The purpose of this list view is to display Tickets that have not been posted. From this list view, users may open the corresponding Ticket. 

(lightbulb) This list view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up under the 'Grower Accounting' Transaction attribute type. Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved column layout. User configured attributes are not included in the help documentation.

Software Version: 2022.06.30 and newer

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  • Reprice/Correct - This allows users to reprice or correct one or more posted tickets.
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A calculated field that equals the sum of the 'Accruals' associated with all the Ticket Items. This is a calculated field and can only be edited by changing the Rate on one or more Accrual lines.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.GrossAccrualsAmount


A calculated field that equals the sum of the 'Charges' associated with all the Ticket Items. This is a calculated field and can only be edited by changing the Rate on one or more Charge lines.

[Ticket Net] = [Ticket Gross] - [Charges]

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.GrossChargesAmount


Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.CreatedDate

Created By

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.CreatedBy


Identifies the Crop that was harvested from the Field assigned to the Ticket. This can only be edited when initially creating a ticket.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.CropSK


Identifies the date the ticket was delivered. This can only be edited by editing the 'Delivered' field on the Ticket Record View for tickets that have not yet been Approved or Posted.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.DeliveryDate

Delivered Wt.

 This is a calculated field that cannot be edited unless either the 'Weight In', 'Weight Out', or 'Total Tare' amounts are edited.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.NetWeight

Farmer Class

Identifies the Class assigned to the Farmer on the ticket. This can only be edited from the Farmer Master File.

Database Field: ERPx_APVendor.VendorClassSK

Farmer ID

Identifies the ID of the Farmer that the ticket is assigned to.  This can only be edited by changing the 'Vendor ID' value on the Vendor Record View. 

Database Field: ERPx_APVendor.VendorID

Farmer Name

Identifies the Farmer that the ticket is assigned to. This can only be edited by changing the 'Vendor Name' value on the Vendor Record View.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.FarmerSK


Identifies the Field the ticket was harvested from. This can only be edited when initially creating a ticket.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.FieldSK

GL Date

This is required for the transaction to be approved or posted. It can be edited from the 'GL Date' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Ticket Record View for tickets that have not been Approved or Posted.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.GLDate

GL Period

 This is required for the transaction to be approved or posted. It is not directly editable.  It can only be changed by editing the 'GL Date' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Ticket Record View for tickets that have not been Approved or Posted. This field is not stored in the database.

GL Year

 This is required for the transaction to be approved or posted. It is not directly editable.  It can be changed by editing the 'GL Date' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Ticket Record View for tickets that have not been Approved or Posted. This field is not stored in the database.

Gross Amt.

 This is a calculated field that is only editable by changing the weights and/or prices of one or more ticket items.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.GrossTicketAmount

Gross Wt.

 This is a calculated field that cannot be edited unless either the 'Weight In' or 'Weight Out' amounts are edited.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.GrossWeight


Identifies the date the ticket was harvested. This can only be edited by editing the 'Harvested' field on the Ticket Record View for tickets that have not yet been Approved or Posted.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.HarvestDate


Identifies who harvested the crop. This is not required and can be edited on the 'Properties' tab of the Ticket Record View for tickets that have not been Approved or Posted.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.HarvesterSK


Identifies who delivered the crop. This is not required and can be edited on the 'Properties' tab of the Ticket Record View for tickets that have not been Approved or Posted.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.HaulerSK

Hold Code

Identifies the Hold Code that has been assigned to the ticket. This is not required and can be edited on the 'Properties' tab of the Ticket Record View for tickets that have not been Approved or Posted. 

Database Fields: ERPx_MFHoldCode.HoldCode, ERPx_CPTicketHeaderHold.HoldCodeSK

Last Updated

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.LastUpdated

Last Updated By

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.LastUser

Net Amt.

 This is a calculated field and is not editable.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.NetTicketAmount

Paid Wt.

 This can only be edited by editing the 'Price' of a ticket line on the Ticket Record View for tickets that have not yet been Approved or Posted. 

(lightbulb) Note: Paid Weight is calculated for line-items with a non-zero Price. Items with a negative price are considered 'paid'.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.PaidWeight

Price List

Identifies the Price List associated with the Farmer on the ticket. This can only be edited by changing the price list assigned to the farmer.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.PriceListSK

Sample Size

 This is editable from the Item's Grid on the Ticket Record View for tickets that have not been Approved or Posted.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.SampleWeight

Site Name

This comes from the 'Site' lookup on the Ticket Record View. It is not editable. 

Database Fields: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_CPTicketHeader.SiteSK


This comes from the 'Status' on the 'Home' tab of the Ticket Record View. It is not editable. 

 The Statuses that apply to transactions in this Inquiry include:

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.TicketStatusSK, ERPx_CPTicketStatus.StatusName


This is a system assigned value and is not editable. Clicking on this link opens the transaction record view. 

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.TicketNumber

Ticket Class

 This comes from the 'Transaction Class' value selected by the user when the transaction was created. It is not editable.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.TransactionClassSK

Total Tare

Identifies the 'Total Tare' weight of delivery. This is not required and is editable from either the 'Total Tare' field on the Home tab or by editing the details on the Tare tab of the ticket record view.

  • If the Tare is entered on the Tare tab, this field will populate from the detail totals and be disabled.
  • If the Tare is being managed from the Home tab, it is editable until the Ticket is in a Status of Approved, Ready to Post, or Posted.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.ContainerTare

Unpaid Wt.

 This can only be edited by editing the 'Price' of a ticket line on the Ticket Record View for tickets that have not yet been Approved or Posted.

(lightbulb) Note: Unpaid Weight is only calculated for line-items with a 0.00 Price. Items with a negative price are not considered 'Unpaid'.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.UnpaidWeight


Identifies the version of the Ticket. This is a system assigned value and is not editable.  A blank value signifies a version 1 ticket. All ticket versions greater than 1 will display with a numeric value.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.TicketVersion

Weight In

 This can be edited from the 'Weight In' field on the Ticket Record View for tickets that have not yet been Approved or Posted.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.WeightIn

Weight Out

 This can be edited from the 'Weight Out' field on the Ticket Record View for tickets that have not yet been Approved or Posted.

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketHeader.WeightOut

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