
Promotion programs are used to automate charges and discounts. These show up on the customer invoice as a line item. These are most commonly used for things like giving a 5% discount on all Frozen Vegetables purchased in the month of August. Promotions are assigned based on Item Sets and the Customer Addresses that are assigned to the Promotion. Because Promotion Programs add a line item to the Sales Transaction and all the accounting is based on the ‘Promotion Item’ code, an item must exist to account for promotions on invoices.


Required Prerequisites

Optional Prerequisites

Understanding the Data Flow

A Promotions Sales Program will automatically be applied on any eligible Sales Order transaction, as determined by the Promotion’s assigned Item Set(s), Customer Address(es), and date range, and will calculate automatically based on the promotion’s calculation method and rate for the applicable item set(s). When the Promotions Sales Program is applied to a Sales Order transaction, it will display as a line item on the invoice. The line item that displays is determined by the ‘Promotion Item’ assigned to the applicable item set(s) on the promotion. Because the promotion’s calculations are reflected via the ‘Promotion Item’, the accounting for this item will be determined by the item’s ‘Accounts’ setup for its ‘Sales’ account and will be posted along with the Invoice. 

Step 1: Creating the Promotions Sales Program

To create a Promotions Sales Program, navigate to the Sales Programs module in NorthScope, open the Programs page, click the New toolbar icon, and select Promotions.

This will open the ‘Sales Programs: New Promotions’ window with the promotion ID automatically assigned based on the Sales Programs preference for ‘Next Program ID’.

Completing the Header Fields

When creating a new promotion Sales Program, the following header fields will display for data entry:

Once completing the header fields, click Save.

Then, assign the Item Set(s) eligible for the promotion.

Assigning Item Sets

To assign an item set, open the Item Sets tab within the Sales Program record and click the New grid toolbar icon.

This will open a single line item for data entry with the following fields:

Once entering all the Item Set fields, click the Save grid toolbar icon.

Multiple Item Sets can be assigned to a single Sales Program. To assign additional Item Sets, follow the steps above for each additional Item Set.

Assigning Addresses/Address Sets

Depending on the Sales Program property ‘Assign Address By’ the customer addresses are assigned to the program by the address sets or individual addresses.

Assigning Address Sets

Note: Applies to programs with ‘Assign Address By’ set to Address Set.

To assign an Address Set, open the Address Sets tab within the Sales Program record and click the New grid toolbar icon.

This will open a single line item for data entry will the following field(s):

After assigning the desired Address Set, click Save.

Multiple Address Sets can be assigned to a single Sales Program. To assign additional Address Sets, follow the steps above for each additional Address Set.

Assigning Addresses

Note: Applies to programs with ‘Assign Address By’ set to Address.

To assign a Customer Address, open the Customers tab within the Sales Program record.

The Customers tab will display all customer addresses with a check box, allowing the user to select the address(es) to assign to the program. Each column within the list is filterable, allowing the user to easily narrow down the addresses that display to select the appropriate addresses to assign. To assign addresses to a program, check the check box displayed before the Customer ID and click Mass Update.  This opens the mass update dialog, where addresses can be assigned. Set ‘Assign Addresses’ to ‘Yes’ and click Apply. Also the start date can be assigned on the mass update dialog, but this is not required. Multiple addresses can be assigned to the program simultaneously. To remove addresses from the program, check the check box and click Mass Update toolbar icon. Set ‘Remove Addresses’ to ‘No’ and click Apply. When an address is assigned to a program, the On Program column displays Yes. Addresses assigned to the program are displayed on top of the list view.

Step 2: Entering a transaction with the Promotion

By default, when a Sales Order transaction is entered for a customer address that is assigned to the promotion, with at least one item belonging to an item set assigned to the promotion, with a transaction date within the promotion’s date range, the promotion will automatically be applied to the transaction and calculated accordingly. The sales program is displayed as a line item, which is for informational use only and cannot be edited. If the order has two or more items that are eligible for the same sales program, the total sales program amount is displayed as the price and the extended amount. If the sales order has items that are eligible for more than one promotion sales programs, each sales program is displayed as a separate line item.

To adjust the sales program rate or to see more sales program details, click the transaction’s Program Details header toolbar icon and open the On-Invoice tab.

This tab will display all information regarding the effect(s) of the promotion on the transaction, per item affected, with the following details:

Step 3: Posting the transaction with the Promotion

If a promotion exists on a Sales Order transaction, no additional work is needed for the promotion to be posted with the transaction. Simply follow the steps to post the transaction and the promotion will be posted with it. Steps for posting Sales Order transactions can be found here.

However, the promotion rates cannot be adjusted once the transaction is in a status of Approved or greater.

Once the invoice is saved as Ready to Post, the promotion item will visibly display on the invoice. Prior to saving the transaction as Ready to Post, the promotion will only be visible via the Program Details page.

The promotion item will integrate to the host system the same as the other line items on the invoice, so long as the SO Invoice integration is set to immediate or timed.