Program amounts for Brokerage, Off Book, and Rebate programs are accrued for and posted with sales transactions. The 'Settle' (pay) the accrued amounts, the programs must be Settled. The purpose of this page is to create settlements that reduce the open program balances by converting them to Accounts Payable Invoices (or AP Credit Memos for sales returns) or Accounts Receivable credits.
Software Version: 2022.06.16 and newer
Table of Contents | ||
Toolbar Icons | Description | ||||||||||||||||
Auto Fill Amounts | This button displays options to:
If using this feature to Write Off balances, you must either have a Write Off code saved in the Sales Program 'Reason Code for Write Offs' Preference or you must manually assign the Write Off Code to each transaction by selecting the record, clicking the 'Edit Amounts' icon, and manually assigning the Write Off Code to each transaction item. | ||||||||||||||||
Column Filter Show/Hide |
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Edit Amounts | Opens the 'Edit Amounts' List View, filtered for the transaction that was selected, to allow edit of the 'Amt. To Settle' and/or 'Write Off Program Amt.' for the individual Sales Transactions Iines. This can only be opened for one Transaction at a time else the message "Please select one row and try again." will be displayed. | ||||||||||||||||
Excel |
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Group By Show/Hide |
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Quick Column Filter |
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Remove Payment | Removes the amounts in both the 'Amt. to Settle' and 'Write Off Program Amt.' columns for all the tagged/selected records. | ||||||||||||||||
Saved Layouts |
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Fields | Description | ||||||||||||||||
Amt. to Settle |
Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader. | ||||||||||||||||
Closed Date |
Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.OrderPaidOffDate | ||||||||||||||||
Customer ID |
Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.CustomerID | ||||||||||||||||
Customer Name |
Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.CustomerName | ||||||||||||||||
OK To Pay | A Yes/No value that indicates whether a transaction on a sales program is okay to pay/settle.
This is used for auto-selecting transactions to settle and for informational purposes only. Program transactions can still be settled no matter what this value is. This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database. | ||||||||||||||||
Open Program Amt. |
This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database. | ||||||||||||||||
Payee ID | Identifies the ID of the Customer or Vendor that will be paid for the Program. This is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.ProgramEntitySK, ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.SettleToEntityID | ||||||||||||||||
Payee Name | Identifies the Name of the Customer or Vendor that will be paid for the Program. This is not editable. Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerName, ERPx_SPProgramHeader.ProgramEntitySK, ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.SettleToEntityName | ||||||||||||||||
PO |
Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.PONumber | ||||||||||||||||
Program |
Database Fields: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.Description, ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.ProgramHeaderSK | ||||||||||||||||
Program Amt. | Remaining Amt. | Settle To |
Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader. | SettledAmountComputedAmount | Trans Amt. | ||||||||||||
Identifies Remaining Program Amt. |
This value is not stored in the database. | ||||||||||||||||
Settle To | Identifies how the Program will be settled (paid). This defaults from the Sales Program and is not editable. The available options include:
Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.SettlementMethodName | ||||||||||||||||
Settled Program Amt. |
Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.SettledAmount | ||||||||||||||||
Trans Amt. | Identifies the 'Invoice' amount of the Sales transaction. This is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.TotalOrderAmount | ||||||||||||||||
Trans Class |
Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderHeader.DocumentID | ||||||||||||||||
Trans Curr. | Identifies the Currency ID that the transaction was entered in. This comes from the Customer and is not editable. Database Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID, ERPx_SOOrderHeader.CurrencySK | ||||||||||||||||
Trans Date |
Invoiced Date' field on the ' Shipments' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View and is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.InvoiceDate | ||||||||||||||||
Tran Trans Open Amt. | Identifies the open/unpaid amount of the sales transaction. This value is updated whenis only editable by applying Payment Receipts, Credits, or Returns This is not editableto the transaction. Not sure where this comes from or if it is calculated, how it is calculated. | ||||||||||||||||
Trans Type |
Order, Return and Price Adjustment.
Database Fields: ERPx_ARTransactionType.TransactionName, ERPx_SOOrderHeader.OrderTypeSK | ||||||||||||||||
Transaction |
Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.InvoiceNumber | ||||||||||||||||
Write Off Program Amt. |
Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.WriteOffAmount |