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Production Orders are used to issue specific quantity of inputs and/or output quantities of inventory items within a certain time frame. These allow multiple production items to be associated to Production Orders. This page will display input, output and yield percentages and allow users to view/record actuals against the plan. Inventory is not affected when the plan is entered, only when actuals are recorded.

Software Version: 20202021.0607.05 and newer

Table of Contents

Page Header

Header Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription
Insert excerpt
Delete - RV Header
Delete - RV Header
(lightbulb) If the selected Production Order transaction(s) have associated Production transactions, then the user will be unable to delete the Production Order transaction(s).
Grid Layout
Insert excerpt
Grid Layout - Global
Grid Layout - Global
Insert excerpt
Help - Global
Help - Global

Insert excerpt
New - RV Header
New - RV Header
The drop-down displays all active Production Order type transaction classes configured in the system. Selecting a transaction class, opens a new blank transaction record for data entry. 


Insert excerpt
Notes - Global
Notes - Global
Two Note Types (Internal, Production Instructions) will be displayed for Production Order transactions.

Production Order Note Types will not be copied onto a Production transaction when a transaction is created from a Production Order.

Insert excerpt
Print - RV Header
Print - RV Header
Record Production

Saves the Production order and opens the Record Production popup, allowing users to specify the Production Transaction Class and Production Date. The 'Production Transaction Class' field defaults from the 'Related Production Transaction Class' on the Production Order Transaction Class record view. Users have the ability to change this to any 'Active' Production Transaction Class. The 'Production Date' defaults to the current date. Users can click the Process button create a Production transaction from the Production Order transaction. Users will be prompted with the TransactionID that was generated and can navigate directly to the Production record view or remain on the Production Order record view.

The newly created Production transaction will include all lines from the Production Order's Input and Output tabs. The quantities (Units and Weight) on the Production transaction will be defaulted as "0.00".

(lightbulb) This icon is disabled when the Status is 'Closed'.


Insert excerpt
Save - RV Header
Save - RV Header
 For a new Production Order, clicking Save will also assign the Production Order ID, by combining the 'Document Prefix' with the 'Next Document Number' from the Production Order transaction class. The 'Next Document Number' field will be incremented by one.

Home Tab 

Actual Input

Insert excerpt
Actual Input
Actual Input
 This is a non-editable text box that is not required and defaults as "0.00". This field remains blank until the Record Production button is clicked, a Production transaction is created, and line item(s) are added to the grid in the Input tab. This field is only editable by adding or editing the 'Units' field or 'Weight' field for a line item in the Input tab of the associated Production transaction. Since the user may record production multiple times, there may be more than one Production transaction associated with a Production Order transaction. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Actual Output

Insert excerpt
Actual Output
Actual Output
This is a non-editable text box that is not required and defaults as "0.00". This field remains blank until the Record Production button is clicked, a Production transaction is created, and line item(s) are added to the grid in the Output tab. This field is only editable by adding or editing the 'Units' field or 'Weight' field for a line item in the Output tab of the associated Production transaction. Since the user may record production multiple times, there may be more than one Production transaction associated with a Production Order transaction. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Note: Items with a line type of "By-Product" will not be included output and yield calculations.

Actual Yield %

Insert excerpt
Actual Yield Percentage
Actual Yield Percentage
This is a non-editable text box that is not required and defaults as "0.00". This field remains blank until the Record Production button is clicked, a Production transaction is created, and line item(s) are added to the grid in the Input tab. This field is calculated as [Actual Output] / [Actual Input] * 100. This field is only editable by adding or editing the 'Units' field or 'Weight' field for a line item in the Input tab or Output tab of the associated Production transaction. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Note: Items with a line type of "By-Product" will not be included output and yield calculations.

Complete %

Insert excerpt
Output Complete Percentage
Output Complete Percentage
This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It defaults as "0.00"and is calculated as [Actual Output] / [Planned Output] * 100. This field is only editable by adding or editing the 'Units' field or 'Weight' field for a line item in the Output tab of the Production Order transaction or the associated Production transaction. This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database.

