Assign Attribute Rules List View
The purpose of this page is to manage the rules for how Attributes work for each Attribute Class. The left grid lists all the 'Attribute Classes' or Transactions that are applicable for the Attribute Type you selected. For example, if you had opened this page by selecting a Master File Attribute Type, this would be the list of Attribute Classes for that master file and if you had opened this page by selecting a Transaction Attribute Type, this would be the list of the applicable transactions. There is no editing of data on the left grid, it is only used to select a record and populate data on the right side grid. The right grid lists all the associated Attributes so users can set the 'Applies' property to control whether the Attribute is Available but not required, Available and required, or not available. Attributes are used to support transactions and other master files throughout the system.
Software Version: 2019.09.03 and newer
Attribute Classes / Transaction Types
This is the grid on the left side of the page
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Excel | Clicking the Excel toolbar icon exports the current contents of the grid to an Excel file that is automatically downloaded. The contents that export are only those currently visible. If the grid is filtered, only the filtered contents will be exported. |
Fields | Description |
Attribute Class / Transaction | A label to identify the name of the Attribute Class or the Transaction Type. This list is dynamically built based on the Attribute Type selected from the previous page. When a value is selected in this grid, the right grid refreshes and allows edit of the 'Applies' property. |
Assign Attribute Rules
This is the grid on the left side of the page
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Cancel | Cancels the current unsaved changes and returns the view from Edit mode to Read only mode. This toolbar icon is only displayed when the view is in edit mode. |
Edit | Opens the selected record for editing. If a record is not selected, the page will not open. |
Excel | Clicking the Excel toolbar icon exports the current contents of the grid to an Excel file that is automatically downloaded. The contents that export are only those currently visible. If the grid is filtered, only the filtered contents will be exported. |
Save | Saves all changes. |
Fields | Description |
Applies | A single-select standard lookup to assign the 'Applies' property for the Attribute. For new Attributes, this defaults to 'Yes - Not Required' and can be changed to either No, or Yes - Required. This field is always required and cannot be set to a blank value. This is only editable by selecting a row and clicking the Edit icon in the Header Toolbar. The available values include:
Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFAttributeClassAttribute.AttributeAvailableOptionEN. This lookup contains all the values in the AttributeAvailableOption Enumeration Class. |
Attribute | A label to identify the name of the Attribute you are assigning the 'Applies' property for. This is not editable. |