Toolbar Icons | Description |
Delete | Insert excerpt |
| Delete - LV 3.0 |
| Delete - LV 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
Column Filter Show/Hide | Insert excerpt |
| Column Filter Show/Hide - Global |
| Column Filter Show/Hide - Global |
nopanel | true |
Edit | Insert excerpt |
| Edit - LV 3.0 |
| Edit - LV 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
Excel | Insert excerpt |
| Excel - LV 3.0 |
| Excel - LV 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
Favorites | Insert excerpt |
| Favorites Add/Remove - Global |
| Favorites Add/Remove - Global |
nopanel | true |
Group By Show/Hide | Insert excerpt |
| Group By Show/Hide - Global |
| Group By Show/Hide - Global |
nopanel | true |
Help | Insert excerpt |
| Help - Global 3.0 |
| Help - Global 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
Mass Update | Insert excerpt |
| Mass Update - Global 3.0 |
| Mass Update - Global 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
- Status: A single-select lookup that defaults to "(No Change)", but also has options for "New", "Approved" and "Ready to Post". Assigns the selected Status to selected/filtered transactions when Apply is clicked.
More Actions | Insert excerpt |
| More Actions - Global |
| More Actions - Global |
nopanel | true |
New | Insert excerpt |
| New - Multi-Select Trans Type - Global |
| New - Multi-Select Trans Type - Global |
nopanel | true |
- Adjustment: A transaction to adjust the On Hand balances of items.
- Production: A transaction to record production, both for items consumed (Inputs) and items created (Output).
- Receipt: A transaction to record the receipt of inventory purchased.
- Transfer: A transaction to record the transfer of inventory items between Sites.
Print | Insert excerpt |
| Print - LV 3.0 |
| Print - LV 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
Quick Column Filter | Insert excerpt |
| Quick Column Filter |
| Quick Column Filter |
nopanel | true |
Refresh | Insert excerpt |
| Refresh - Global 3.0 |
| Refresh - Global 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
Saved Layouts | Insert excerpt |
| Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global |
| Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global |
nopanel | true |
View | Insert excerpt |
| View - Inquiry Grid 3.0 |
| View - Inquiry Grid 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
- Shipment Details - Opens the Shipment Record View, in a new tab, for a selected record with a Transaction Type of: SO Shipment, Transfer, or Transfer Receipt.
Fields | Description |
Checkbox | Insert excerpt |
| Checkbox |
| Checkbox |
nopanel | true |
BOL | Identifies the Bill of Lading reference/ID that was entered on the corresponding Transfer transaction. If no value was entered by the user, this field is populated with the Transaction ID of the corresponding Transfer when the record is saved. This is not required and can be edited on the 'Home' tab of the record view. This field is always editable while the transaction is in a status of New. Insert excerpt |
| Def - Bill of Lading |
| Def - Bill of Lading |
nopanel | true |
Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.BOL |
Comment | Insert excerpt |
| Comment - Header |
| Comment - Header |
nopanel | true |
Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.Description |
Corrected From | Insert excerpt |
| Corrected From |
| Corrected From |
nopanel | true |
| This field only displays a value when the transaction was corrected and is never editable.
Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.CorrectedFromTransactionHeaderSK |
Created | Insert excerpt |
| Created |
| Created |
nopanel | true |
| Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.CreatedDate |
Created By | Insert excerpt |
| Created By |
| Created By |
nopanel | true |
| Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.CreatedBy |
GL Date | Insert excerpt |
| GL Date |
| GL Date |
nopanel | true |
This is required and can be edited from the 'Properties' tab on the Transfer transaction record view. If no value is specified, this field will be populated with the transaction date on save. Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.GLDate |
Last Updated | Insert excerpt |
| Last Updated |
| Last Updated |
nopanel | true |
Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.LastUpdated |
Last Updated By | Insert excerpt |
| Last Updated By |
| Last Updated By |
nopanel | true |
Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.LastUser |
PO # | Insert excerpt |
| Purchase Order |
| Purchase Order |
nopanel | true |
Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.POHeaderSk |
Received From | Identifies the name of the entity (Vendor, Fisherman, Grower, etc.) the product was received from. This is only required if a PO # has been entered on the transaction. This is editable when the transaction is in a Status of "New" for Receipts that are not linked to a PO #. For Receipts that are linked to a PO #, this is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.ReceivedFrom |
Reference | Insert excerpt |
| Reference |
| Reference |
nopanel | true |
This is not required and can be edited from the 'Home' tab on the record view while in the status of New. Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.Reference |
Site ID | Insert excerpt |
| Site ID |
| Site ID |
nopanel | true |
This is required and can be edited from the 'Home' tab on the record view while in the status of New prior to Save. Insert excerpt |
| Def - Site |
| Def - Site |
nopanel | true |
Database Fields: ERPx_MFSite.SiteID, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.SiteSK |
Site Name | Insert excerpt |
| Site Name - LV |
| Site Name - LV |
nopanel | true |
Database Fields: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.SiteSK |
Status | This is required and can be edited from the 'Status' on the 'Home' tab of the Adjustment, Production, Receipt and Transfer Record View and represents the status of the transaction. This is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New' or 'Approved'. Insert excerpt |
| Def - Status |
| Def - Status |
nopanel | true |
| The Statuses that apply to transactions in this List View include:
Insert excerpt |
| Def - Status - New |
| Def - Status - New |
nopanel | true |
Insert excerpt |
| Def - Status - Approved |
| Def - Status - Approved |
nopanel | true |
Insert excerpt |
| Def - Status - Ready to Post |
| Def - Status - Ready to Post |
nopanel | true |
Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionStatus.TransactionStatusName, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionStatusSK |
To Site ID | Insert excerpt |
| To Site ID |
| To Site ID |
nopanel | true |
This is required and can be edited from the 'Home' tab on the record view while in the status of New prior to Save. This field is only visible on Transfer type transactions. Insert excerpt |
| Def - Site |
| Def - Site |
nopanel | true |
Database Field: ERPx_MFSite.SiteID, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.ToSiteSK |
To Site Name | Insert excerpt |
| To Site Name |
| To Site Name |
nopanel | true |
This is required and can be edited from the 'Home' tab on the record view while in the status of New prior to Save. This field is only visible on Transfer type transactions. Insert excerpt |
| Def - Site |
| Def - Site |
nopanel | true |
Database Field: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.ToSiteSK |
Trans Date | Insert excerpt |
| Doc Date |
| Doc Date |
nopanel | true |
| This is not required and can be edited from the 'Home' tab on the record view while in the status of New. For Transfer type transactions this is the 'Transferred On' date. Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionDate |
Transaction Class | Insert excerpt |
| Transaction Class |
| Transaction Class |
nopanel | true |
This is required and is a system assigned value based on which transaction class the user created the transaction in. It is never editable by a user. Insert excerpt |
| Def - Transaction Class - General |
| Def - Transaction Class - General |
nopanel | true |
Database Field: ERPX_IMTransactionClass.TransactionClassID,ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionClassSK |
Transaction ID | Insert excerpt |
| Transaction ID |
| Transaction ID |
nopanel | true |
Clicking on the link opens the corresponding transaction record view. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. Insert excerpt |
| Def - Transaction ID |
| Def - Transaction ID |
nopanel | true |
Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionID |
Transaction Type | Insert excerpt |
| Transaction Type |
| Transaction Type |
nopanel | true |
| This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. The transaction types are: Adjustment, Production, Receipt and Transfer. Insert excerpt |
| Def - Transaction Types |
| Def - Transaction Types |
nopanel | true |
Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionType.TransactionTypeDescription, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionTypeSK |
Via Site ID | Insert excerpt |
| Via Site ID |
| Via Site ID |
nopanel | true |
This is not required and can be edited from the 'Home' tab on the record view while in the status of New prior to Save. This field is only visible on Transfer type transactions. Insert excerpt |
| Def - Site |
| Def - Site |
nopanel | true |
Database Field: ERPx_MFSite.SiteID, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.ViaSiteSK |
Via Site Name | Insert excerpt |
| Via Site Name |
| Via Site Name |
nopanel | true |
| This is not required and can be edited from the 'Home' tab on the record view while in the status of New prior to Save. This field is only visible on Transfer type transactions. Insert excerpt |
| Def - Site |
| Def - Site |
nopanel | true |
Database Field: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.ViaSiteSK |