How are Invoice Dates and Invoice Numbers Assigned?

How are Invoice Dates and Invoice Numbers Assigned?

How are Invoices Dates Assigned?

Users can choose to manually enter an invoice date or allow the system to automatically assign a date for Sales Orders, Price Adjustments and Returns.  The following explains how invoice dates are assigned for each transaction type.

Sales Orders

Invoice dates can be manually or automatically assigned to Sales Orders according to the “How Invoice Dates are Assigned” property on the Transaction Class.  The following explains how the invoice dates are assigned for each of those property values:

Invoice Date Matches Transaction Date

When this property value is selected on the transaction class, the invoice date on the Sales Order will default to the Order Date of the transaction.

Invoice Date Matches Actual Ship Date

When this property is selected on the transaction class, the invoice date on the Sales Order will default to the Shipped Date on the Shipments tab on the transaction.

Manually Assigned

When this property value is selected on the transaction class, the invoice date on the Sales Order must be manually entered by the user. 

Price Adjustments

The invoice date on the Price Adjustment will default to the Order Date entered when creating the Price Adjustment transaction.  If the user does not enter an Order Date, it will default to the date the Price Adjustment was created and the invoice date will match this date.


The invoice date on the Return will default to the Order Date entered when creating the Return transaction.  If the user does not enter an Order Date, it will default to the date the Return was created and the invoice date will match this date.

When are Invoice Dates Assigned?

Sales Orders

Invoice dates can be assigned at different times depending on what action the user takes.  An invoice date will be assigned when the user chooses to print the invoice (either from the Record View or List View) and the Sales Order is in any status less than Approved.  If an invoice has not been printed and the Sales Order is saved as either Approved or Ready to Post/Posted, the invoice date will be assigned.  The dates assigned will be based upon the property values set on the transaction class as explained in the “How are Invoice Dates Assigned?” section of this article.  

If none of the “How Invoice Dates are Assigned” property values are selected on the Order transaction class and a user tries to Approve/Post an order, a message will be displayed stating the invoice date is missing.

Price Adjustments and Returns

Invoice dates on Price Adjustments and Returns are assigned as soon as the transaction is created.  For information on how the invoice dates are assigned to these transaction types, please see the “How are Invoice Dates Assigned?” section of this article. 

How are Invoice Numbers Assigned?

Sales Orders

Invoice numbers can be manually entered by the user or they can be assigned based upon the “Get Next Invoice Number From” property value selected in the Sales Order transaction class.

Source Order

When this property value is selected on the transaction class, the invoice number on the Sales Order will default to the Sales Order Transaction number.  The Sales Order Transaction number is assigned based on the “Document Prefix” and “Next Document Number” entered on the order transaction class.

Invoice Transaction Class

When this property value is selected on the transaction class, the invoice number on the Sales Order will default to the “Document Prefix” and “Next Document Number” entered on the Invoice transaction class.  This value is selected on the “Transaction Class for Invoices” property on the Sales Order transaction class.

Price Adjustments and Returns

Invoice numbers for Price Adjustments and Returns are automatically assigned as soon as the transaction is created based upon the “Document Prefix” and “Next Document Number” entered on the associated transaction class.  Users can edit this value and enter their own invoice number while the transaction is in a status less than Approved.

When are Invoice Numbers Assigned?

Sales Orders

An invoice number will be assigned when the user chooses to print the invoice (either from the Record View or List View) and the Sales Order transaction is in any status less than Approved.  If an invoice has not been printed and the Sales Order is saved as either Approved or Ready to Post/Posted, the invoice number will be automatically assigned with the invoice date.  The invoice number assigned will be based upon the property values set on the transaction class as explained in the “How are Invoice Numbers Assigned?” section of this article. 

If the user manually enters an Invoice date and saves the transaction, an invoice number will be assigned based upon the properties set on the transaction class.

Price Adjustments and Returns

Invoice numbers on Price Adjustments and Returns are assigned as soon as the transaction is created.  For information on how the invoice numbers are assigned to these transaction types, please see the “How are Invoice Numbers Assigned?” section of this article.

Single Date Management

There is a property on the Sales Order Transaction Class called “Single Date Management”, when this property is set to “Yes” users are only enabled to enter and edit the “Order Date” on Sales Order transaction records and the following date fields will default to the Order date:

  • Home Tab: Default Ship By
  • Home Tab: Default Deliver On
  • Shipments Tab: Ship By
  • Shipments Tab: Deliver On
  • Shipments Tab: Shipment
  • Shipments Tab: Invoiced
  • Order Item Grid: Ship By

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