Order ID

Insert excerpt
Transaction ID
Transaction ID
 This is an editable text box that is required.   It defaults to "(Use Next #)" which is a system assigned number that comes from the 'Transaction Class', or users can enter their own alphanumeric ID up to 50 characters long.  Duplicate ID's are not allowed and the message "Duplicate Production Order IDs are not allowed" will be displayed on Save. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.ProductionOrderID

Planned End

Insert excerpt
Planned End Date
Planned End Date
This is a date picker that is not required. It defaults to blank and is always editable. If entered, it should be on or after the 'Planned Start' field. Else, the message "Request 1 [ProductionOrderID]: The selected date range is invalid." will be displayed on Save.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.ScheduledDateEnd

Planned Input

Insert excerpt
Planned Input
Planned Input
 This is a non-editable text box that is not required and defaults as "0.00". This field is only editable changing the 'Units' or 'Weight' for one or more line items in the Inputs or Outputs tab. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Note: If the UOM of a line item is not the same as, or does not have a UOM conversion to the UOM in the Production Order header, then the line item will not be included in the input, output and yield calculations.

Planned Output

Insert excerpt
Planned Output
Planned Output
 This is a non-editable text box that is not required and defaults as "0.00". This field is only editable by changing the 'Units' or 'Weight' for one or more line items in the Inputs or Outputs tab. . This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Note: If the UOM of a line item is not the same as, or does not have a UOM conversion to the UOM in the Production Order header, then the line item will not be included in the input, output and yield calculations. Additionally, items with a line type of "By-Product" will not be included output and yield calculations.

Planned Start

Insert excerpt
Planned Start Date
Planned Start Date
 This is a date picker that is required. If missing, the message "Request 1 [ProductionOrderID]: Planned Start is required." will be displayed on Save. It defaults to blank and is always editable. If entered, it should be on or before the 'Planned End' field. Else, the message "Request 1 [ProductionOrderID]: The selected date range is invalid." will be displayed on Save.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.ScheduledDateStart

Planned Yield %

Insert excerpt
Planned Yield Percentage
Planned Yield Percentage
 This is a non-editable text box that is not required and defaults as "0.00". This field is only editable by changing the 'Units' or 'Weight' for one or more line items in the Inputs or Outputs tab. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Note: If the UOM of a line item is not the same as, or does not have a UOM conversion to the UOM in the Production Order header, then the line item will not be included in the input, output and yield calculations. Additionally, items with a line type of "By-Product" will not be included output and yield calculations.


Insert excerpt
This is a single-select standard lookup that is required. If missing, the message "Request 1 [ProductionOrderID]: Site is required." will be displayed on Save. It defaults as blank and is not editable after initial Save. The selected Site will be used as the Site of the Production transaction once the production order is recorded.

Insert excerpt
Def - Site
Def - Site

The lookup contains a list of all the 'Active' Inventory Sites.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.SiteSK


Insert excerpt
 This is a single-select standard lookup that defaults as 'Open' and is required. This is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'Open'. The Status may not be saved as 'Closed" until all associated Production transactions have been posted. Else, the message "Request 1 [ProductionOrderID]: Production Order [ProductionOrderID] can not be closed because Production Transaction(s) [Production ID] are not posted." will be displayed on Save.

Insert excerpt
Def - Status
Def - Status
 The Statuses that apply to transactions in this List View include:

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - Open
Def - Status - Open

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - Released
Def - Status - Released

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - Closed
Def - Status - Closed

The lookup contains all the values in the IMProductionOrderStatus Enumeration Class. 

Note: The Status will not have an impact when the Record Production button is clicked (Production transactions created from the Record Production button will always be created as New).

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.StatusEN


Insert excerpt
Yield UOM - Production Order
Yield UOM - Production Order
This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from the 'Production Order UOM' field on the 'Properties' tab of the transaction. If missing, the message "Request 1 [ProductionOrderID]: Production Order UOM is required. This field may be updated from the "Properties" tab" will be displayed on Save. This field is only editable from the 'Properties' tab.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.ProductionOrderUOM

Properties Tab 

Allow Substitutes

Identifies whether items can be substituted on the transaction. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required. It defaults from the 'Allow Substitutes' field on the Production Order Transaction Class record view. This field is always editable.

The lookup contains all the values in the IMProductionOrderAllowSubstitutes Enumeration Class. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.AllowSubstitutesEN

Created By

Insert excerpt
Created By
Created By
This is a required field.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.CreatedBy

Created Date

Insert excerpt
This is a required field.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.CreatedDate

Last Updated

Insert excerpt
Last Updated
Last Updated
This is a required field.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.LastUpdated

Last Updated By

Insert excerpt
Last Updated By
Last Updated By
This is a required field.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.LastUser

Production Order UOM

Insert excerpt
Yield UOM - Production Order
Yield UOM - Production Order
This is single-select standard lookup that is required. It defaults from the 'Production Order UOM' field on the Production Order Transaction Class record view. If missing, the message "Request 1 [ProductionOrderID]: Production Order UOM is required. This field may be updated from the "Properties" tab" will be displayed on Save. This field is always editable.

