Production Transaction Record View

The Inventory Production Transaction Record View allows users to record the results of production, whether they are the item(s) that were made (Production Output) or the items consumed (Production Inputs). This transaction allows multiple items to be recorded at once and allows each individual item to be recorded as an Output (production) or an Input (production issue).  The 'Include open Production transactions in Available balances' preference will determine whether Available balances are updated before the transaction is posted. Once the transaction is posted, it will update the On Hand lot balance of the item(s). 

Software Version: 2022.01.31 and newer

Page Header

Header Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription

 Deletes the transaction, batch, or master file record. When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete this record?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. 

WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted!

 This toolbar icon is enabled when the transaction status is 'New'. 

Help Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 
Load From Production Order

Loads Production Order Items (Input and Output) onto the transaction. On new Production transactions where the Site and Production Order has yet to be selected, this button will be disabled. When Site and Production Order fields are selected, this button will be enabled and remain enabled while the Production Order field is populated. Clicking the Load From Production Order button will populate the following values from the Production Order transaction onto the new Production transaction:

  • Line Item Property: Item
  • Line Item Property: Units (defaults to 0.00)
  • Line Item Property: Units UOM
  • Line Item Property: Weight (defaults to 0.00)
  • Line Item Property: Weight UOM
  • Line Item Property: Production Batch
  • Line Item Property: Warehouse Lot
  • Line Item Property: Owner
  • Line Item Property: Line Type

 Allows users to select the type of transaction or record they want to add. The drop-down displays all active Production type transaction classes configured in the system.


 Opens the Notes dialog, filtered for the appropriate Note Type(s). From here, users can add, review, or edit Notes associated with the record. This icon is always enabled. 

Notes are used throughout the application to add additional details to Master Files and Transactions. Transactions and Master Files that support Notes store the text of the note in one or more 'Note Types' as a way to classify/organize notes. 

Print Opens the Print dialog window, where transaction and/or analysis reports can be downloaded, printed and/or emailed. 

When clicked, all the Reports that launch from the Print Dialog that are assigned to this page, and that the user has rights to (if Report Data Access is enabled) are displayed.

Process Correction This toolbar icon is only displayed when a correction has been processed from the Void/Correct page. Users can make any edits to the transaction prior to clicking Process Correction. When this icon is clicked, the changes displayed will be the difference between the original and the new transaction. If the transaction was not updated, the message "No changes have been made and a correction cannot be processed. Please either make changes or delete the transaction." will be displayed when the icon is clicked. Once clicked, the icon is hidden.


 Saves the changes made to the record. 
Save & Close Saves your changes and closes the page.

Home Tab 

Production #: [Transaction ID]
Corrected From

Displays the Transaction ID of the source transaction the correction is being made from. This is a text box that defaults to the source transaction. This field is not visible unless the transaction is the result of a correction. It is only required on transactions that are being corrected. This field is auto populated by the system and is not editable.

Transaction numbers are system assigned IDs to differentiate unique transactions. Transaction ID's are unique by the unique combination of 'Transaction Type' + 'Transaction Class'.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionID, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.CorrectedFromTransactionHeaderSK


Identifies the date of the transaction. This is a date picker that is required. If missing, the message "Transaction Date is required" will be displayed on Save. It defaults to the current date, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This field is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionDate

Default Work Order

Displays a text box for the user to enter the default Work Order for the transaction. This is a text box that is not required. If entered, this field must be <= 50 characters. It defaults as blank and is always editable when the transaction is in a Status of 'New'. The value entered in this field will act as a default Work Order line item value for all line items after the transaction is saved.

A Work Order is used to link multiple transactions together, usually for Lot Tracing and/or yield analysis. Unlike a Production Order which is a NorthScope object, a work order is a free text field. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.WorkOrderID

Production Order

Identifies the Production Order ID that is linked to the Production transaction. This is a single-select load on demand lookup that is not required. If the Production transaction is created from the Production Order record view via the "Record Production" button, this field will be automatically set to the Production Order ID. Else, users can manually select the Production Order ID. This field defaults as blank unless the Production transaction was recorded from the Production Order transaction. This field is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New".

This lookup contains a list of all Production Order IDs in a status of "Open" or "Released" where the 'Site' of the Production Order transaction is equal to the 'Site' of the Production transaction.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMProductionOrderHeader.ProductionOrderID, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.ProductionOrderSK


Identifies the Reference entered for the transaction.  This is a text box that is not required. It defaults as blank. If entered, this field must be <= 100 characters. This field is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.Reference


Identifies the name of the Site (Warehouse) that the transaction, shipment, receipt, item, or lot is associated with. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required. If missing, the message "Site is required." will be displayed on Save. This defaults as blank and is not editable after initial Save. 

