Def - Allocated (+) Balance

Def - Allocated (+) Balance

The Allocated (+) balance is the quantity, that has been allocated, on an open transaction containing incoming product. The Allocated (+) balance increases the Available balance. Unlike Committed (+) which represents "requested" balances, Allocated (+) represents "assigned" balances. For example, a Customer may order 15 Cases and only be shipped 10. The 10 Cases would signify what was actually shipped. The Allocated (+) balance is comprised of:

  • Inventory transactions where the quantity of a Lot Tracked line item where the item has been saved with a Production Batch and/or Warehouse Lot (if the Site is Warehouse Lot tracked). For example, if 10 Cases were entered on a Receipt line item and either the Production Batch or Warehouse Lot was assigned, the Allocated (+) balance for that transaction would be 10.
  • Production Orders where the quantity of an Output line item has been saved without a Production Batch and/or Warehouse Lot (if the Site is Warehouse Lot tracked). For example, if 10 Cases were entered on the transaction and either the Production Batch or Warehouse Lot was unassigned, the Allocated (+) balance for that transaction would be 10.
  • Sales Returns where the line item has an allocated quantity.

Note: each of the Inventory Transactions can be conditionally included/excluded from the Allocated balances based on the "Include open ### transactions in Available balances" Inventory Preference. If the preference are set to "Yes", they will be included in Allocated balances and used to update the Available balances, if they are set to "No", they will not be included in Allocated so they will not update Available balances.

Additionally, for Production Order Outputs, these can be conditionally included/excluded from the Allocated balances based on the "First status to include Production Order Outputs in Available balances" Inventory Preference. If the transaction is set to a status equal to or greater than the Preference value, and is not in a status of Closed and not set to "Do Not Include", it will be included in Allocated balances and used to update the Available balances, otherwise if the status is set to a value less than the Preference value, it will not be included in Allocated so they will not update Available balances. 

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