Fiscal Periods List View

Fiscal Periods List View

A Fiscal Year is a one-year period that companies use for financial reporting and budgeting. A Fiscal Year is most commonly used for accounting purposes to prepare financial statements. Fiscal Years often start on January 1st and end on December 31st. However, not all Fiscal Years correspond with the calendar year. For example, a company may run their Fiscal Year from May 1st - April 30th. Once a Fiscal Year has been determined, it is unlikely to ever change outside of a company sale and/or merger.

Fiscal Periods represent budgetary or accounting periods that fall within Fiscal Years. These often match the calendar where there are 12 periods, matching the calendar months. In organization where the fiscal year does not match the calendar year, Fiscal Periods may or may not match the number of days in a calendar month. Every transaction that posts to the general ledger contains a 'GL Date' and that date identifies both the Fiscal Year and Fiscal Period the transaction was posted to the general ledger in.  

The purpose of this page is to show all the Fiscal Years that have been setup and allow users to drill down to the the Fiscal Periods that belong to a Fiscal Year. From here, users can open a Fiscal Year to update which Fiscal Periods are open and can run or reverse a Year-End Close.

Software Version: 2019.09.03 and newer

Page Header

Toolbar IconsDescription

Deletes the selected record(s). When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected records?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. 

WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted!

(lightbulb) You can only delete the most recent Fiscal Year.

EditOpens the selected record for editing. If a record is not selected, the page will not open.
Excel Clicking the Excel toolbar icon exports the current contents of the grid to an Excel file that is automatically downloaded. The contents that export are only those currently visible. If the grid is filtered, only the filtered contents will be exported. 
Favorites Clicking on the star icon when it is an outline, adds the page to the 'My Shortcuts' tab and fills in the star. Clicking on the star icon when it is filled in (solid color), removes the page from the 'My Shortcuts' tab and returns the icon to an outline. 

(lightbulb) Users must log out and back in before the pages will be visible in the 'My Shortcuts' tab.

Grid LayoutOpens the Saved Grid Layout menu that allows the user to select another saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).

(lightbulb) The bolded view is the default view, which will determine the view will automatically display in when opened. 

HelpOpens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 

(lightbulb) This icon is only visible on pages that are documented in the online help.

NewOpens a new blank record for data entry.
PrintOpens the Print dialog window, where transaction and/or analysis reports can be downloaded, printed and/or emailed. 
# Open PeriodsA label to show the count of all the Fiscal Periods within each year that have at least one series that is still open for posting. 
# Periods

A label to show the count of periods within each Fiscal Year. This typically does not change from one year to the next unless the company has made an accounting change.

Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFFiscalYear.NumberOfPeriods

End DateThe date that each Fiscal Year starts. Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFFiscalYear.FiscalYearEndDate
Fiscal Year

The unique identifier of the Fiscal Year. This defaults to 1 + the newest fiscal year, is required, must be unique, and must be <= 10 characters. Clicking on this hyperlink opens the Fiscal Period Record View for the year selected. Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFFiscalYear.FiscalYear

Start DateThe date that each Fiscal Year begins. Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFFiscalYear.FiscalYearStartDate
Posting Type

A label to show the status of each Fiscal Year. This value is auto-assigned each time a Year-End Close is run or reversed and each time a Fiscal Year is deleted. The potential values include:

  • Open: Fiscal Years that are still open for posting and have not had a Year-End run. There are no limits to the # of Fiscal Years that can be Open, but they must be the newest year(s) and they must be sequential (you cannot have 2020 and 2018 open with 2019 closed).
  • Closed: The last Fiscal Year that was closed. There can only be one Closed year which is assigned as the newest Closed Year. Closed Years can still have Journal Entries and Transactions posted to them but if you do this you will need to reverse and re-run the year end close to get them included in the year-end journal entry.
  • Archived: All the Closed Fiscal Years except the newest. Archived years cannot have transactions or Journal Entries posted.

Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFFiscalYear.FiscalYearPostingTypeEN.

This lookup contains all the values in the MFFiscalYearPostingType Enumeration Class. 

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