Def - Calculated On - Fish Ticket Tax
Def - Calculated On - Fish Ticket Tax
It can be set to the following values:
- % Amount: The ticket line item's ((Ext. Amount + Premiums) * Tax Rate). The 'Ext. Amount' is calculated as (Price * Weight)
- % Taxable Amount: The ticket line item's (Gross Taxable Amount * Tax Rate). The 'Gross Taxable Amount' is calculated as ((Tax Price * Weight)+Premiums)
- Delivered Weight: The ticket line item's ('Weight' * Tax Rate)
- Fixed Amount: The tax amount will be manually entered for each ticket line item
- Net Weight: The ticket line item's ('Net Weight' * Tax Rate)
- Paid Weight: The ticket line item's ('Net Weight' * Tax Rate) but only for applicable ticket items where the Price <>0.00