The purpose of the Enumeration List is to show all the NorthScope enumerations.
Software Version: 2024.03.29
Enumeration Class | Enumeration Value | Enumeration Display | Sort |
AccountSourceDescription | 1 | Vendor Accounts Payable Account | 1 |
AccountSourceDescription | 2 | Customer Accounts Receivable Account | 2 |
AccountSourceDescription | 3 | Employee Accounts Receivable Account | 3 |
AccountSourceDescription | 4 | Checkbook Cash Account | 4 |
AccountSourceDescription | 5 | GL Account Assigned to Premium on Ticket | 5 |
AccountSourceDescription | 6 | Liability Account Assigned to Tax on Ticket | 6 |
AccountSourceDescription | 7 | Tax Account | 7 |
AccountSourceDescription | 8 | Line Item Purchase Account | 8 |
AccountSourceDescription | 9 | Line Item Sale Account | 9 |
AccountSourceDescription | 10 | Fisherman/Tender Settlement Accrual Account | 10 |
AccountSourceDescription | 11 | Applied Transaction Credit Account | 11 |
AccountSourceDescription | 12 | Purchase Account Assigned to Crop | 12 |
AccountSourceDescription | 13 | Expense Account Assigned to the Charge Item | 13 |
AccountSourceDescription | 14 | Expense Account Assigned to the Accrual Item | 14 |
AccountSourceDescription | 15 | Accrual Account Assigned to the Accrual Item | 15 |
AccountSourceDescription | 16 | Ordered Item Sale Account | 16 |
AccountSourceDescription | 17 | Ordered Item Brokerage Expense Account | 17 |
AccountSourceDescription | 18 | Ordered Item Brokerage Accrual Account | 18 |
AccountSourceDescription | 19 | Promo Item Sale Account | 19 |
AccountSourceDescription | 20 | On Invoice Item Sale Account | 20 |
AccountSourceDescription | 21 | Ordered Item Freight Program Expense Account | 21 |
AccountSourceDescription | 22 | Ordered Item Freight Program Accrual Account | 22 |
AccountSourceDescription | 23 | Ordered Item Freight Expense Account | 23 |
AccountSourceDescription | 24 | Ordered Item Freight Accrual Account | 24 |
AccountSourceDescription | 25 | Vendor Discount Taken Account | 25 |
AccountSourceDescription | 26 | Terms Discount Taken Account | 26 |
AccountSourceDescription | 27 | Ordered Item Freight Revenue Account | 27 |
AccountSourceDescription | 30 | Currency Rounding Offset | 30 |
AccountSourceDescription | 31 | Currency Exchange Gain/Loss | 31 |
AccountSourceDescription | 32 | Order Item Brokerage Writeoff Account | 32 |
AccountSourceDescription | 33 | Company Expense Account Assigned to Tax on Ticket | 33 |
AccountSourceDescription | 34 | Transfer Item Freight Expense Account | 34 |
AccountSourceDescription | 35 | Transfer Item Freight Accrual Account | 35 |
ACHAccountType | 27 | Checking | 1 |
ACHAccountType | 37 | Savings | 2 |
AddressType | 1 | Billing | 1 |
AddressType | 2 | Shipping | 2 |
AddressType | 3 | Both | 3 |
AddressType | 4 | Inactive | 4 |
AllocateBy | 1 | Allocate by Inventory Lot | 1 |
AllocateBy | 2 | Allocate by Warehouse Lot | 2 |
AllocateBy | 3 | Allocate by Item | 3 |
AP1099BoxDividend | 1 | 1a - Ordinary Dividends | 1 |
AP1099BoxDividend | 2 | 1b - Qualified Dividends | 2 |
AP1099BoxDividend | 3 | 2a - Capital Gain Distribution | 3 |
AP1099BoxDividend | 4 | 2b - Unrecap. 1250 Gain | 4 |
AP1099BoxDividend | 5 | 2c - Section 1202 Gain | 5 |
AP1099BoxDividend | 6 | 2d - 28% Rate Gain | 6 |
AP1099BoxDividend | 7 | 3 - Nontaxable Dist. | 7 |
AP1099BoxDividend | 8 | 4 - Fed Tax Withheld | 8 |
AP1099BoxDividend | 9 | 5 - Investment Exp | 9 |
AP1099BoxDividend | 10 | 6 - Foreign Tax Paid | 10 |
AP1099BoxDividend | 11 | 8 - Cash | 11 |
AP1099BoxDividend | 12 | 9 - Non-Cash | 12 |
AP1099BoxDividend | 13 | 10 - Exempt Interest Dividends | 13 |
AP1099BoxDividend | 14 | 11 - Specified Private Activity | 14 |
AP1099BoxDividend | 15 | 14 - State Tax Withheld | 15 |
AP1099BoxInterest | 1 | 1 - Interest | 1 |
AP1099BoxInterest | 2 | 2 - Early Withdrawal | 1 |
AP1099BoxInterest | 3 | 3 - Savings Bond Int | 1 |
AP1099BoxInterest | 4 | 4 - Fed Tax Withheld | 1 |
AP1099BoxInterest | 5 | 5 - Investment Exp | 1 |
AP1099BoxInterest | 6 | 6 - Foreign Tax Paid | 1 |
AP1099BoxInterest | 7 | 8 - Tax Exempt Int | 1 |
AP1099BoxInterest | 8 | 9 - Private Activ Bond Int | 1 |
AP1099BoxMisc | 1 | 1 - Rents | 1 |
AP1099BoxMisc | 2 | 2 - Royalties | 2 |
AP1099BoxMisc | 3 | 3 - Other Income | 3 |
AP1099BoxMisc | 4 | 4 - Fed Tax Withheld | 4 |
AP1099BoxMisc | 5 | 5 - Fishing Boat Proceeds | 5 |
AP1099BoxMisc | 6 | 6 - Medical Payments | 6 |
AP1099BoxMisc | 7 | 7 - Nonemployee Comp | 7 |
AP1099BoxMisc | 8 | 8 - Subst Payments | 8 |
AP1099BoxMisc | 9 | 10 - Crop Ins | 9 |
AP1099BoxMisc | 10 | 13 - Golden Parachute | 10 |
AP1099BoxMisc | 11 | 14 - Attourney Proceeds | 11 |
AP1099BoxMisc | 12 | 15a - Sec 409A Deferral | 12 |
