Voiding Fish Tickets (UG)

Voiding Fish Tickets (UG)


Once delivery tickets have been posted, they are no longer viewable in the Delivery Ticket List View and cannot be edited. In order to void a delivery ticket, the user must choose the appropriate function from the More Actions toolbar drop-down menu in the Delivery Ticket List View and follow the steps laid out below. 

Understanding the data flow

When a delivery ticket is voided, the original settlement transaction for the delivery ticket is removed and a NorthScope journal entry is created and sent to the host system as an unposted transaction entry in the Financial module, which reverses the original delivery ticket's journal entry.

Step 1: Voiding the delivery ticket.

In order to void a delivery ticket, the user must first expand the Purchasing module in the navigation menu and select “Tickets”. This will open the Tickets List View.

From this view, open the More Actions drop-down menu in the toolbar and select “Void/Correct.” This will open the Void/Correct window.

The header in this window contains the following fields for data entry:

  • Action: This field offers the options of Void and Correct from a drop-down menu. Select “Correct”.
  • Date From: This field defaults to the date a year prior to today’s date and determines the earliest delivery tickets shown.
  • Date To: This field defaults to today’s date and determines the latest delivery tickets shown.
  • Delivery #: This field offers a blank text box for the user to enter a Fish Ticket Delivery number to search for a specific transaction. 
  • Fisherman: This field offers a drop-down menu of all fisherman to limit the delivery tickets shown to those that are connected to the selected account.
  • GL Accrual Date: This field defaults to today’s date and determines the date the changes will affect the general ledger.
  • Transaction: This field offers a blank text box for the user to search for a specific transaction.
  • Transaction Type: This field defaults to Delivery Ticket and offers no other options.

Other than the fields that default, no other fields are required. However, entering information into the fields will filter the delivery tickets that are shown.

Once all desired data has been entered into the header fields, select Refresh Data on the header toolbar. This will open a list view in the Void/Correct Grid View of all applicable delivery tickets within the entered criteria. The list view will contain the following columns: select, Account ID, Account Name, Delivery # (not in the system view), Transaction, Amount, Trans Date, GL Date, GL Accrual Date, and Permit Holder.

Within the list view, select the check box corresponding to the line item(s) to void and click Process in the header toolbar.

Clicking Process will do the following:

  1. The original ticket status is set to Replaced and the new ticket status is set to Void with an amount that reverses the original transaction amount.
  2. The settlement transaction for the ticket is updated to reflect the new amount to settle based on the sum of all ticket versions. 
  3. The Journal Entry originally made by the ticket is reversed using the GL Accrual Date specified. 

Step 2: Posting the journal entry in the host system. 

For every voided Delivery Ticket, a journal entry will be made in the host system if the integration for journal entries is turned on. The journal entry will appear in the host system's Financial module as a Transaction Entry in the batch titled NS followed by the year, month, and day with the following format: NS: YY_MM_DD. For example, if the void was integrated on July 14, 2015, the Batch ID for the transaction entry would be NS: 15_07_14. 

The voided delivery ticket journal entry will reverse the original delivery ticket journal entry distributions by debiting the originally credited account(s) and crediting the originally debited account(s) by the same amounts. 

Once the user is satisfied that all the GL Distributions are correct, the user can post the batch in the host system.

Note: Although this step is required, it does not need to be done for each transaction. Posting can be done nightly or as needed.

Step 3: Reviewing in NorthScope.

Once Step 2 is complete, the following will occur in NorthScope:

  • The NorthScope journal entry will update from "Ready to Post" to "Posted" and will no longer be visible in the Financial Journal Entries List View

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