Repricing Fish Ticket Items (UG)

Repricing Fish Ticket Items (UG)


Once delivery tickets have been posted, they are no longer viewable in the Delivery Ticket List View and cannot be edited. In order to reprice a delivery ticket item the user must choose the appropriate function from the More Actions toolbar drop-down menu in the Delivery Ticket List View and follow the steps laid out below. Using the reprice function will reprice a specific line item based on criteria across all delivery tickets within the criteria parameters.

Understanding the data flow

When Ticket Item Reprices are processed new versions of the repriced tickets are created in the system either in New or Posted status. The status of the previous ticket version is changed to Replaced. If a user selects the status to be Posted, a NorthScope journal entry will be created and sent to the host system’s Financial module for every affected Delivery Ticket and affected NorthScope settlement transaction(s) will be updated to reflect the new balance(s). If a user selects the status to be New, a new version of the Ticket is created in New status and users must manually post the ticket from the record or list view in order to create an integrate the Journal Entry.

Step 1: Repricing the delivery ticket item(s).

In order to reprice a delivery ticket item, the user must first expand the Purchasing module in the navigation menu and select 'Tickets'. This will open the Tickets List View.

From this view, open the More Actions drop-down menu in the toolbar and select “Item Reprice.”

This will open the Ticket Reprice window. The header in this window contains the following fields for data entry:

  • Comment: This field is for manual entry of any notes regarding the reprice, such as the reason for the reprice.
  • Condition: This field is to select the condition to which the item(s) for reprice correspond. This field displays a drop-down menu and offers a list of conditions configured in the system.

  • Delivery #: This field is for manual entry of the delivery number to which the item(s) for reprice correspond.
  • Disposition: This field is to select the disposition to which the item(s) for reprice correspond. This field displays a drop-down menu and offers a list of dispositions configured in the system.

  • Fisherman: This field is to select the fisherman to which the item(s) for reprice correspond. This field displays a drop-down menu and offers a list of all active fishermen.
  • Gear Type: This field is to select the gear type to which the item(s) for reprice correspond. This field displays a drop-down menu and offers a list of active gear type.
  • Incl. Inactive in Lookups: This field is for the user to select if inactive values should be displayed in the lookup fields or not.

  • Incl. Tickets w/ Premiums: This field is for the user to select if Tickets with assigned premiums should be included in repricing or not.

  • Landed From/To: This field is for the user to select a date range to which the item(s) for reprice correspond.  

  • Net # Tickets / Amt: This field identifies the number of tickets the reprice impacts and the total extended amount.

  • Re-Price GL Date: This field defaults to blank and determines the date the changes will affect the general ledger. The field is required to validate and process the changes.

  • Re-Price Tickets As: This field is for the user to select if the new Ticket versions should be created in New or Posted status.

  • Season: This field is to select the season to which the item(s) for reprice correspond. This field displays a drop-down menu and offers a list of all active seasons.
  • Specie: This field is to select the specie to which the item(s) for reprice correspond. This field displays a drop-down menu and offers a list of all active species.
  • Stat Area: This field is to selection the stat area to which the item(s) for reprice correspond. This field displays a drop-down menu and offers a list of all active stat areas.
  • Tender – Delivered: This field is to select the tender that delivered the item(s) for reprice. This fields displays a drop-down menu and offers a list of all active tenders.
  • Ticket Class: This field is to select the ticket class to which the item(s) for reprice correspond. This field displays a drop-down menu and offers a list of all active ticket classes.
  • Ticket Number: This field is for manual entry of the ticket number to which the item(s) for reprice correspond.

If the defaulted values remain and no other information is entered, all items in the Ticket Reprice List View. To filter for certain items, enter as much information as possible in the header fields. Once all the filter criteria has been entered in the header fields, click Refresh Data in the header toolbar. This will display all the applicable items within the parameters of the entered criteria. These items will be grouped by ticket item, grade, sold condition and current price. Each of these groupings is a column header along with # Tickets, New Price and Repriced.

To reprice items, find the desired line item(s) and enter the new price of the item in the New Price column. Clicking out of this column will automatically update the Repriced column to display an uneditable “Yes” as the cell’s value.

Once all new prices have been entered, enter Re-Price GL Date, comment and select the Re-Price Tickets As value and click Validate in the header toolbar. This will refresh the page to show the repriced line items at the top of the list view, update the "Net # Tickets / Amt" field to show the number of tickets the reprice is affecting and the total amount, and enable the Process toolbar icon.

Note: The Net # Tickets field may not equal the sum of all the repriced lines '# Tickets' fields because multiple items can be on the same ticket and therefore may be referencing a shared ticket when displaying the number of tickets the line item is on.

In order to save and complete the changes, the user must click Process in the toolbar header.

After processing, the user may close out or continue to reprice items as the Ticket Reprice window will remain open.

Note: Once a ticket has been repriced, the original version of the ticket will be updated to a status of Replaced and the new version of the ticket will be New or Posted depending on the Re-Price Tickets As value the user selected.  

Step 2: Posting the journal entry in the host system.

Note: If the Re-Price Tickets As was set to 'New', the new ticket versions must be saved as Ready to Post from the Tickets LV or RV in order to integrate them to the host system. 

Upon processing, a NorthScope journal entry is created for each affected Delivery Ticket and each journal entry is then sent to the host system if the integration for journal entries is turned on. The journal entry will appear in the host system's Financial module as a Transaction Entry in the batch titled NS followed by the year, month, and day with the following format: NS: YY_MM_DD. For example, if the reprice was integrated on July 14, 2015, the Batch ID for the transaction entry would be NS: 15_07_14. 

Each Delivery Ticket reprice journal entry description will be the NorthScope journal entry number followed by the NorthScope transaction ID followed by the NorthScope transaction name (i.e. 12345: Ticket Adj: (Ticket Number)-v(version number)).

Journal entries for reduced item prices

If the item reprice reduced the original price of the item, the following journal entry will appear:

One credit line summarizing the difference between the original price and the reprice for each unique “Purchase Account” on the transaction.

One debit line summarizing the difference between the original applicable tax amount and the repriced applicable tax amount for each unique “Taxes” account on the transaction.

One debit line summarizing the difference between the original Delivery Ticket amount and the repriced Delivery Ticket amount less the difference in taxes for the fisherman’s “Settlement Accrual” account.

Journal entries for increased item prices

If the item reprice increased the original price of the item, the following journal entry will appear:

One debit line summarizing the difference between the original price and the reprice for each unique “Purchase Account” on the transaction.

One credit line summarizing the difference between the original applicable tax amount and the repriced applicable tax amount for each unique “Taxes” account on the transaction.

One credit line summarizing the difference between the original Delivery Ticket amount and the repriced Delivery Ticket amount less the difference in taxes for the fisherman’s “Settlement Accrual” account.

Once the user is satisfied that all the GL Distributions are correct, the user can post the batch in the host system.

Note: Although this step is required, it does not need to be done for each transaction. Posting can be done nightly or as needed.

Step 3: Reviewing in NorthScope.

Whether or not Step 2 is complete, the following will occur in NorthScope:

  • The settlement transaction(s) for the original Delivery Ticket(s) will be adjusted to reflect the new balance(s).

Once Step 2 is complete, the following will occur in NorthScope:

  • The NorthScope journal entries for each affected Delivery Ticket will update from “Ready to Post” to “Posted” and will no longer be visible in the Financial Journal Entries List View. 

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