AP1099BoxMisc | 13 | 15b - Sec 409a Income | 13 |
AP1099BoxMisc | 14 | 16 - StateTaxWithheld | 14 |
APAssignmentMethod | 1 | Auto Assign - All Tickets | 1 |
APAssignmentMethod | 3 | Auto Assign - Dock Delivery Tickets | 2 |
APAssignmentMethod | 4 | Auto Assign - Floating Tickets | 4 |
APAssignmentMethod | 2 | Manually Assigned | 3 |
APBuildCheckInclude | 1 | Invoices Only | 1 |
APBuildCheckInclude | 2 | Invoices & Credit Memos | 2 |
APBuildCheckInclude | 3 | Invoices & Checks | 3 |
APBuildCheckInclude | 4 | Invoices, Credit Memos, & Checks | 4 |
APExcludedTransactions | 1 | Adjustment | 1 |
APExcludedTransactions | 2 | Balance Transfer (From) | 2 |
APExcludedTransactions | 3 | Balance Transfer (To) | 3 |
APExcludedTransactions | 4 | Cash Receipt | 4 |
APExcludedTransactions | 5 | AP Invoice/Credit Memo/Purchase Order | 5 |
APExcludedTransactions | 6 | Fisherman Sale | 6 |
APExcludedTransactions | 7 | Payment | 7 |
APExcludedTransactions | 8 | Tender Resale | 8 |
APIAuthenticationMode | 1 | Session Token | 1 |
APIAuthenticationMode | 2 | Static Token | 2 |
APIAuthenticationMode | 3 | API Disabled | 3 |
APInterestTransactionType | 1 | Interest Charge | 1 |
APInterestTransactionType | 2 | Interest Payment | 2 |
APPOStatus | 1 | Open | 1 |
APPOStatus | 2 | Closed | 2 |
APPOType | 1 | Allow Single Invoice | 1 |
APPOType | 2 | Allow Multiple Invoices | 2 |
APPOType | 3 | Create Backorder PO | 3 |
APProgramAssignBy | 1 | Species | 1 |
APProgramAssignBy | 6 | Ticket Items | 2 |
APProgramAssignBy | 3 | Stat Areas | 3 |
APProgramAssignBy | 2 | Gear | 4 |
APProgramAssignBy | 7 | Chill Type | 5 |
APProgramAssignBy | 4 | Fishermen | 6 |
APProgramAssignBy | 5 | Management Programs | 7 |
APProgramAssignBy | 8 | Site Processed | 8 |
APProgramCalcMethod | 1 | % Amount | 1 |
APProgramCalcMethod | 2 | Delivered Weight | 2 |
APProgramCalcMethod | 3 | Net Weight | 3 |
APProgramCalcMethod | 4 | Fixed Amount | 4 |
APProgramCalcMethod | 5 | Paid Weight | 5 |
APProgramCalcMethod | 6 | % Taxable Amount | 6 |
APProgramEntity | 1 | Species | 1 |
APProgramEntity | 2 | Gear | 2 |
APProgramEntity | 3 | Stat Areas | 3 |
APProgramEntity | 4 | Fishermen | 4 |
APProgramEntity | 5 | Management Programs | 5 |
APProgramEntity | 6 | Ticket Items | 6 |
APProgramEntity | 7 | Chill Type | 7 |
APProgramEntity | 8 | Site Processed | 8 |
APProgramExpenseFor | 1 | Fisherman | 1 |
APProgramExpenseFor | 2 | Company | 2 |
APProgramGroup | 1 | Borough | 1 |
APProgramGroup | 2 | Chill | 2 |
APProgramGroup | 3 | City | 3 |
APProgramGroup | 4 | Dock | 4 |
APProgramGroup | 5 | Observer | 5 |
APProgramGroup | 6 | State | 6 |
APProgramGroup | 7 | Other | 7 |
APProgramType | 1 | Premium | 1 |
APProgramType | 2 | Tax | 2 |
APSourceTransactionType | 1 | Load Transaction Leg Payment | 1 |
APSourceTransactionType | 2 | Settlement Transaction | 2 |
APSourceTransactionType | 3 | SP Settlement Payment | 3 |
APSourceTransactionType | 4 | AP Interest Charge Line | 4 |
APSourceTransactionType | 5 | AP Interest Payment Line | 5 |
APTaxType | 1 | No 1099 | 1 |
APTaxType | 2 | Dividend | 2 |
APTaxType | 3 | Interest | 3 |
APTaxType | 4 | Misc | 4 |
APTicketGLDateOption | 1 | Delivery Date | 1 |
APTicketGLDateOption | 2 | Landed Date | 2 |
APVendorType | 1 | Vendor | 1 |
APVendorType | 2 | Fisherman | 2 |
APVendorType | 3 | Tender | 3 |
APVendorType | 4 | Fisherman & Tender | 4 |
APVendorType | 5 | Loan | 5 |
ARCreditLimitOption | 1 | No Credit | 1 |
ARCreditLimitOption | 2 | Unlimited Credit | 2 |
ARCreditLimitOption | 3 | Specific Amount | 3 |
ARCustomerAddrAttributeDataType | 1 | Text | 1 |
ARCustomerAddrAttributeDataType | 2 | List | 2 |
ARCustomerAddrAttributeType | 1 | System | 1 |
ARCustomerAddrAttributeType | 2 | User | 2 |
ARCustomerAddrSetRuleType | 1 | Attribute | 1 |
ARCustomerAddrSetRuleType | 2 | Excluded Cust Addr | 2 |
ARCustomerAddrSetRuleType | 3 | Included Cust Addr | 3 |
ARCustomerAttributeDataType | 1 | Text | 1 |
ARCustomerAttributeDataType | 2 | List | 2 |
ARCustomerAttributeType | 1 | System | 1 |
ARCustomerAttributeType | 2 | User | 2 |
ARCustomerFavoriteRule | 1 | Customer | 1 |
ARCustomerFavoriteRule | 2 | Address | 2 |
ARCustomerFavoriteRule | 3 | None | 3 |
ARFinanceChargeOption | 1 | None | 1 |
ARFinanceChargeOption | 2 | Percent | 2 |
ARFinanceChargeOption | 3 | Amount | 3 |
ARItemAccessOption | 1 | Limit access to only assigned Item Sets | 1 |
ARItemAccessOption | 2 | Allow access to all Items | 2 |
ARItemAccessOption | 3 | Inherit Item access from Customer | 3 |
ARItemSetEntity | 1 | Customer | 1 |
ARItemSetEntity | 2 | Customer Address | 2 |
ARSettleToEntityType | 1 | Customer | 1 |
ARSettleToEntityType | 2 | Employee | 2 |
