Preferences: Fisherman Accounting

Preferences: Fisherman Accounting

The Fisherman Accounting functional area is used to manage buying fish from fishermen and managing all the transactions unique to a seafood plant. The main tasks performed include importing Fish Tickets and settling with fishermen. The Fisherman Accounting functional area integrates with the Financial, Inventory, Payroll, Purchasing, and Sales functional areas. The purpose of the Fisherman Accounting Preference Page is to configure how these features work. From here, users can set defaults, identify which features are used, and how the enabled features perform.

Software Version: 2023.09.15 and newer

Page Header

Toolbar IconsDescription
Excel Clicking the Excel toolbar icon exports the current contents of the grid to an Excel file that is automatically downloaded. The contents that export are only those currently visible. If the grid is filtered, only the filtered contents will be exported. 
Favorites Clicking on the star icon when it is an outline, adds the page to the 'My Shortcuts' tab and fills in the star. Clicking on the star icon when it is filled in (solid color), removes the page from the 'My Shortcuts' tab and returns the icon to an outline. 

(lightbulb) Users must log out and back in before the pages will be visible in the 'My Shortcuts' tab.

Grid LayoutOpens the Saved Grid Layout menu that allows the user to select another saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).

(lightbulb) The bolded view is the default view, which will determine the view will automatically display in when opened. 

HelpOpens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 

(lightbulb) This icon is only visible on pages that are documented in the online help.

SaveSaves all changes.
Preference NameIdentifies the Preference that is being setup.
Value A text box or lookup to set the value of the preference. Preference values are always editable and can be changed at any time, unless otherwise specified. 
Default Fishing UOM

A single select standard lookup to identify the unit of measure to default for line items on Adjustment and Balance Transfer transactions. This defaults to blank, is not required, and can be changed at any time. Setting this saves time on data entry. 

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Units of Measure.

Show Credit balances on the Fisherman Balance page and aging reports as

A single select standard lookup to identify how credit balances will be displayed on the Fisherman Balances page.  The lookup contains the values 'Negative' and 'Positive' and defaults to Negative.  When the preference is set to display credit balances as negative and a line item on a transaction results in a credit balance for the Settlement Accrual Account, the amount on the Fisherman Balances page will be displayed negatively, for example ($100.00).  If a line item on a transaction results in a debit balance for the Settlement Accrual Account, the amount will be displayed positively, for example $100.00. 

When the preference is set to display credit balances as positive and a line item on a transaction results in a credit balance for the Settlement Accrual Account, the amount on the Fisherman Balances page will be displayed positively, for example $100.00.  If a line item on a transaction results in debit balance for the Settlement Accrual Account, the amount will be displayed negatively, for example ($100.00).

This preference is required and can be changed at any time.  

For more information on how Fisherman transactions affect balances, please refer to this guide

Transaction Class for Interest Charge Transactions

A single select standard lookup to identify the Transaction Class ID for the Adjustment Transaction that will be used to create Interest Charge Transactions. This is most typically used in companies that charge interest on Loan Account balances each month. This defaults to blank, is not required, and can be changed at any time. This value is the default Transaction Class when opening the 'Process Interest Charges' page.

(lightbulb) Adjustment Transaction Classes can only be added by NLP Support. If you need additional Adjustment Transaction Classes, email Help@TheNLP.com

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' values in ERPx_APTransactionClass where TransactionTypeSK = 4.

Transaction Class for Interest Payment Transactions

A single select standard lookup to identify the Transaction Class ID for the Adjustment Transaction that will be used to create Interest Payment Transactions. This is most typically used in companies that pay interest on Account balances each month. This defaults to blank, is not required, and can be changed at any time. This value is the default Transaction Class when opening the 'Process Interest Payments' page.

(lightbulb) Adjustment Transaction Classes can only be added by NLP Support. If you need additional Adjustment Transaction Classes, email Help@TheNLP.com

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' values in ERPx_APTransactionClass where TransactionTypeSK = 4.

Default Fisherman StatementA textbox to enter the name of the report that will be the default when running a statement from the 'View' menu in the Statement column on the Fisherman Balances list view.  If no value is specified, the standard 'FA Fisherman Statement NS' report will be used. 
Mask Tax ID Numbers A Yes/No lookup to identify whether or not Tax ID Numbers should be masked or not on the Fisherman /Tender/Loan Record View.  If set to "Yes", only the last 4 characters of the Tax ID will be visible. The value defaults to "Yes" but can be changed at anytime. 
Default Accounts
Settlement Accrual

The GL Account that will be used for all Fishermen, Tender, and Loan accounts that do not have a "Settlement Accrual" Account defined. This defaults to blank, is not required, and can be changed at any time. 