The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the 'Active' Units of Measure.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.ProductionOrderUOM

Transaction Class

Insert excerpt
Transaction Class
Transaction Class
This is a non-editable text box that is required. It is assigned on New. This field is never editable.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.TransactionClassID, ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.TransactionClassSK


Grid: Outputs Tab

Column HeadersDescription
Insert excerpt
Item: Description

Insert excerpt
Item ID & Item Description
Item ID & Item Description
 This is a single-select standard lookup that is allows the user to select the item for which to include in the transaction. This is a required field. This field defaults to blank and is editable until the transaction is Saved.

The lookup contains a list of all the 'Active' inventory-tracked items configured in the Items Master File (Inventory > Items). 

(lightbulb) Selecting the Item will default the Units UOM and Weight UOM fields based on the Item properties.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMItem.ItemID, ERPx_IMItem.ItemDescription, ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.ItemSK

Line Type

Insert excerpt
Line Type
Line Type
This is a single-select standard lookup that is required. It defaults to "Output" and is always editable while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'.

This lookup contains all the values in the IMLineItemType Enumeration Class where Enumeration Value = 1,3.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.LineItemTypeEN


Insert excerpt
Owner - Item
Owner - Item
 This is a single select standard lookup that is required. It defaults to the Inventory Preference value for 'Default Owner' and is always editable while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'.

Insert excerpt
Def - Owner
Def - Owner

The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the Lot Owners.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMLotOwner.OwnerName, ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.OwnerSK

Production Batch

Insert excerpt
Production Batch
Production Batch
 This is a text box that is not required. This field is enabled for items where the 'Lot Tracked' field is set to "Yes". This field is disabled for items where the 'Lot Tracked' field is set to "No". If enabled, this field is always editable while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'. The value entered in this field will auto-populate on the associated line item on a recorded production transaction.

Insert excerpt
Def - Production Batch
Def - Production Batch

Insert excerpt
Def - Inventory Lot
Def - Inventory Lot

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.ProductionBatchID


Identifies the number of units for the line item. This is a numeric text box that is required if the item is managed by 'Units Only' or by 'Units and Weight'. It defaults to "0.00" and is only enabled if the selected item is managed by 'Units Only' or by 'Units and Weight'. If enabled, this field can always be edited while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'. If enabled, this field must be a positive number, else the message “Request 1 [ProductionOrderID]: Item [Item ID] must be saved with positive Unit and Weight quantities” or “Request 1 [ProductionOrderID]: Item [Item ID] must be saved with positive Units quantity.” will be displayed on Save. The number of decimal places displayed will be based on the 'Unit Decimals' field on the Item record view. Additionally, a footer total will be displayed for this field.

If this field is editable, the following will be enforced:

  • For an item that is fixed weight and requires whole units:

    • When Units are entered: the value will be rounded up to the nearest integer then the weight will automatically be calculated based on the Units integer value.

  • For an item that is fixed weight and does not require whole units:

    • When Units are entered: the weight will automatically be calculated based on the Units value. The Units value does not have to be an integer.

  • For an item that is variable weight and requires whole units:

    • When Units go from empty to a value: the value will be rounded up to the nearest integer then the weight will automatically be calculated based on the Units integer value.

    • When Units go from one value to another: the value will be rounded up to the nearest integer but the weight will NOT be recalculated.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.OrderedUnits

Units UOM

Insert excerpt
UOM - Units
UOM - Units
 This is a single-select standard lookup that is required if the item is managed by 'Units Only' or by 'Units and Weight'. Before an item is selected, this field will default as blank and the lookup will not include any values. Once an item is selected, this field will default from the 'Inventory Unit UOM' field set up on the 'Properties' tab of the Item record view. This field will be disabled if the item is managed by 'Weight Only'. This field can always be edited while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'.

The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all 'Active' Unit UOMs on the selected Item's UOM Schedule.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMName, ERPX_IMItem.UOMScheduleSK, ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.OrderedUnitsUOMSK

Warehouse Lot

Insert excerpt
Warehouse Lot
Warehouse Lot
 This is a text box that is not required. This field is enabled for Sites where the 'Warehouse Lot Tracked' field is set to "Yes - Allow multiple items in single lots" or "Yes - Limit Warehouse Lots to single items". This field is disabled for Sites where the 'Warehouse Lot Tracked' field is set to "No". If enabled, this field is always editable while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'. The value entered in this field will auto-populate on the associated line item on a recorded production transaction.