ARSourceTransactionType | 1 | Load Transaction Leg Payment | 1 |
ARSourceTransactionType | 2 | Settlement Transaction | 2 |
ARSourceTransactionType | 3 | SP Settlement Payment | 3 |
AssignWarehouseLotsForIntegratedTransfersEN | 0 | No | 0 |
AssignWarehouseLotsForIntegratedTransfersEN | 1 | Yes - [Item ID] - [Prod Batch Date Month][Prod Batch Date Year] | 1 |
AttributeAvailableOption | 1 | Yes - Required | 1 |
AttributeAvailableOption | 2 | Yes - Not Required | 2 |
AttributeAvailableOption | 3 | No | 3 |
AttributeCategory | 1 | Master File | 1 |
AttributeCategory | 2 | Transaction | 2 |
AttributeDataType | 1 | Text | 1 |
AttributeDataType | 2 | List | 2 |
AttributeDataType | 3 | Date | 3 |
AttributeDataType | 4 | DateTime | 4 |
BaseCostingStatus | 1 | Open | 1 |
BaseCostingStatus | 2 | Closed | 2 |
BOMCostChangeType | 1 | Rate Change | 1 |
BOMCostChangeType | 2 | Recovery Change | 2 |
BOMItemType | 1 | Planning Item | 1 |
BOMItemType | 2 | Inventory Item | 2 |
BOMScalingMethod | 1 | Use BOM Recovery % | 1 |
BOMScalingMethod | 2 | Manually Set on BOM | 2 |
BOMScalingMethod | 3 | By Batch | 3 |
BOMScalingMethod | 4 | Variable | 4 |
BOMType | 1 | Costing - Breakdown | 1 |
CheckbookEntityTypeEN | 1 | Vendor | 1 |
CheckbookEntityTypeEN | 2 | Employee | 2 |
ContactEntity | 1 | Customer | 1 |
ContactEntity | 2 | Customer Address | 2 |
ContactEntity | 3 | Vendor | 3 |
ContactEntity | 4 | Vendor Address | 4 |
ContactEntity | 5 | Site | 5 |
CopyToWarehouseLotIDFromTransferToTransferReceiptEN | 0 | No | 0 |
CopyToWarehouseLotIDFromTransferToTransferReceiptEN | 1 | Yes, for all transfers | 1 |
CopyToWarehouseLotIDFromTransferToTransferReceiptEN | 2 | Yes, only for integrated transfers | 2 |
CopyToWarehouseLotIDFromTransferToTransferReceiptEN | 3 | Yes, only for manually keyed transfers | 3 |
CPAccrualCalcMethod | 1 | Paid Weight | 1 |
CPAccrualCalcMethod | 2 | Delivered Weight | 2 |
CPAccrualCalcMethod | 3 | % Gross $ | 3 |
CPAssignRateBy | 1 | Crop | 1 |
CPAssignRateBy | 2 | Item | 2 |
CPAssignRateBy | 3 | Default Rate | 3 |
CPAssignRulesBy | 1 | Crop | 1 |
CPAssignRulesBy | 2 | Item | 2 |
CPChargeCalcMethod | 1 | % Gross $ | 1 |
CPChargeCalcMethod | 2 | Delivered Weight | 2 |
CPChargeCalcMethod | 3 | Paid Weight | 3 |
CPChargeCalcMethod | 4 | Unpaid Weight | 4 |
CPChargeCalcMethod | 5 | $ Fixed Amount | 5 |
CPGrowthMethod | 1 | Organic | 1 |
CPGrowthMethod | 2 | Conventional | 2 |
CPGrowthMethod | 3 | N/A | 3 |
CPItemType | 1 | Item | 1 |
CPItemType | 2 | Dockage | 2 |
CPSettleMethod | 1 | AP Invoice | 1 |
CPSettleMethod | 2 | GL Accrual | 2 |
CPTicketRepriceSearchLevel | 1 | Ticket | 1 |
CPTicketRepriceSearchLevel | 2 | Item | 2 |
DeliveryTicketDockDelivery | 1 | Not Specified | 1 |
DeliveryTicketDockDelivery | 2 | Yes | 2 |
DeliveryTicketDockDelivery | 3 | No | 3 |
DeliveryTicketVersionType | 1 | Original | 1 |
DeliveryTicketVersionType | 2 | Correction | 2 |
DeliveryTicketVersionType | 3 | Reprice | 3 |
DistributionSource | 1 | Header | 1 |
DistributionSource | 2 | Line | 2 |
DistributionSource | 3 | Distributed Line | 3 |
DistributionSource | 4 | Tax Program | 4 |
DistributionSource | 5 | Premium Program | 5 |
DistributionSource | 6 | Payment Cash | 6 |
DistributionSource | 7 | Payment Check | 7 |
DistributionSource | 8 | Payment Card | 8 |
DistributionSource | 9 | Sales Tax | 9 |
DistributionSource | 10 | Accrual Item | 10 |
DistributionSource | 11 | Charge Item | 11 |
DistributionSource | 12 | Brokerage Program | 12 |
DistributionSource | 15 | Freight Accrual Positive Rate | 15 |
DistributionSource | 16 | Freight Accrual Negative Rate | 16 |
DistributionSource | 17 | Shipping Freight Positive | 17 |
DistributionSource | 18 | Shipping Freight Negative | 18 |
DistributionSource | 19 | Application Discount | 19 |
DistributionSource | 21 | Brokerage Program Writeoff | 20 |
DistributionSource | 22 | Tax Program - Company Expense | 22 |
EDIOrderStatus | 0 | No EDI | 1 |
EDIOrderStatus | 3 | Manual | 2 |
EDIOrderStatus | 2 | Exported | 3 |
EDIOrderStatus | 1 | Imported | 4 |
FinanceChargeGLAccountSource | 1 | Vendor Finance Charge GL Account | 1 |
FinanceChargeGLAccountSource | 2 | Interest Revenue GL Account Preference | 2 |
FreightPO | 1 | Not Applicable | 1 |
FreightPO | 2 | Freight PO Allowed | 2 |
FreightPO | 3 | Freight PO Created | 3 |
FreightPO | 4 | Freight PO not Created | 4 |
FreightRateType | 2 | $/UOM - Net Wt. | 1 |
FreightRateType | 5 | $/UOM - Gross Wt. | 2 |
FreightRateType | 1 | Fixed Amt - Net Wt. | 3 |
FreightRateType | 4 | Fixed Amt - Gross Wt. | 4 |
FreightRateType | 3 | Use Freight Programs | 5 |
GLAccountClassCategory | 1 | Asset | 1 |
GLAccountClassCategory | 2 | Liability | 2 |