This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' GL Accounts

Interest Revenue GL Account

The GL Account that will be used on all Interest Charge Transactions where the Fishermen, Tender, or Loan account does not have a "Finance Charge" Account specified. This defaults to blank, is not required, and can be changed at any time. 

This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' GL Accounts

Interest Payment GL Account

The GL Account that will be used on all Interest Payment Transactions where the Fishermen, Tender, or Loan account does not have a "Finance Charge" Account specified. This defaults to blank, is not required, and can be changed at any time. 

This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' GL Accounts

Delivery Ticket Defaults
Weight UOM

A single select standard lookup to identify the "Weight" unit of measure to default for Fish Ticket line items. This defaults to "Lbs" is not required, and can be changed at any time. 

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Units of Measure where the UOM Type = "Weight".

Unit UOM

A single select standard lookup to identify the "Unit" unit of measure to default for Fish Ticket line items. This defaults to "Each" is not required, and can be changed at any time. 

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Units of Measure where the UOM Type = "Unit".

Item Sold Condition

A single select standard lookup to identify the "Sold Condition" ID and Name to default for Fish Ticket line items.  This defaults to blank is not required and can be changed at any time.  

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Conditions setup in ADF&G setup.


A single select standard lookup to identify the "Grade" ID and Name to default for Fish Ticket line items.  This defaults to blank is not required and can be changed at any time.  

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Grades setup in ADF&G setup.

Federal Permit #

The value you wish to default on the 'Federal Permit #' Fish Ticket property for manually entered Fish Tickets. This defaults to blank and is not required. This field is always editable and must be <= 20 characters. Tickets imported from eLandings will use the value from the eLandings data.

Management Program

The value you wish to default on the 'Management Program' Fish Ticket property for manually entered Fish Tickets. This defaults to blank, is not required, and is always editable. Tickets imported from eLandings will use the value from the eLandings data.

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Management Program ID's and Names from ERPx_ERPx_APManagementPrograms.

Port of Landing

The value you wish to default on the 'Port of Landing' Fish Ticket property for manually entered Fish Tickets. This defaults to blank, is not required, and is always editable. Tickets imported from eLandings will use the value from the eLandings data.

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Port ID's and Names from ERPx_ERPx_APPorts.

Processor IDThe value you wish to default on the 'Processor ID' Fish Ticket property for manually entered Fish Tickets. This defaults to blank and is not required. This field is always editable and must be <= 10 characters. Tickets imported from eLandings will use the value from the eLandings data.
Registered Buyer #The value you wish to default on the 'Registered Buyer #' Fish Ticket property for manually entered Fish Tickets. This defaults to blank and is not required. This field is always editable and must be <= 10 characters. Tickets imported from eLandings will use the value from the eLandings data.
Registered Crab ReceiverThe value you wish to default on the 'Registered Crab Receiver' Fish Ticket property for manually entered Fish Tickets. This defaults to blank and is not required. This field is always editable and must be <= 10 characters. Tickets imported from eLandings will use the value from the eLandings data.

The value you wish to default on the 'Season' Fish Ticket property for manually entered Fish Tickets. This defaults to blank, is not required, and is always editable. 

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Port ID's and Names from ERPx_ERPx_APSeasons.

Default GL Date on New Tickets from

A single select standard lookup to identify which date field is used to set the "GL Date" on the Ticket. This defaults to 'Delivery Date' but can be changed at any time. The available options include:

  • Delivery Date: The GL Date will be be set from the Delivery Date specified on the ticket.
  • Landed Date: The GL Date will be be set from the Landed Date specified on the ticket.

This lookup contains all the values in the APTicketGLDateOption Enumeration Class.   

Integration - eLandings
Default Number of Days to Search for Landings

A text box to indicate how far back to search for Landings (in eLandings) when you click the 'Find Landings' icon in the Download Fish Tickets Page. This defaults to 15 and is required. If missing, the message "Default Number of Days to Search for Landings is required." will be displayed on Save. This can be set to any any value between 0 and 1,000. If not, the message "Default Number of Days to Search for Landings must be between 0 and 1000." will be displayed on Save.

The larger the number, the more data must be searched within the eLandings database. This can impact time outs if the data is to large to search.

Default Fisherman Payment Terms

A single-select standard lookup to indicate the default Payment Terms to be used when importing Fish Tickets from eLandings for a new Fisherman. This defaults to blank and is not required to save the preference. However, if this preference is not set and a user tries to import a Fish Ticket for a Fisherman that is not setup in the system (and the Ticket Class is set to allow the import of missing/inactive Fisherman), the message "Default Fisherman Payment Terms is required. Please set up a Default Fisherman Payment Term in the preferences." will be displayed in the Inbound integration page. 

