Inventory Price Lists can be assigned to Transfer Transaction Class(es) so that new transfer transactions default the correct prices for insurance purposes. The purpose of this page is to add, edit, and remove these records. Insert excerpt Def - Price List Def - Price List nopanel true
Software Version: 2023.08.31 and newer
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Fields | Description | ||||||||
Currency | A single select lookup to identify the Currency of the Price List. This is required and defaults from the Currency setup as the 'Home Currency' on the Company → Preferences page. As soon as a Price List has been successfully saved for the first time, this is no longer editable. If missing, the message "Currency is required'" will be displayed on Save. The lookup contains a blank value, and the list of all Currencies open to the company in the System → Configuration → Currencies List View.
Database Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID, ERPx_MFPriceListHeader.CurrencySK | ||||||||
Description | A text box to add/edit the name (long description) of the Price List. This is required but does not have to be unique. If missing, the message "Description is required." will be displayed on Save. This defaults to blank and must be <= 50 characters. This is always editable. Database Field: ERPx_MFPriceListHeader.Description | ||||||||
Inactive | A Yes/No lookup to indicate whether or not the price list is inactive. This defaults to "No", is required, and can be edited at any time. Database Field: ERPx_MFPriceListHeader.IsInactive | ||||||||
Price List | A text box to add/edit the unique name of the Price List. This is required and must be unique. If missing, the message "Price List is required." will be displayed on Save. This defaults to blank and must be <= 25 characters. This is always editable. Database Field: ERPx_MFPriceListHeader.PriceListID | ||||||||
Price List Class | Identifies the type of transactions that the Price List applies to. This defaults from the selection made when the 'New' icon was selected. It is required and never editable. The values include:
This lookup contains the values in the MFPriceListClass Enumeration Class where EnumerationValue = 5. Database Field: ERPx_MFPriceListHeader.PriceListClassEN | ||||||||
Price List Type | A single select lookup to identify the Type of Price list. This defaults to "Standard", is required, and is not editable. The lookup contains the following options:
This lookup contains the values in the MFPriceListType Enumeration Class where EnumerationValue = 1. Database Field: ERPx_MFPriceListHeader.PriceListTypeEN | ||||||||
Prices Include Freight Cost | A Yes/No field to identify of the prices on this price list include freight. This defaults to "No", is required, and is never editable. This is informational only, there is no functionality built around this setting. Database Field: ERPx_MFPriceListHeader.IsFreightIncluded |
Transfer Items Tab
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Fields | Description | ||||||||
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Current Price | A textbox that identifies the current price of the line item. This updates upon save and is never editable by the user. This is calculated by looking up the Item's Price List History and finding the Price that is currently effective. Database Fields: ERPx_MFPriceListItemHistory.Price, ERPx_MFPriceListItem.PriceListItemSK, ERPx_MFPriceListHeader.PriceListSK | ||||||||
Current Price Date Range | Identifies the effective date range for the current price of the line item. This defaults to blank but updates upon save and is never editable by the user. This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database. Database Fields: ERPx_MFPriceListItemHistory.PriceEffectiveDateStart, ERPx_MFPriceListItemHistory.PriceEffectiveDateEnd, ERPx_MFPriceListItem.PriceListItemSK, ERPx_MFPriceListHeader.PriceListSK | ||||||||
End Date | A date picker to assign the last effective date for the item price This defaults to blank and is conditionally required based on the "Require Item Price End Date" Sales Order preference. Once an 'End Date' is entered and saved, it will refresh to blank, allowing for a new entry, and either the 'Current Price Date Range' or the 'Next Price Date Range' field will be updated with the Start Date and End Date previously entered and saved, depending on if the dates entered are current or in the future. Database Field: ERPx_MFPriceListItemHistory.PriceEffectiveDateEnd | ||||||||
Item | A single select lookup to add a new item to the Price List. When the 'New' icon is clicked from the toolbar, a blank row is added to grid allowing the user to add a new item. The lookup includes the list of all 'Active' Items displayed as [ItemID] - [Item Description]. This defaults to blank but is required to save a line item. This is not editable after Save. Database Fields: ERPx_IMItem.ItemID - ItemDescription, ERPx_MFPriceListItem.PriceListItemSK | ||||||||
Next Price | A textbox that identifies the next price of the line item. This updates upon save and is never editable by the user. This is calculated by looking up the Item's Price List History and finding the Price that will be effective after the current price is no longer effective. This will only have a value if prices have been entered with a 'Start Date' in the future. This is a calculated field and is not stored in the database. Database Fields: ERPx_MFPriceListItemHistory.Price, ERPx_MFPriceListItem.PriceListItemSK, ERPx_MFPriceListHeader.PriceListSK | ||||||||
Next Price Date Range | Identifies the effective date range for the next price of the line item. This defaults to blank but updates upon save and is never editable by the user. This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database. Database Fields: ERPx_MFPriceListItemHistory.PriceEffectiveDateStart, ERPx_MFPriceListItemHistory.PriceEffectiveDateEnd, ERPx_MFPriceListItem.PriceListItemSK, ERPx_MFPriceListHeader.PriceListSK | ||||||||
Price | A textbox to enter the new price for the line item. To save a new Price, both a 'Price' and a 'Start Date' must be entered.
Database Field: ERPx_MFPriceListItemHistory.Price | ||||||||
Price UOM | A single select lookup to identify the Price UOM for the item. This defaults as blank, is required, and is not editable after the initial save. If missing, the line item will not be added on Save. The lookup contains a list of all the UOMs on the Item's assigned UOM Schedule. Database Field: ERPx_MFPriceListItemHistory.PriceUOMSK | ||||||||
Start Date | A date picker to assign the effective date for the item price This defaults to blank and is required. Once an 'End Date' is entered and saved, it will refresh to blank, allowing for a new entry, and either the 'Current Price Date Range' or the 'Next Price Date Range' field will be updated with the Start Date and End Date previously entered and saved, depending on if the dates entered are current or in the future. Database Field: ERPx_MFPriceListItemHistory.PriceEffectiveDateEnd | ||||||||
UOM Schedule | A textbox to show the 'UOM Schedule' assigned to the Price List Item. This defaults on Save, if required, and is never editable. Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMID, ERPx_IMItem.UOMScheduleSK, ERPx_MFPriceListItem.PriceListItemSK |
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Fields | Description | ||||||||
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Transfer Class | This field displays a drop-down menu to assign a Transfer Class to the price list. The price list will be applied only to the transfer classes assigned to the price list. One or more transfer classes can be assigned to the price list, however each class cannot be assigned to multiple price lists. A single select lookup to assign a Transfer Class to the Price List. The price list will be automatically applied only to the Transfer Class(es) assigned to the Price List. One or more Transfer Classes can be assigned to a single Price List. Database Fields: ERPx_IMTransactionClassPriceList.TransactionClassSK, ERPx_APTransactionClass.TransactionClassID |