GLAccountClassCategory | 3 | Equity | 3 |
GLAccountClassCategory | 4 | Income Statement | 4 |
GLAccountPostingType | 1 | Balance Sheet | 1 |
GLAccountPostingType | 2 | Income Statement | 2 |
GLAccountType | 1 | Posting | 1 |
GLAccountType | 2 | Unit | 2 |
GLAccountType | 3 | Posting Allocation | 3 |
GLAccountType | 4 | Unit Allocation | 4 |
GLControlAcctType | 1 | Brokerage | 1 |
GLControlAcctType | 2 | Rebates | 2 |
GLControlAcctType | 3 | Fisherman | 3 |
GLControlAcctType | 4 | Growers | 4 |
GLControlAcctType | 5 | Vendors | 5 |
GLControlAcctType | 6 | Customers | 6 |
GLControlAcctType | 7 | Employees | 7 |
GLControlAcctType | 8 | Fisherman Loans | 8 |
GLControlAcctType | 9 | Checkbooks | 9 |
GLControlAcctType | 10 | Retained Earnings | 10 |
GLControlAcctType | 11 | Inventory | 11 |
GLControlAcctType | 12 | Freight | 12 |
GLMoreAction | 1 | Reverse | 1 |
GLMoreAction | 2 | Reverse & Correct | 2 |
GLTypicalBalance | 1 | Debit | 1 |
GLTypicalBalance | 2 | Credit | 2 |
HandlingRateType | 2 | $/UOM - Net Wt. | 1 |
HandlingRateType | 5 | $/UOM - Gross Wt. | 2 |
HandlingRateType | 1 | Fixed Amt - Net Wt. | 3 |
HandlingRateType | 4 | Fixed Amt - Gross Wt. | 4 |
HandlingRateType | 3 | Use Freight Programs | 5 |
IMAllowNegativeAvailableBalances | 1 | Allowed | 1 |
IMAllowNegativeAvailableBalances | 2 | Not Allowed | 2 |
IMAttributeAvailableOption | 1 | Yes - Required | 1 |
IMAttributeAvailableOption | 2 | Yes - Not Required | 2 |
IMAttributeAvailableOption | 3 | No | 3 |
IMAutoAllocateBinPriority | 1 | Bin Sequence | 1 |
IMAutoAllocateBinPriority | 2 | Smallest Quantity | 2 |
IMAutoAllocateLotPriority | 1 | Date Manufactured | 1 |
IMAutoAllocateLotPriority | 2 | Date Received | 2 |
IMAutoAllocateLotPriority | 3 | Smallest Quantity | 3 |
IMAutoAllocatePriority | 1 | Bins | 1 |
IMAutoAllocatePriority | 2 | Lots | 2 |
IMAutoCreateNewLots | 1 | Allowed | 1 |
IMAutoCreateNewLots | 2 | Not Allowed | 2 |
IMCertificationAssignmentType | 1 | Item | 1 |
IMCertificationAssignmentType | 2 | Lot | 2 |
IMCertificationAssignmentType | 3 | Site | 3 |
IMCertificationType | 2 | Item & Site | 1 |
IMCertificationType | 1 | Item Only | 2 |
IMCertificationType | 3 | Site Only | 3 |
IMCostToUpdate | 1 | Actual | 1 |
IMCostToUpdate | 2 | Standard | 2 |
IMCostToUpdate | 3 | Market | 3 |
IMCostUpdateMethod | 1 | Increment Base | 1 |
IMCostUpdateMethod | 2 | New Base | 2 |
IMDisplayLevel | 1 | Item | 1 |
IMDisplayLevel | 2 | Item/Site | 2 |
IMDisplayLevel | 3 | Item/Site/Lot | 3 |
IMDisplayLevel | 4 | Item/Bin | 4 |
IMDisplayLevel | 5 | Item/Site/Bin | 5 |
IMDisplayLevel | 6 | Item/Site/Lot/Bin | 6 |
IMDisplayLevel | 7 | Item/Lot | 7 |
IMHoldType | 1 | Production | 1 |
IMHoldType | 2 | Quality | 2 |
IMHoldType | 3 | Return | 3 |
IMHoldType | 4 | Other | 4 |
IMIncludeInCycleCount | 1 | All Open Lots | 1 |
IMIncludeInCycleCount | 2 | Negative On Hand Balances | 2 |
IMIncludeInCycleCount | 3 | Mismatch of On-Hand Units & Weight | 3 |
IMIncludeInCycleCount | 4 | All Balances are 0.00 | 4 |
IMItemSetRuleType | 1 | Attribute | 1 |
IMItemSetRuleType | 2 | Excluded Item | 2 |
IMItemSetRuleType | 3 | Included Item | 3 |
IMItemSetRuleType | 4 | Item Class | 4 |
IMItemValuationMethod | 1 | Item - Actual | 1 |
IMItemValuationMethod | 2 | Lot - Actual | 2 |
IMItemValuationMethod | 3 | Item - Market | |
IMItemValuationMethod | 4 | Item - Standard | |
IMLineItemType | 1 | Output | 1 |
IMLineItemType | 2 | Input | 2 |
IMLineItemType | 3 | By-Product | 3 |
IMLotAttributesManagedBy | 1 | Item ID & Lot | 1 |
IMLotAttributesManagedBy | 2 | Lot | 2 |
IMLotLevel | 1 | Item Only | 1 |
IMLotLevel | 2 | Warehouse Lot | 2 |
IMLotLevel | 3 | Production Batch | 3 |
IMLotLevel | 4 | Production Batch With Warehouse Lot | 4 |
IMManageItemsBy | 1 | Units Only | 1 |
IMManageItemsBy | 2 | Weight Only | 2 |
IMManageItemsBy | 3 | Units and Weight | 3 |
IMPriceMethod | 1 | Currency Amount | 1 |
IMPriceMethod | 2 | Percent of List Price | 2 |
IMPriceMethod | 3 | Percent of Markup of Current Cost | 3 |
IMPriceMethod | 4 | Percent Markup of Standard Cost | 4 |
IMPriceMethod | 5 | Percent Margin of Current Cost | 5 |
IMPriceMethod | 6 | Percent Margin of Standard Cost | 6 |
IMProductionBatchStatus | 1 | Open | 1 |
IMProductionBatchStatus | 2 | Closed | 2 |
IMProductionLineSource | 1 | BOM | 1 |
IMProductionLineSource | 2 | Manual | 2 |
IMProductionLineSource | 3 | Production Order | 3 |
IMProductionLineSource | 4 | Production Order BOM | 4 |
IMProductionOrderAllowSubstitutes | 0 | No | 1 |
IMProductionOrderAllowSubstitutes | 1 | Yes | 2 |
IMProductionOrderAllowSubstitutes | 2 | Inventory Inputs Only | 3 |
IMProductionOrderAllowSubstitutes | 3 | Inventory Outputs Only | 4 |