Sites represent Plants, Warehouses, Distribution Centers, or virtual objects that are used to store and/or maintain perpetual inventory balances.

The lookup contains a list of all the 'Active' Inventory Sites.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.SiteSK

Identifies the Status of the transaction. This is a single-select standard lookup that defaults as 'New' and is required. This is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New' or 'Approved'.

Status is used to identify where a transaction, Purchase Order, Price List, BOM, or Master File record is in its life cycle. Records start in a Status of 'New' and progress sequentially through additional statuses until they are 'Posted' or 'Closed'. The list of potential Statuses changes depending on the transaction type.  The Statuses that apply to transactions in this List View include:

New: This is the default Status for all new Transactions. While in the Status of 'New' transactions are considered open and all editable fields are open for edit, no posting or approval validations are performed, GL Dates are not assigned, and journal entries are not created. If the transaction was moved back from Approved to New, the GL Date will be assigned and a Journal Entry will exist.  

Approved: Performs all the data validations required to post the transaction and applies to all Transactions. While in the Status of 'Approved' transactions are considered open but have limited fields open for edit. If one or more validations fail, messages are provided indicating what needs to be corrected. If all the validations pass, then all the fields are disabled except for the Status lookup (and any fields that are always editable), journal entries are created/updated, journal ID's are assigned to the journal entry, and blank 'GL Dates' are assigned.

Ready to Post: Runs the Approval validations and applies to all transactions. While in the Status of 'Ready to Post' transactions are considered closed and all the fields are disabled with the exception of a few fields that are always editable. If one or more validations fail, messages are provided indicating what needs to be corrected. If all the validations pass, then all the fields are disabled with the exception any fields that are always editable and updates the Transaction Status to "Posted".

Database Fields: ERPx_IMTransactionStatus.TransactionStatusName, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionStatusSK

Properties Tab

Auto-Create New Lots

Identifies whether inventory lots can be auto-created if they do not already exist. This is a single-select load on demand lookup that is required. It defaults from the 'Auto-Create New Lots' property in the 'Properties' tab of the associated Transaction Class Record View. This field is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'. If set to "Not Allowed" and the transaction would result in the creation of a new inventory lot, the message "Lots would be created when Auto-Create Lots is Not Allowed" will be displayed on Save.

This lookup contains the values in the IMAutoCreateNewLots Enumeration Class.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.AutoCreateLotsEN

Auto-Create New Lots-Inputs

Identifies whether inventory lots can be auto-created if they do not already exist. This setting applies to Input Lots. This is a single-select load on demand lookup that is required. It defaults from the 'Auto-Create New Lots - Inputs' property in the 'Properties' tab of the associated Transaction Class Record View. This field is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'. If set to "Not Allowed" and the transaction would result in the creation of a new inventory lot, the message "Lots would be created when Auto-Create Lots - Inputs is Not Allowed" will be displayed on Save.

This lookup contains the values in the IMAutoCreateNewLots Enumeration Class.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.InputAutoCreateLotsEN

Corrected From

Displays the Transaction ID of the source transaction that was corrected.  This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It is only displayed on the corrected transaction and is never editable.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.TransactionID, ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.CorrectedFromTransactionHeaderSK

Created By

Identifies the name of the user that created the record. It is formatted to be the "logged-in" users [User First Name] + [User Last Name]. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This is a non-editable text box that is required.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.CreatedBy

Created Date

Identifies the name of the user that created the record. It is formatted to be the "logged-in" users [User First Name] + [User Last Name]. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user.This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user.  This is a non-editable text box that is required.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.CreatedDate

GL Date

Identifies the date the transaction posted (or will post) to the general ledger.  This is a date picker that is required. It defaults from the 'Date' field on the 'Home' tab and is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'. This field must be on or after the 'Date' field on the 'Home' tab of the Production Record View. Else, the message "The GL date must occur on or after the Transaction Date" will be displayed on Save. Additionally, if the GL Date is not within an open Fiscal Period for Inventory, the message "The Fiscal Period is not open. The GL Date must be in a Fiscal Period that is open for Inventory." will be displayed on Save for statuses of 'Approved' or greater.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.GLDate

Last Updated

Identifies the name of the user that last updated the Transaction. It is formatted to be the "logged-in" users [User First Name] + [User Last Name]. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user.  This is a non-editable text box that is required.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.LastUpdated

Last Updated By

Identifies the name of the user that last updated the Transaction. It is formatted to be the "logged-in" users [User First Name] + [User Last Name]. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This is a non-editable text box that is required.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.LastUser

Negative Available Balances

Identifies whether the transaction allows lots to be left with negative available balances. This is a single-select load on demand lookup that is required. It defaults from the 'Negative Available Balances' property in the 'Properties' tab of the associated Transaction Class Record View. This field is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'. If set to "Not Allowed" and the transaction would result in an inventory lot with a negative available balance, the message "Lot balances would be negative when set to Not Allowed" will be displayed on Save.

