
The NorthScope Inventory Receipt transaction allows the user to record the receipt of inventory purchased and received. The transaction allows multiple items received into a single site to be recorded. Before the transaction is posted, it will updated the available lot balance of the item(s). Once the transaction is posted, it will update the on-hand lot balance of the item(s). Once posted, this transaction will integrate to the host system as a receipt if the inventory transaction integration in the Company module is set to immediate or timed. 


Required Prerequisites

Optional Prerequisites

Understanding the data flow

An Inventory Receipt transaction can be used to record the receipt of inventory of a certain item. When the transaction is saved as Ready to Post, the transaction will be sent to the host system as an Inventory Adjustment transaction and the NorthScope lot balance for the item's on-hand balance will be updated accordingly. 

Step 1: Entering the transaction in NorthScope. 

Entering a new transaction

From NorthScope, expand the Inventory module on the navigation menu and select 'Transactions'. This will open the Inventory Transactions List View, which displays all Inventory Adjustment, Receipt, Production, and Transfer transactions in a status of New, Approved, or Ready to Post. 

Click the New toolbar icon. This opens a drop-down menu, which displays all active inventory transaction classes for the user to select the transaction class for the transaction. Select any of the receipt transaction classes to open a blank Receipt type record view. 

Completing the header fields

To view the description of each of the Receipt header fields, click here

Note: Status can also be updated from the transactions List View via the Mass Update toolbar icon.

Adding line items

By default, new Inventory Receipt transactions open twenty blank line items for data entry. Complete the data entry by adding one line for each adjustment.

To view the description of each of the Receipt line item fields, click here.

Note: The Units and Weight values must either both be positive or both be negative for each individual item. 

Note: The Production Batch and the Warehouse Lot information doesn't need to be manually entered, if Allocate Item feature is used. The Warehouse Lot field is only required when the site is Warehouse Lot tracked.

Finding Lots

To allocate items to the inventory transaction, click the Find Lots grid toolbar icon. This will open the Find Inventory Lots window with the following header fields:

 Allocate From: The site used for allocation. This defaults to the site selected on the transaction record and the field cannot be edited.

Transaction Lines: Displays how many lots have been allocated for this transaction.

The find lots window displays all products and lots for the selected site. The Search toolbar can be used to search lots. The lots can be searched by:

Lots can be also searched by multiple search criteria like ‘Item ID & Production Batch ID’ or ‘Item Description & Production Batch ID & Warehouse Lot’. The search can be executed by hitting enter key or clicking the search icon and the search results are displayed in the grid below.

The grid default view includes the following columns:

To allocate the units on the transaction, enter the appropriate quantity of units and/or weight to the Units / Weight fields. Allocation can be done using Units and/or Weight depending on the item configuration. Items that are managed by units only, have only the Units field editable. Items that are managed by Weight only, have only the Weight field editable. If the item is set to variable weight, both Units and Weight fields can be edited. Items that are not variable weight will automatically update Units or Weight column when a value has been entered to one of the fields.

Note: If more than one item is being allocated, click save after each allocation and verify that the Transaction Lines field is updated accordingly.

Once allocations are complete, click the Save toolbar icon and close the Allocate Item window or simply click Save & Close. The Production Batch and the Warehouse Lot (if the site is lot tracked) are now populated based on the information entered on the Find Lots window.

The Available Units of the Lot Balance is updated when the Allocation has been completed and the Record is Saved. Once the Record is Posted, the On-Hand Units of the Lot Balance is updated.

Assigning the Attributes (Optional)

The Attributes tab on the Receipt transaction will include all user-defined Attributes assigned to the Inventory - Receipt transaction.   Attribute values are editable for all transaction statuses.

To setup Attributes for the Receipt transaction, navigate to Company→User-Defined Attributes→Inventory→Transactions→Inventory - Receipt.

Editing Properties (Optional)

The Properties tab includes transaction settings and informational fields.

Saving the transaction

Saving the Receipt transaction as New will create lots for items that are not assigned to an existing lot and will update the available lot balances of items assigned to existing lots.

Note: A message will be displayed to the user if lot balances are negative and a new transaction is created which would impact those balances positively, however the overall balances would still be negative.  For example, if the lot balance is -10 Cases and a Receipt transaction adds 5 Cases, the overall lot balance would still be negative. The following options are possible workarounds: 

Step 2: Finalizing the transaction in NorthScope.

Changes can be made to a transaction until it is finalized. To finalize a transaction, the user will need to change the status to “Ready to Post”.  In some companies, posting is a two-step process where transaction(s) are “Approved” by one person and posted by another. 

Approving the transaction

This step is optional and is used for companies that require a two-step process where there the person who approves the transaction cannot be the same person that posts the transaction.

To approve a transaction open it from the list view, change the status to “Approved”, and click the “Save” icon on the header toolbar. In addition to the validations performed each time the “Save” icon is clicked, there are additional validations that are performed:

Once the status has been successfully updated to “Approved”, all the editable fields, with the exception of Status, will be disabled.

Finalizing the transaction

When the transaction is ready to be finalized, the user must open it and change the status to “Ready to Post” and save the transaction. Setting the adjustment to “Ready to Post” does the following:

Note: When the transaction has been saved as Ready to Post, the status is automatically updated to Posted, which will then remove the transaction from the IM Transactions List View. These transactions can be viewed on Transaction History inquiries.

Step 3: Posting the transaction in the host system.

For every Inventory Receipt transaction in NorthScope, an Inventory Adjustment transaction will be made in the host system if the Company Integration Setup for 'IM Transactions' is set to Timed or Immediate. The transaction will appear in the host system's Inventory module as a Transaction Entry in the batch titled NS followed by the year, month, and day with the following format: NS: YY_MM_DD. For example, if the Receipt was integrated on July 14, 2015, the Batch ID for the transaction entry would be NS: 15_07_14. 

The values that will be sent to the host system include the following:

Once the user verifies all fields are correct, the user can post the batch in the host system. 

Note: Although this step is required, it does not need to be done for each transaction. Posting can be done nightly or as needed.

If the Integration Setup for IM Transactions is set to None, the transaction status is set to posted after the transaction is saved as Ready to Post.