IMProductionOrderStatus | 0 | Recurring | 0 |
IMProductionOrderStatus | 1 | New | 1 |
IMProductionOrderStatus | 2 | Scheduled | 2 |
IMProductionOrderStatus | 3 | Released | 3 |
IMProductionOrderStatus | 4 | In Process | 4 |
IMProductionOrderStatus | 5 | Closed | 5 |
IMQuantityType | 1 | On Hand (re-sellable) | 1 |
IMQuantityType | 2 | Returned (not re-sellable) | 2 |
IMQuantityType | 3 | Damaged (not re-sellable) | 3 |
IMTrackMethod | 1 | Item | 1 |
IMTrackMethod | 2 | Serial | 2 |
IMTrackMethod | 3 | Lot | 3 |
IMTransactionHistoryStatus | 1 | Open | 1 |
IMTransactionHistoryStatus | 2 | Posted | 2 |
IMTransactionHistoryStatus | 3 | Deleted | 3 |
IMTransactionHistoryStatus | 4 | Void | 4 |
IMUOMType | 1 | Unit | 1 |
IMUOMType | 2 | Weight | 2 |
InboundStatus | 1 | New | 1 |
InboundStatus | 2 | InProcess | 2 |
InboundStatus | 3 | Complete | 3 |
InboundStatus | 4 | Error | 4 |
InboundStatus | 5 | Not Used | 5 |
InboundStatus | 6 | Reprocess | 6 |
InboundStatus | 7 | User Bypassed | 7 |
IncludeInItemBalance | 1 | Products with Any Balance | 1 |
IncludeInItemBalance | 2 | Products with Available Balance | 2 |
IncludeInItemBalance | 3 | Products with No Balance | 3 |
IncludeInLotBalance | 1 | Lots with Any Balance | 1 |
IncludeInLotBalance | 2 | Lots with Available Balance | 2 |
IncludeInLotBalance | 3 | Open Lots | 3 |
IncludeInLotBalance | 4 | Closed Lots | 4 |
INTEGOutboundFormat | 1 | SQL | 1 |
INTEGOutboundStatus | 1 | New | 1 |
INTEGOutboundStatus | 2 | InProcess | 2 |
INTEGOutboundStatus | 3 | Complete | 3 |
INTEGOutboundStatus | 4 | Error | 4 |
INTEGOutboundStatus | 5 | Reprocess | 5 |
INTEGOutboundStatus | 6 | Hold | 6 |
INTEGOutboundStatus | 7 | UserBypassed | 7 |
INTEGOutboundTransaction | 1 | IMAdjustment | 1 |
INTEGOutboundTransaction | 2 | IMTransfer | 2 |
INTEGOutboundTransaction | 3 | IMMiscProd | 3 |
IntegrationMethod | 1 | Journal Entry only, no Transaction | 1 |
IntegrationMethod | 2 | Transaction with Journal Details | 2 |
IntegrationMethod | 3 | No Integration | 3 |
IntegrationMode | 1 | None | 1 |
IntegrationMode | 2 | Immediate | 2 |
IntegrationMode | 3 | Timed | 3 |
IntegrationMode | 4 | 3rd Party | 4 |
IntegrationTrigger | 1 | On Save | 1 |
IntegrationTrigger | 2 | On Ready to Post | 2 |
IntegrationTrigger | 3 | On Login | 3 |
IntegrationTrigger | 4 | On Job | 4 |
IntegrationTrigger | 5 | On Receipt of Record | 5 |
ItemSetType | 1 | All Modules | 1 |
ItemSetType | 2 | Customer Catalogs | 2 |
ItemSetType | 4 | Reports | 4 |
ItemSetType | 5 | Sales Programs | 5 |
LayerCostingStatus | 1 | Open | 1 |
LayerCostingStatus | 2 | Closed | 2 |
LineSource | 1 | Manual | 1 |
LineSource | 2 | Freight | 2 |
LineSource | 3 | Freight - Handling | 3 |
LineSource | 4 | Freight - Other | 4 |
LineSource | 5 | Vendor Item | 5 |
LMLoadAddOrdersOption | 1 | Auto | 1 |
LMLoadAddOrdersOption | 2 | Manual | 2 |
LMLoadAddOrdersOption | 3 | Not Allowed | 3 |
LMLoadStatus | 1 | New | 1 |
LMLoadStatus | 2 | Scheduled | 2 |
LMLoadStatus | 3 | Shipped | 3 |
LMLoadStatus | 4 | Posted | 4 |
LMLoadTransactionLegSource | 1 | Manual | 1 |
LMLoadTransactionLegSource | 2 | Integrated | 2 |
LMShowWeightFor | 1 | Ordered | 1 |
LMShowWeightFor | 2 | Allocated | 2 |
LotCostType | 1 | BOM | 1 |
LotCostType | 2 | Manual - Layer | 2 |
LotCostType | 3 | Manual - Base | 3 |
LotCostType | 4 | Inherited | 4 |
LotStatus | 1 | Open | 1 |
LotStatus | 2 | Closed | 2 |
MailQueue | 1 | New | 1 |
MailQueue | 2 | Ready | 2 |
MailQueue | 3 | In Process | 3 |
MailQueue | 4 | Complete | 4 |
MailQueue | 5 | Error | 5 |
MailQueueRequestType | 1 | Print Dialog | 1 |
MailQueueRequestType | 2 | Automated | 2 |
MFAddressGroup | 1 | Company Mailing | 1 |
MFAddressGroup | 2 | Company Physical | 2 |
MFAddressGroup | 3 | Remit To | 3 |
MFAddressGroup | 4 | Purchasing Ship To | 4 |
MFAgeBy | 1 | Document Date | 1 |
MFAgeBy | 2 | Due Date | 2 |
MFAllocateShowInUOMOption | 1 | Inventory UOM | 1 |
MFAllocateShowInUOMOption | 2 | Transaction UOM | 2 |
MFAllocateShowLots | 1 | Allocated | 1 |
MFAllocateShowLots | 2 | Available | 2 |
MFAllocateShowLots | 3 | On Hand | 3 |
MFAllocateShowLots | 4 | Open | 4 |
MFCashReceiptAccountType | 1 | Customer | 1 |
MFCashReceiptAccountType | 2 | Employee | 2 |
MFCashReceiptAccountType | 3 | Vendor | 3 |
MFCashReceiptType | 1 | Cash | 1 |
MFCashReceiptType | 2 | Check | 2 |
MFCashReceiptType | 3 | Card | 3 |
MFCashReceiptType | 4 | Electronic | 4 |
MFCashReceiptType | 5 | Other | 5 |
MFDateFormat | 1 | MM/DD/YYYY | 1 |
MFDateFormat | 2 | DD/MM/YYYY | 2 |
MFDateFormat | 3 | YYYY-MM-DD | 3 |
MFDiscardReport | 1 | Received | 1 |
MFDiscardReport | 2 | Under 60 | 2 |
MFDiscardReport | 3 | Not Federal | 3 |
MFDiscardReport | 4 | Not Received | 4 |