Insert excerpt
Def - Warehouse Lot
Def - Warehouse Lot

Insert excerpt
Def - Inventory Lot
Def - Inventory Lot

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.WarehouseLotID


Identifies the weight for the line item. This is a numeric text box that is required if the item is managed by 'Weight Only' or by 'Units and Weight'. It defaults to "0.00" and is only enabled if the selected item is managed by 'Weight Only' or 'Units and Weight'. If enabled, this field can always be edited while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'. If enabled, this field must be a positive number, else the message “Request 1 [ProductionOrderID]: Item [Item ID] must be saved with positive Unit and Weight quantities” or “Request 1 [ProductionOrderID]: Item [Item ID] must be saved with positive Weight quantity" will be displayed on Save. The number of decimal places displayed will be based on the 'Weight Decimals' field on the Item record view. Additionally, a footer total will be displayed for this field.

If this field is editable, the following will be enforced:

  • For an item that is fixed weight and requires whole units:

    • When Weight is entered: the value will be rounded up to the nearest weight that results in a whole unit then the units will automatically be calculated based on the Weight value.

  • For an item that is fixed weight and does not require whole units:

    • When Weight is entered: the Units will automatically be calculated based on the Weight value. The Weight value does not have to result in an integer Units value.However, because the Units and Weight values round to two decimal places, if the rounded Units value produced by the weight value does not convert to equal the weight value, the weight value will automatically update to equal the converted value of the units since the item is a fixed weight item.

  • For an item that is variable weight and requires whole units:

    • When Weight goes from empty to a value: the value will be rounded up to the nearest weight that results in a whole unit then the units will automatically be calculated based on the Weight value.

    • When Weight goes from one value to another: the units will NOT be recalculated.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.OrderedWeight

Weight UOM

Insert excerpt
UOM - Weight
UOM - Weight
 This is a single-select standard lookup that is required if the item is managed by 'Weight Only' or by 'Units and Weight'. Before an item is selected, this field will default as blank and the lookup will not include any values. Once an item is selected, this field will default from the 'Inventory Weight UOM' field set up on the 'Properties' tab of the Item record view. This field will be disabled if the item is managed by 'Units Only'. This field can always be edited while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'.

The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all 'Active' Weight UOMs on the selected Item's UOM Schedule.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMName, ERPX_IMItem.UOMScheduleSK, ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.OrderedWeightUOMSK

Grid: Inputs Tab

Column HeadersDescription
Insert excerpt
Item: Description

Insert excerpt
Item ID & Item Description
Item ID & Item Description
 This is a single-select standard lookup that is allows the user to select the item for which to include in the transaction. This is a required field. This field defaults to blank and is editable until the transaction is Saved.

The lookup contains a list of all the 'Active' inventory-tracked items configured in the Items Master File (Inventory > Items). 

(lightbulb) Selecting the Item will default the Units UOM and Weight UOM fields based on the Item properties.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMItem.ItemID, ERPx_IMItem.ItemDescription, ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.ItemSK

Line Type

Insert excerpt
Line Type
Line Type
 This is a single-select standard lookup that is required. It defaults to "Input" and is always editable while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'.

This lookup contains all the values in the IMLineItemType Enumeration Class where Enumeration Value = 2.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.LineItemTypeEN


Insert excerpt
Owner - Item
Owner - Item
 This is a single select standard lookup that is required. It defaults to the Inventory Preference value for 'Default Owner' and is always editable while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'.

The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the Lot Owners.

Insert excerpt
Def - Owner
Def - Owner

Database Fields: ERPx_IMLotOwner.OwnerName, ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.OwnerSK

Production Batch

Insert excerpt
Production Batch
Production Batch
This is a text box that is not required. This field is enabled for items where the 'Lot Tracked' field is set to "Yes". This field is disabled for items where the 'Lot Tracked' field is set to "No". If enabled, this field is always editable while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'. The value entered in this field will auto-populate on the associated line item on a recorded production transaction.

Insert excerpt
Def - Production Batch
Def - Production Batch

Insert excerpt
Def - Inventory Lot
Def - Inventory Lot

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.ProductionBatchID


Identifies the number of units for the line item. This is a numeric text box that is required if the item is managed by 'Units Only' or by 'Units and Weight'. It defaults to "0.00" and is only enabled if the selected item is managed by 'Units Only' or by 'Units and Weight'. If enabled, this field can always be edited while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'. If enabled, this field must be a positive number, else the message “Request 1 [ProductionOrderID]: Item [Item ID] must be saved with positive Unit and Weight quantities” or “Request 1 [ProductionOrderID]: Item [Item ID] must be saved with positive Units quantity.” will be displayed on Save. The number of decimal places displayed will be based on the 'Unit Decimals' field on the Item record view. Additionally, a footer total will be displayed for this field.

