Manage Reports List View

Manage Reports List View

 The purpose of this page is to view, add, edit, remove reports within NorthScope.  Additionally, users can deploy reports to the report server, download report files and import report packages. 

Software Version: 2022.03.18 and newer

Page Header

Toolbar IconsDescription
DeleteDeletes the selected record(s). When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected records?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. 

WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted!

Deploy ReportsOpens the Deploy Reports Record View which allows users to select one or more reports to deploy/ re-deploy to the report server.

Opens a drop-down menu for the user to select what they wish to download. The options include:  

  • Download RDL - Downloads only the RDL file. The RDL (Report Definition Language) file is the XML file used on Microsoft SQL Server reporting services
  • Download Query - Create a zip file containing all the embedded SQL from the associated report RDL.
  • Download Report Package - Creates a ".nsrpt" file that contains the RDL and all external SQL queries.

Opens the selected record for editing. If a record is not selected, the page will not open. If more than one record is selected, the edit window will open for the 1st report selected.

ExcelExport the contents of the list view to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view only the filtered contents will be exported. 
HelpOpens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 

(lightbulb) This icon is only visible on pages that are documented in the online help.

Import Report PackageOpens the Import Report Package Record View which allows users to browse to a .nsrpt file and import the corresponding report.  Users may only import one report package at a time. 
NewOpens a new blank record for data entry.
SaveSaves the changes made to the record. 

(lightbulb) It is only necessary to click the Save button when a change is detected on the page. When a change has been made, a ‘ + ‘ character is displayed prior to the page name in the page title bar (light blue bar in the upper left corner of the page). Clicking Save reloads the page.

CheckboxUsed to select one or more records to perform an action, such as Mass Update, More Actions, or Delete.

Identifies the description of the report that was entered on the record view.  This is not required and can be edited from the Description field on the record view.  It must be <= 1000 characters and is always editable. 

Database Field: ERPx_RSReport.Description

Display Name

Identifies the user-friendly name that will be displayed in the Print Dialog and on each of the Reports List Views. This is required and can be edited from the record view.  It must be <= 200 characters and is always editable. 

Database Field: ERPx_RSReport.DisplayName

Functional Area

Identifies the Functional Area(s), in NorthScope, the report is assigned to. This is required and can be edited from the record view and is always editable. 

Functional Areas represent the collection of Transactions, Master Files, Inquires, and Reports that pertain to unique areas of operations within the software. The Functional Areas include: 

  • Software Application Functional Areas:
    • CO - Company
    • SY - System
  • Core Functional Areas:
    • GL - General Ledger / Financial
    • A/P - Accounts Payable & Purchase Order
    • A/R - Accounts Receivable / Sales Order
    • IN - Inventory
  • Specialty Functional Areas
    • FA - Fisherman Accounting
    • GA - Grower Accounting
    • LM - Load Management
    • PR - Payroll
    • PT - Portal
    • SP - Sales Programs (Brokerage, Rebate, Off Invoice)

Database Fields: ERPx_MFFunctionalArea.FunctionalAreaSK, ERPx_RSReport.FunctionalAreaSK


A hyperlink that displays the value 'View'.  Clicking on the link opens the help page for the corresponding report.  If there is no help page for the associated report, this field will be blank.  This field is never editable by the user.

Database Field: ERPx_RSReport.OnLineHelpURL

Launch From

Identifies where the report can be run from:

  • Print Dialog
  • Reports Page
  • Direct Print

This is required and comes from the Launch From field on the record view.  This field is always editable.  

Database Field: ERPx_RSReport.ReportLocationEN

Report Name

Identifies the report file name (RDL Name) of the report installed on the Report Server. This is required and must be <= 200 characters. This field is not editable after save. 

Database Field: ERPx_RSReport.ReportName

Report Parameter Type

Identifies the format of the report data.  This is required and can be edited from the record view and is always editable. 

Database Field: ERPx_RSReport.IsControlParameterXML

Report Type

Report Types are used to classify Reports into one of the following report types

  1. Aging: Aging reports identify unpaid invoice balances along with the duration for which they've been outstanding (based on the Aging Periods you have specified). These are used internally to view Customer, Vendor, and/or Fishermen Balances.
  2. Analysis: Analysis reports are used to analyze historical data across a range of user specified parameters (i.e., dates, customers/vendors/fishermen/sites, transaction classes, etc.). Unlike 'Edit' reports which are often used as a file/audit copy, these are for performing analysis and are typically launched from the Reports page.
  3. Billing: Billing reports are documents you send to organizations that owe you money. Examples would include the Sales Invoice, Quick Sale Invoice, and Fisherman Sale Invoice. 
  4. Check: Checks are used to print payments made through Accounts Payable, Fisherman Accounting, and Grower Accounting. This report type is only used for the paper check, not any check history or ACH remittance reports. Checks are typically launched as a Direct Print report. 
  5. Edit: Edit reports are used to review transactional data and/or journal details before or after posting. They are often used internally as file copy for a single transaction or batch of transactions posted together. Because these are intended to be internal reports that do not go outside the company, they do not typically contain special formatting or print with company logos. These are most often launched from the Print dialog from transaction list views, record vires, and historical inquiries. 
  6. File Export: File Export reports are datasets that generate as 'txt' or other formats designed to only be exported.
  7. FinancialFinancial reports are designed to be printed at month-end and year-end. These are typically launched from the Reports page. Examples include Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, and Income Statement.
  8. Other: The "Other" report type is used to classify reports that do not fall into any of the other Report Types.
  9. Setup: Setup reports are designed to show the details for a master file. Setup reports are internal use reports that are typically launched from the reports page. 
  10. Statement: Statements are used to show transaction history and outstanding balances for customers, fishermen, and/or growers. These are typically launched from the Reports page.
  11. Transaction: Transaction reports are designed to be external reports sent to Customers (e.g., Order confirmation), Warehouses, (e.g., Warehouse Release and Picking Instructions), Carriers, (e.g., Warehouse Release), Brokers (e.g., Broker Settlement), Vendors (e.g., Purchase Order), Fishermen (e.g., Fish Ticket), and Growers (e.g., Grower Ticket) that show details of a single transaction. Because these are external reports, they are typically formatted to fit in a window envelope and print with a company logo. Transaction Reports are typically launched from the Print dialog from the transaction list view, record view, and/or historical inquires.   

This is required and comes from the Report Type field on the record view.   This field is always editable. 

Database Field: ERPx_RSReport.ReportType


Identifies the status of the report. For standard reports shipped with NorthScope, the status will default to 'Not Deployed' until the user deploys it. Reports that are manually added by the user, if successful, will save as 'Deployed'. Reports that are not found on the report server or their location is not in the standard location will display a status of 'Unknown'.  

Database Field: ERPx_RSReport.ReportStatusEN

System Version

Identifies whether the report is a NorthScope shipped report. This is required and will display 'Yes' when the associated report is a shipped report.  If users download a report rdl/package and make changes to a shipped report and re-upload/deploy it, the System Version column will be blank, and the original shipped report will display 'Yes' in this column.  

Database Field: ERPx_RSReportDefinition.IsSystemVersion

Use in Company

Identifies which Company/Companies within NorthScope has access to the associated report.  This is not required and can be edited from the record view.  If all companies have been selected the value *ALL* will be displayed in this field and if no companies have been selected, then this field will be blank. This field is always editable.  

Database Fields: ERPx_MFDataEntityCompany.CompanyName, ERPx_RSReportCompany.DataEntityCompanySK

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