MFDistributionType | 1 | Employee | 1 |
MFDistributionType | 2 | Project | 2 |
MFDistributionType | 3 | AP Vendor | 3 |
MFExchangeFrequency | 1 | Daily | 1 |
MFExchangeFrequency | 2 | Weekly | 2 |
MFExchangeFrequency | 3 | Biweekly | 3 |
MFExchangeFrequency | 4 | Semimonthly | 4 |
MFExchangeFrequency | 5 | Monthly | 5 |
MFExchangeFrequency | 6 | Quarterly | 6 |
MFExchangeFrequency | 7 | Annually | 7 |
MFExchangeFrequency | 8 | Miscellaneous | 8 |
MFFiscalYearPostingType | 1 | Open | 1 |
MFFiscalYearPostingType | 2 | Closed | 2 |
MFFiscalYearPostingType | 3 | Archived | 3 |
MFFormCategory | 1 | Dashboard | 1 |
MFFormCategory | 2 | Transaction List View | 2 |
MFFormCategory | 3 | Transaction Record View | 3 |
MFFormCategory | 4 | Balance List View | 4 |
MFFormCategory | 5 | Setup List View | 5 |
MFFormCategory | 6 | Setup Record View | 6 |
MFFormCategory | 7 | Configuration List View | 7 |
MFFormCategory | 8 | Configuration Record View | 8 |
MFFormCategory | 9 | Report | 9 |
MFFormCategory | 10 | Inquiry | 10 |
MFFormCategory | 11 | Utility | 11 |
MFFormCategory | 12 | Dialog | 12 |
MFFormCategory | 13 | Info Page | 13 |
MFFormCategory | 14 | Menu Folder | 14 |
MFFormCategory | 15 | Unassigned | 15 |
MFFormCategory | 16 | Reports Menu Folder | 16 |
MFInterestRateType | 1 | Annual | 1 |
MFInterestRateType | 2 | Monthly | 2 |
MFNegativeInventoryLevel | 1 | Do Not Evaluate | 1 |
MFNegativeInventoryLevel | 2 | Available Only | 2 |
MFNegativeInventoryLevel | 3 | Available and On Hand | 3 |
MFOneCheckPer | 1 | Vendor | 1 |
MFOneCheckPer | 2 | Document | 2 |
MFPriceListClass | 1 | Sales Order | 1 |
MFPriceListClass | 2 | Fish Ticket | 2 |
MFPriceListClass | 3 | Fisherman Sale | 3 |
MFPriceListClass | 4 | Quick Sale | 4 |
MFPriceListClass | 5 | Transfer | 5 |
MFPriceListClass | 6 | Commodity Ticket | 6 |
MFPriceListDate | 1 | Order Date | 1 |
MFPriceListDate | 2 | Ship By Date | 2 |
MFPriceListEntity | 1 | Customer | 1 |
MFPriceListEntity | 2 | Customer Address | 2 |
MFPriceListEntity | 3 | AP Ticket | 3 |
MFPriceListEntity | 4 | AP Fisherman Sale | 4 |
MFPriceListEntity | 5 | AP Customer Sale | 5 |
MFPriceListFormulaOperation | 1 | Add | 1 |
MFPriceListFormulaOperation | 2 | Subtract | 2 |
MFPriceListFormulaOperation | 3 | Multiply | 3 |
MFPriceListFormulaOperation | 4 | Divide | 4 |
MFPriceListFormulaOperation | 5 | Round | 5 |
MFPriceListFormulaOperation | 6 | UOM Convert | 6 |
MFPriceListFormulaOperation | 7 | Round Down | 7 |
MFPriceListFormulaOperation | 8 | Round Up | 8 |
MFPriceListItemLinkedEntity | 1 | Item | 1 |
MFPriceListItemLinkedEntity | 2 | Item Set | 2 |
MFPriceListType | 1 | Standard | 1 |
MFPriceListType | 2 | Base Index | 2 |
MFPriceListType | 3 | Linked | 3 |
MFPriceListUpdate | 1 | Manually update prices | 1 |
MFPriceListUpdate | 2 | Update by formula | 2 |
MFPriceListUpdate | 3 | Update to a specific amount | 3 |
MFPriceOption | 1 | Units | 1 |
MFPriceOption | 2 | Weight | 2 |
MFPrintMethod | 1 | Preview | 1 |
MFPrintMethod | 2 | 2 | |
MFPrintMethod | 3 | 3 | |
MFRateCalculationMethod | 1 | Multiply | 1 |
MFRateCalculationMethod | 2 | Divide | 2 |
MFReportStatus | 1 | Not Deployed | 1 |
MFReportStatus | 2 | Deployed | 2 |
MFReportStatus | 3 | Error | 3 |
MFReportStatus | 4 | Unknown | 3 |
MFSecurityEntityType | 1 | Form | 1 |
MFSecurityEntityType | 2 | Control | 2 |
MFSecurityMode | 1 | Inherits | 1 |
MFSecurityMode | 2 | Full Rights | 2 |
MFSecurityMode | 3 | Read Only | 3 |
MFSecurityMode | 4 | No Rights | 4 |
MFSessionAction | 1 | Login | 1 |
MFSessionAction | 2 | Log Out | 2 |
MFSessionAction | 3 | Log Out by Other User | 3 |
MFSessionAction | 4 | Auto Log Out by Preference | 4 |
MFSystem | 1 | NorthScope | 1 |
MFSystem | 2 | Host System | 2 |
MFSystem | 3 | Both | 3 |
MFTransactionApplicationGroupBy | 1 | Payments | 1 |
MFTransactionApplicationGroupBy | 2 | Invoices | 2 |
MFTransactionMoreActions | 1 | Void | 1 |
MFTransactionMoreActions | 2 | Void & Correct | 2 |
MFTransactionMoreActions | 3 | Correct | 3 |
MFUserLicenseType | 1 | System | 1 |
MFUserLicenseType | 2 | Portal | 2 |
MFUserLicenseType | 3 | Unassigned | 3 |
MFUserLicenseType | 4 | Integration | 4 |
MFUserType | 1 | Assigned | 1 |
MFUserType | 2 | Pending | 2 |
PRBatchStatus | 1 | New | 1 |
PRBatchStatus | 2 | Completed | 2 |
PRBatchStatus | 3 | Checks Processing | 3 |
PRBatchStatus | 4 | Checks Printed | 4 |
PRBatchStatus | 5 | Deleted | 5 |
PRBatchStatus | 6 | Send to GP | 6 |
PRBatchStatus | 7 | Error | 7 |
PRBatchStatus | 8 | Checks Posted | 8 |
PRBatchStatus | 9 | Void | 9 |
PRBatchType | 1 | Manual | 1 |
PRBatchType | 2 | Imported | 2 |
PRBatchType | 3 | Automatic | 3 |
PRCodeIntegrationType | 1 | Batch | 1 |