Default Fisherman Class

A single-select standard lookup to indicate the default Fisherman Class to be used when importing Fish Tickets from eLandings for a new Fisherman. This defaults to blank and is not required to save the preference. However, if this preference is not set and a user tries to import a Fish Ticket for a Fisherman that is not setup in the system (and the Ticket Class is set to allow the import of missing/inactive Fisherman), the message "Default Fisherman Class is required. Please set up a Default Fisherman Class in the preferences." will be displayed in the Inbound integration page.

Default Fisherman Attribute Class

A single-select standard lookup to indicate the default Fisherman Attribute Class to be used when importing Fish Tickets from eLandings for a new Fisherman. This defaults to blank and is not required.  However, if this preference is set and and a user imports a Fish Ticket for a Fisherman that is not setup in the system (and the Ticket Class is set to allow the import of missing/inactive Fisherman), the Attribute Class will be set to this value. 

Mobile App Defaults
Fisher Sale Invoice

single-select standard lookup to indicate the name of the report used to print Fisher Sales Invoices on the Mobile app. This defaults to blank and is not required to save the preference.  However, if this preference is not set and a user creates a Fisher Sale on the mobile app to print, an exclamation icon will be displayed next to the Fisher Sale transaction on the 'Alerts' page and the Print window will not open.  When a report is saved in the preference, the user will see a Print icon next to the Fisher Sale to print and clicking on it will open the Print window as expected.

This lookup contains a list of all deployed Reports.

Fish Ticket Report

single-select standard lookup to indicate the name of the report used to print Fish Tickets on the Mobile app. This defaults to blank and is not required to save the preference. However, if this preference is not set and a user creates a Fish Ticket on the mobile app to print, an exclamation icon will be displayed next to the Fish Ticket transaction on the 'Alerts' page and the Print window will not open.  When a report is saved in the preference, the user will see a Print icon next to the Fish Ticket to print and clicking on it will open the Print window as expected.

This lookup contains a list of all deployed Reports.

Fisherman Check

single-select standard lookup to indicate the name of the report used for Fisherman and Loan checks. This defaults to blank and is not required to save the preference. However, in order to print a check to a Fishermen or Loan account, this field must be populated. If missing, the message "You are missing the Fisherman Accounting preference value for "Fisherman Check". Please fill in this preference before proceeding with a payment run." will be displayed when the 'Process Payments' icon is selected from the Fisherman Balances page.

This lookup contains a list of all deployed Reports.

Default Fisherman Check DescriptionA text box to indicate the default value for the memo line on check payments to Fishermen and Loan accounts that do not have a value in the "Payment Description" on the Fisherman or Loan Address that the payment is being made to. This defaults to blank, is not required, and can be changed at any time to any value < = 250 characters.
Fisherman ACH Remittance

single-select standard lookup to indicate the name of the report used for Fisherman and Loan ACH Remittance forms. This defaults to blank and is not required to save the preference. However, in order to make an ACH payment to a Fishermen or Loan account, this field must be populated. If missing, the message "You are missing the Fisherman Accounting preference value for "Fisherman ACH Remittance". Please fill in this preference before proceeding with a payment run." will be displayed when the 'Process Payments' icon is selected from the Fisherman Balances page.

This lookup contains a list of all deployed Reports.

Price List
Default Fisherman Sale Price List

A single select standard lookup to identify a default Price List to be used on new Fisherman Sale and Tender Resale transactions. If this preference is set, and a new Fisherman Sale or Tender Resale transaction is created for a Fisherman that does not have a default price list assigned, then this Price List will be assigned. This defaults to blank, is not required, and can be changed at any time.

This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' price lists where the 'Price List Class' = "Fisherman Sale".

Sales Tax
Enable Sales Tax on Fisherman Sales

A Yes/No lookup to identify whether or not Fisherman Sales transactions support charging Sales Tax. The value defaults to "No" but can be changed at anytime. 

A value of "Yes" means that the 'Tax Class' field on Fisherman Sale transactions will be enabled. If so, the values will default from the Fisherman and can be edited to calculate or not calculate sales tax.

A value of "No" means that the 'Tax Class' field on Fisherman Sale transactions is disabled, will not default from the fisherman, and sales tax will not be calculated.

Enable Sales Tax on Tender Resales

A Yes/No lookup to identify whether or not Tender Resale transactions support charging Sales Tax. The value defaults to "No" but can be changed at anytime. 

A value of "Yes" means that the 'Tax Class' field on Fisherman Sale transactions will be enabled. If so, the values will default from the Fisherman and can be edited to calculate or not calculate sales tax.

A value of "No" means that the 'Tax Class' field on Fisherman Sale transactions is disabled, will not default from the fisherman, and sales tax will not be calculated.

Settlement Defaults
Default Fisherman Checkbook ID

A single select standard lookup to assign a default checkbook to be used on new Fisherman and Loan Payments and Cash Receipt transactions. This defaults to blank, is not required, and can be changed at any time.

This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Checkbooks from ERPx_ERPx_MFCheckbook

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