The purpose of this page is to view/edit Production Batch information.
Software Version: 2021.11.24 and newer
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Fields | Description |
Production Batch | Identifies the Production Batch and associated Item ID, displayed as [Production Batch]: [Item Description]. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required. When manually adding a new Production Batch this field defaults to blank and is disabled. Selecting another value reloads the page for the associated Production Batch Item. This field is always editable if it is enabled. The lookup contains a list of all Production Batch Items Database Fields: ERPx_IMItem.ItemID, ERPx_IMItem.ItemDescription |
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Fields | Description |
Group: Base Properties | |
Production Batch |
Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.ProductionLotID |
Item |
Database Fields: ERPX_IMItem.ItemID, ERPX_IMItem.ItemDescription, ERPx_IMProductionLot.ItemSK |
Batch Site Name |
Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.ManufactureSiteSK |
Batch Date |
Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.DateProduced |
Batch Expiration Date |
Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.ExpirationDate |
Batch Comment |
Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.LotComment |
Country of Origin | |
Received From | |
Batch Class | Identifies the Production Batch Class assigned to the Product Batch. This defaults from the "Production Batch Class" assigned to the Item but can be changed. This is always editable. |
Status |
The Statuses that apply to Production Batches include: Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.StatusSK |
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Fields | Description |
Received From | |
Transaction Type | Identifies the source of the "Received From". If the Received From record was manually added, this will be set to "Manually Added". If the Received From came from a Transaction, the Transaction Type will be shown. |
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Fields | Description |
Country of Origin |
The Attributes tab is where Production Batch Attributes are assigned to lots. If any required attributes are missing the
Fields | Description |
Attributes |
Value | |
Required |
The Certifications tab is where applicable Certifications are assigned to Production Batches. The list of Certifications includes all 'Active' Certifications in the Certifications Master File (Inventory > Quality > Lot Certifications) that have a type of either 'Item Only' or 'Item and Site'.
Fields | Description |
Checkbox | Used to assign the corresponding certification to the Production Batch. If checked, the Certification is assigned to the Production Batch. If unchecked, the Certification does not apply to the Production Batch. |
Certification | Displays the read-only name of Certification. |
Page Definitions |
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