PRCodeIntegrationType | 2 | Arrears | 2 |
PRCodeType | 1 | Pay Code | 1 |
PRCodeType | 2 | Deduction Code | 2 |
PRCodeType | 3 | Benefit Code | 3 |
PRCodeType | 4 | Tax - FED | 4 |
PRCodeType | 5 | Tax - MED | 5 |
PRCodeType | 6 | Tax - SS | 6 |
PRCodeType | 7 | Tax - State | 7 |
PRCodeType | 8 | Tax - Local | 8 |
PRDeductionCalcMethod | 1 | Manual | 1 |
PRDeductionCalcMethod | 2 | Automatic | 2 |
PRDeductionType | 1 | Health Insurance | 1 |
PRDeductionType | 2 | Garnishment | 2 |
PRDeductionType | 3 | Retirement | 3 |
PRDeductionType | 4 | Other | 4 |
PREthnicOrigin | 1 | White | 1 |
PREthnicOrigin | 2 | American Indian or Alaskan Native | 2 |
PREthnicOrigin | 3 | Black or African American | 3 |
PREthnicOrigin | 4 | Asian | 4 |
PREthnicOrigin | 5 | Hispanic or Latino | 5 |
PREthnicOrigin | 6 | Two or more races | 6 |
PREthnicOrigin | 7 | Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander | 7 |
PRFederalFilingStatus | 1 | Married | 1 |
PRFederalFilingStatus | 2 | Single | 2 |
PRFederalFilingStatus | 3 | Exempt | 3 |
PRFederalFilingStatus | 4 | Non Resident | 4 |
PRGender | 1 | Male | 1 |
PRGender | 2 | Female | 2 |
SOPriceAdjustmentGroupOption | 1 | Item | 1 |
SOPriceAdjustmentGroupOption | 2 | Item and Invoice | 2 |
SOPriceAdjustmentGroupOption | 3 | Item and Lot | 3 |
PrintQueue | 1 | New | 1 |
PrintQueue | 2 | Ready | 2 |
PrintQueue | 3 | In Process | 3 |
PrintQueue | 4 | Complete | 4 |
PrintQueue | 5 | Error | 5 |
PRPayFrequency | 1 | Monthly | 1 |
PRPayFrequency | 2 | Biweekly | 2 |
PRPayFrequency | 3 | Weekly | 3 |
PRPayFrequency | 4 | Semimonthly | 4 |
PRPayFrequency | 5 | Quarterly | 5 |
PRPayFrequency | 6 | Semiannually | 6 |
PRPayFrequency | 7 | Annually | 7 |
PRPayType | 1 | Hourly | 1 |
PRPayType | 2 | Salary | 2 |
PRPayType | 3 | Piecework | 3 |
PRPayType | 4 | Commission | 4 |
PRPayType | 5 | Business Expense | 5 |
PRPayType | 6 | Overtime | 6 |
PRPayType | 7 | Double Time | 7 |
PRPayType | 8 | Vacation | 8 |
PRPayType | 9 | Sick | 9 |
PRPayType | 10 | Holiday | 10 |
PRPayType | 11 | Pension | 11 |
PRPayType | 12 | Other | 12 |
PRPayType | 13 | Earned Income Credit | 13 |
PRPayType | 14 | Charged Tips | 14 |
PRPayType | 15 | Reported Tips | 15 |
PRPayType | 16 | Minimum Wage Balance | 16 |
PRRaiseTierCalcMethod | 1 | Lifetime | 1 |
PRRaiseTierCalcMethod | 2 | Rehire | 2 |
PRRateType | 1 | Fixed | 1 |
PRRateType | 2 | Percentage | 2 |
PRStatus | 1 | Active | 1 |
PRStatus | 2 | Terminated | 2 |
PRStatus | 3 | Suspended | 3 |
PRStatus | 4 | Early Pay | 4 |
ReportDateOption | 1 | Transaction Date | 1 |
ReportDateOption | 2 | GL Date | 2 |
ReportDateOption | 3 | GL Period | 3 |
ReportExportType | 1 | 1 | |
ReportExportType | 2 | Word | 2 |
ReportExportType | 3 | Excel | 3 |
ReportExportType | 4 | CSV | 4 |
ReportExportType | 99 | Text | 99 |
ReportLocation | 1 | Print Dialog | 1 |
ReportLocation | 2 | Reports Page | 2 |
ReportLocation | 3 | Direct Print | 3 |
RepriceTicketsAs | 1 | Open | 1 |
RepriceTicketsAs | 2 | Posted | 2 |
RSDisplayType | 1 | - Standard | 1 |
RSDisplayType | 2 | - Pivot | 2 |
RSReportServerVersion | 9 | 2005 | 0 |
RSReportServerVersion | 10 | 2008 | 0 |
RSReportServerVersion | 11 | 2012 | 0 |
RSReportServerVersion | 12 | 2014 | 0 |
RSReportServerVersion | 13 | 2016 | 0 |
RSReportServerVersion | 14 | 2017 | 0 |
RSReportSubscriptionEntityType | 1 | Customer | 1 |
RSReportSubscriptionEntityType | 2 | CustomerAddress | 2 |
RSReportType | 1 | Aging | 1 |
RSReportType | 2 | Analysis | 2 |
RSReportType | 3 | Billing | 3 |
RSReportType | 4 | Check | 4 |
RSReportType | 5 | Edit | 5 |
RSReportType | 6 | File Export | 6 |
RSReportType | 7 | Financial | 7 |
RSReportType | 8 | Other | 8 |
RSReportType | 9 | Setup | 9 |
RSReportType | 10 | Statement | 10 |
RSReportType | 11 | Transaction | 11 |
SCContractStatus | 1 | Open | 1 |
SCContractStatus | 2 | Closed | 2 |
SCContractType | 1 | Weight | 1 |
SCOverShipOptions | 1 | Yes | 1 |
SCOverShipOptions | 2 | No | 2 |
SendInvoicesToHostSystem | 1 | Approved | 1 |
SendInvoicesToHostSystem | 2 | Ready to Post | 2 |
SOAdjustmentInvoiceOption | 1 | Adjusting Invoice | 1 |
SOAdjustmentInvoiceOption | 2 | Reverse Original & Create New | 2 |
SOAutoAllocatePriority | 1 | Date Produced | 1 |
SOAutoAllocatePriority | 2 | Smallest Quantity | 2 |
SOAvailInventoryFillPercent | 1 | Avail. Units | 1 |
SOAvailInventoryFillPercent | 2 | Avail. Weight | 2 |
SOAvailInventoryFillPercent | 3 | On Hand Units | 3 |
SOAvailInventoryFillPercent | 4 | On Hand Weight | 4 |
SOAvailInventoryFillPercent | 5 | Amount | 5 |
SOBatchPreference | 1 | Transaction Status | 1 |
SOBatchPreference | 2 | Transaction Status and Site | 2 |
SOBatchPreference | 3 | Transaction Workflow Step | 3 |
