Mass Updating Price Lists

Mass Updating Price Lists


NorthScope allows user to update multiple base price list items at once using the Mass Update function for Price Lists. Base price list items, standard price list items, and linked price list items that are not linked can be mass updated by manually entering the new price for each item, entering a formula to affect all items, or entering a specific price to which all items will be set. The items that will be updated are selected by filtering for the desired items using the column header multi-select drop-down menus.

Step 1: Creating an updated price.

To mass update price list items, first expand the Sales Order module and select Price Lists from the navigation menu. This will open the Sales Order: Price Lists list view. From the list view, select the Mass Update toolbar icon to open the Price List Mass Update window. This window opens with a list of all price list items other than those that are linked.

First, complete the header fields, which include:

  • New Effective Start Date: Displays a text box field for the user to enter the date the updates will take effect. This field defaults to today’s date.
  • New Effective End Date: Displays a text box field for the user to enter the date the updates will no longer be applied. This field defaults to today's date and is only required if the preference for "Require Item Price End Date" is set to "Yes".
  • Update Method: Displays a drop-down menu of the update options including:
    • Manually update prices: Allows the user to input a new price individually for each item/item set by opening the “New Price” column for edits.
    • Update by formula: Allows the user to update all filtered line item prices by a given formula via the 'Formula' field for the user to enter the formula to affect all items. For example, is the user wants to increase the price(s) by 3%, then he or she should enter *1.03 in the Formula header field.
    • Update to a specific amount: Allows the user to update all filtered line item prices to a specific amount by entering the new dollar amount in the 'New Price' header field.  This field defaults to 0.00000.

Once an Update Method is selected, the page will refresh for the user to select the items to be updated before entering a price or formula. 

Step 2: Filtering for the desired price list items.

All price list items appear in the Price List Mass Update window with the following information: Price List, Type, Currency, Item/Item Set, Item Type, New Price, Price UOM, Current Price, Current Price Date Range, Next Price, Next Price Date Range, UOM Schedule, and all item User-Defined fields. Each column that is not a price or a date has a multi-select drop-down menu below the column header for the user to filter by the selected criteria. 

To filter, expand the column’s filter drop-down menu and select the criteria desired to be affected by the update. All column criteria can be selected by selecting the Check All option. For date and price columns, simply enter the date or price to filter for. 

Step 3: Applying the updates.

For manually updated prices, enter the new price in each desired price list line item’s “New Price” field and click the Save toolbar icon. This will prompt a message alerting the user to how many price list items are being affected by the update. Click OK to proceed.

For updates by formula, after entering the formula in the Formula header field and filtering for the items the new formula will be applied to, click the Save toolbar icon. This will prompt a message alerting the user to how many price list items will be affected by the update. Click OK to proceed.

For updates to a specific amount, after entering the specific amount in the New Price header field and filtering for the items the new amount will be applied to, click the Save toolbar icon. This will prompt a message alerting the user to how many price list items will be affected by the update. Click OK to proceed. 

Note: If base price list items that serve as the Linked Base Index Item on a linked price list are mass updated, the price list items linked to them will also be updated accordingly. 

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