Post. This value is a looked up from the 'Exchange Table' and not stored in the database while the transaction is in a Status of "New". When the Status is changed to either "Approved" or "Ready to Post" the value is updated and written to the database. For posted transactions, this is the value that existed when the transaction posted. |