SOBatchPreference | 4 | Inv. Doc ID, Order Type and Status | 4 |
SOBatchPreference | 5 | Order Doc ID and Status | 5 |
SOBOLManagementOption | 0 | Manually Assign BOL Number | 1 |
SOBOLManagementOption | 1 | Automatically Assign BOL Number | 2 |
SOBOLManagementOption | 2 | Make BOL Number Match Sales Order Number | 3 |
SOCreditHoldOption | 1 | Ignore | 1 |
SOCreditHoldOption | 3 | Place on Credit Hold | 3 |
SOCreditHoldOption | 2 | Warn | 14 |
SODaysBack | 30 | 30 Days | 1 |
SODaysBack | 60 | 60 Days | 2 |
SODaysBack | 90 | 90 Days | 3 |
SODaysBack | 180 | 180 Days | 4 |
SODaysBack | 365 | 1 Year | 5 |
SODaysBack | 730 | 2 Years | 6 |
SODaysBack | 1825 | 5 Years | 7 |
SODaysBack | 9999 | All History | 8 |
SOFreightPrograms | 1 | No Defaults | 1 |
SOFreightPrograms | 2 | Add all Programs | 2 |
SOFreightPrograms | 3 | Only Freight-Added | 3 |
SOFreightPrograms | 4 | Only Freight-Included | 4 |
SOHoldType | 1 | Credit | 1 |
SOHoldType | 2 | Posting | 2 |
SOInvoiceDateMode | 1 | Default from Order date | 1 |
SOInvoiceDateMode | 2 | Default from Actual Ship date | 2 |
SOInvoiceDateMode | 3 | Manually Assigned | 3 |
SOInvoiceDeliveryMethod | 1 | 1 | |
SOInvoiceDeliveryMethod | 2 | 2 | |
SOInvoiceDeliveryMethod | 3 | Both | 3 |
SOOriginItemType | 1 | Invoice Item | 1 |
SOOriginItemType | 2 | Price Adjustment Item | 2 |
SOOriginItemType | 3 | Subsitute Parent Item | 3 |
SOPriceBasis | 1 | Pickup | 1 |
SOPriceBasis | 2 | Delivered | 2 |
SOSalespersonType | 1 | Outside Sales | 1 |
SOSalespersonType | 2 | Inside Sales | 2 |
SOSourceNumberEN | 1 | Source Order | 1 |
SOSourceNumberEN | 2 | Invoice Transaction Class | 2 |
SOSourceNumberEN | 3 | Price Adjustment Transaction Class | 3 |
SOSourceNumberEN | 4 | Return Transaction Class | 4 |
SOSourceNumberEN | 5 | Source Invoice | 5 |
SOStatusManaged | 1 | Manually | 1 |
SOStatusManaged | 2 | Automatic | 2 |
SOStatusManaged | 3 | Not Used | 3 |
SOTradeDiscountMethod | 1 | % | 1 |
SPAccountingRule | 1 | Use Item Accounts | 1 |
SPAccountingRule | 2 | Use Item Debit Accounts | 2 |
SPAccountingRule | 3 | Use Item Credit Accounts | 3 |
SPAccountingRule | 4 | Specify Both Accounts | 4 |
SPAddressFilter | 1 | Address | 1 |
SPAddressFilter | 2 | Address Set | 2 |
SPBrokerageProcessMode | 1 | Batch | 1 |
SPBrokerageProcessMode | 2 | Real-Time | 2 |
SPCurrencyExchangeType | 1 | Broker to Company | 1 |
SPCurrencyExchangeType | 2 | Sales Transaction to Broker | 2 |
SPProgramCalcMethod | 1 | $/UOM | 1 |
SPProgramCalcMethod | 2 | % Gross $’s | 2 |
SPProgramCalcMethod | 4 | % (Gross - Freight) | 4 |
SPProgramType | 1 | Brokerage | 1 |
SPProgramType | 3 | On Invoice | 5 |
SPProgramType | 4 | Accrual | 6 |
SPProgramType | 5 | Rebate | 2 |
SPProgramType | 6 | Off Book | 4 |
SPSettlementAccountType | 1 | SettleDRAccount | 1 |
SPSettlementAccountType | 2 | SettleCRAccount | 2 |
SPSettlementAccountType | 3 | WriteOffAccount | 3 |
SPSettlementFrequency | 1 | Weekly | 1 |
SPSettlementFrequency | 2 | Monthly | 2 |
SPSettlementFrequency | 3 | Quarterly | 3 |
SPSettlementFrequency | 4 | Annually | 4 |
SPSettlementFrequency | 5 | As Needed | 5 |
SPSettlementFrequency | 6 | Invoice | 6 |
SPSettlementMethod | 1 | AP Invoice - Paid In Full Orders | 1 |
SPSettlementMethod | 2 | AP Invoice - All Orders | 2 |
SPSettlementMethod | 3 | AR Credit Memo | 3 |
SPSettlementMethod | 4 | Invoice | 4 |
SPSettlementStatus | 4 | Unposted | 1 |
SPSettlementStatus | 1 | New | 2 |
SPSettlementStatus | 5 | Partially Settled | 3 |
SPSettlementStatus | 3 | Fully Settled | 4 |
SPSettlementStatus | 2 | Accrued | 5 |
SPSettlePer | 1 | Broker | 1 |
SPSettlePer | 2 | Invoice | 2 |
SPSettleTo | 1 | AP Invoice | 1 |
SPSettleTo | 2 | AR Credit | 2 |
TaxApplyTo | 1 | Sales | 1 |
TaxBasedOn | 1 | % Amount | 1 |
TaxRound | 1 | Round | 1 |
TaxRound | 2 | Round Up 2 Decimals | 2 |
TaxRound | 3 | Round Down 2 Decimals | 3 |
TransactionBatchTypeEN | 1 | Quick Payment | 1 |
TransactionBatchTypeEN | 2 | Payment Batch | 2 |
TransferPart | 1 | One Part Only | 1 |
TransferPart | 2 | Two Part Out | 2 |
TransferPart | 3 | Two Part In | 3 |
WarehouseLotTemplateEN | 1 | INTR:[SiteID]:[Reference Number] | 1 |
WarehouseLotTemplateEN | 2 | [Item ID]-[Production Batch Date MM][Production Batch Date YY] | 2 |
WarehouseLotTemplateEN | 3 | [Production Batch Date MM][Production Batch Date YY]-[Item ID] | 3 |
WarehouseLotTrackedEN | 0 | No | 0 |
WarehouseLotTrackedEN | 1 | Yes - Allow multiple items in single lots | 1 |
WarehouseLotTrackedEN | 2 | Yes - Limit Warehouse Lots to single items | 2 |
YesNoValue | 0 | No | 1 |
YesNoValue | 1 | Yes | 2 |
YesNoWarnValue | 1 | Yes | 1 |
YesNoWarnValue | 0 | No | 2 |
YesNoWarnValue | 2 | Warn | 3 |