If this field is editable, the following will be enforced:

  • For an item that is fixed weight and requires whole units:

    • When Units are entered: the value will be rounded up to the nearest integer then the weight will automatically be calculated based on the Units integer value.

  • For an item that is fixed weight and does not require whole units:

    • When Units are entered: the weight will automatically be calculated based on the Units value. The Units value does not have to be an integer.

  • For an item that is variable weight and requires whole units:

    • When Units go from empty to a value: the value will be rounded up to the nearest integer then the weight will automatically be calculated based on the Units integer value.

    • When Units go from one value to another: the value will be rounded up to the nearest integer but the weight will NOT be recalculated.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.OrderedUnits

Units UOM

Insert excerpt
UOM - Units
UOM - Units
 This is a single-select standard lookup that is required if the item is managed by 'Units Only' or by 'Units and Weight'. Before an item is selected, this field will default as blank and the lookup will not include any values. Once an item is selected, this field will default from the 'Inventory Unit UOM' field set up on the 'Properties' tab of the Item record view. This field will be disabled if the item is managed by 'Weight Only'. This field can always be edited while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'.

The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all 'Active' Unit UOMs on the selected Item's UOM Schedule.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMName, ERPX_IMItem.UOMScheduleSK, ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.OrderedUnitsUOMSK

Warehouse Lot

Insert excerpt
Warehouse Lot
Warehouse Lot
 This is a text box that is not required. This field is enabled for Sites where the 'Warehouse Lot Tracked' field is set to "Yes - Allow multiple items in single lots" or "Yes - Limit Warehouse Lots to single items". This field is disabled for Sites where the 'Warehouse Lot Tracked' field is set to "No". If enabled, this field is always editable while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'. The value entered in this field will auto-populate on the associated line item on a recorded production transaction.

Insert excerpt
Def - Warehouse Lot
Def - Warehouse Lot

Insert excerpt
Def - Inventory Lot
Def - Inventory Lot

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.WarehouseLotID


Identifies the weight for the line item. This is a numeric text box that is required if the item is managed by 'Weight Only' or by 'Units and Weight'. It defaults to "0.00" and is only enabled if the selected item is managed by 'Weight Only' or 'Units and Weight'. If enabled, this field can always be edited while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'. If enabled, this field must be a positive number, else the message “Request 1 [ProductionOrderID]: Item [Item ID] must be saved with positive Unit and Weight quantities” or “Request 1 [ProductionOrderID]: Item [Item ID] must be saved with positive Weight quantity" will be displayed on Save. The number of decimal places displayed will be based on the 'Weight Decimals' field on the Item record view. Additionally, a footer total will be displayed for this field.

If this field is editable, the following will be enforced:

  • For an item that is fixed weight and requires whole units:

    • When Weight is entered: the value will be rounded up to the nearest weight that results in a whole unit then the units will automatically be calculated based on the Weight value.

  • For an item that is fixed weight and does not require whole units:

    • When Weight is entered: the Units will automatically be calculated based on the Weight value. The Weight value does not have to result in an integer Units value.However, because the Units and Weight values round to two decimal places, if the rounded Units value produced by the weight value does not convert to equal the weight value, the weight value will automatically update to equal the converted value of the units since the item is a fixed weight item.

  • For an item that is variable weight and requires whole units:

    • When Weight goes from empty to a value: the value will be rounded up to the nearest weight that results in a whole unit then the units will automatically be calculated based on the Weight value.

    • When Weight goes from one value to another: the units will NOT be recalculated.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.OrderedWeight

Weight UOM

Insert excerpt
UOM - Weight
UOM - Weight
 This is a single-select standard lookup that is required if the item is managed by 'Weight Only' or by 'Units and Weight'. Before an item is selected, this field will default as blank and the lookup will not include any values. Once an item is selected, this field will default from the 'Inventory Weight UOM' field set up on the 'Properties' tab of the Item record view. This field will be disabled if the item is managed by 'Units Only'. This field can always be edited while the transaction is in a status of 'Open' or 'Released'.

The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all 'Active' Weight UOMs on the selected Item's UOM Schedule.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMName, ERPX_IMItem.UOMScheduleSK, ERPx_IMProductionOrderDetail.OrderedWeightUOMSK

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