This lookup contains the values in the IMAllowNegativeAvailableBalances Enumeration Class.

(lightbulb) If Sales Order allocation preferences are set to either “Available Only” or “Available and On Hand” and a Sales order has been allocated prior to a user updating the Inventory “Negative Available Balances” property, it is possible to draw the lots negative.   

(lightbulb) A message will be displayed to the user if lot balances are negative and a new transaction is created which would impact those balances positively, however the overall balances would still be negative.  For example, if the lot balance is -10 Cases and a Production transaction adds 5 Cases, the overall lot balance would still be negative. The following options are possible workarounds: 

  •  Change the Production transaction's "Negative Available Balances" property to "Allowed"
  •  Change the Production transaction to result in a zero or greater inventory balance.
  •  Use Cycle Count feature to change inventory balance to zero or greater.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.NegativeBalancesEN

Negative Available Balances - Inputs

Identifies whether the transaction allows lots to be left with negative available balances. This setting applies to Input Lots. This is a single-select load on demand lookup that is required. It defaults from the 'Negative Available Balances - Inputs' property in the 'Properties' tab of the associated Transaction Class Record View. This field is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'. If set to "Not Allowed" and the transaction would result in an inventory lot with a negative available balance, the message "Lot balances would be negative when set to Not Allowed" will be displayed on Save.

This lookup contains the values in the IMAllowNegativeAvailableBalances Enumeration Class.

(lightbulb) If Sales Order allocation preferences are set to either “Available Only” or “Available and On Hand” and a Sales order has been allocated prior to a user updating the Inventory “Negative Available Balances - Inputs” property, it is possible to draw the lots negative.   

(lightbulb) A message will be displayed to the user if lot balances are negative and a new transaction is created which would impact those balances positively, however the overall balances would still be negative.  For example, if the lot balance is -10 Cases and a Production transaction adds 5 Cases, the overall lot balance would still be negative. The following options are possible workarounds: 

  •  Change the Production transaction's "Negative Available Balances - Inputs" property to "Allowed"
  •  Change the Production transaction to result in a zero or greater inventory balance.
  •  Use Cycle Count feature to change inventory balance to zero or greater.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.InputNegativeBalancesEN

Void Date

Identifies the date the transaction was voided, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This is a non-editable text box that is not required.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.VoidDate

Voided By

Identifies the name of the user that voided the transaction. It is formatted to be the "logged-in" users [User First Name] + [User Last Name]. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This is a non-editable text box that is not required.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionHeader.VoidedBy

Attributes Tab


A non editable text box that shows the name of the Attribute. Attributes are user-definable fields that are used on master files and transactions and are editable from the Attributes List View. The Attribute will only be displayed if the Applies property on the Assign Attribute Rules by page is set to either "Yes - Required" or "Yes - Not Required". Attributes set to "No" will not be displayed. The Attributes displayed here are setup and assigned in the Attributes section of the Company module (Company → Setup → Attributes → Inventory). 


 A non-editable text box that shows whether the Attribute Value is required or not. If the Attribute Value is required, it will display "Yes". If it is optional, it will display as blank. This value is only editable from the 'Assign Attribute Rules' page (Company → Setup → Attributes → Inventory → Transactions hyperlink → Inventory - Production). 


Identifies the value assigned to the corresponding attribute.

Because Attributes are configurable as either Text, List, Date, or Date/Time the data entry is either a text box, lookup, or date picker. The value defaults to blank and is only required if the Attribute's 'Applies' property is set to "Yes - Required" in the Assign Attribute Rules page. Attribute Values for Master Flies are always editable. Attribute Values for transactions are always editable for unposted transactions.

Page Detail

Grid Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription
Add Item Adds a blank line in the grid to allow for data entry. If a valid Item ID is entered, the line will be saved. If not, the 'Item Lookup' window will open allowing users to search for the ItemThis toolbar icon is only enabled when the transaction status is New.
Column Filter Show/Hide Toggles between displaying and hiding a filter row in the grid under the column headers. The filter row will be displayed by default if the Quick Column Filter is also implemented in the page. When enabled, this will allow users to type in text to filter by a specific column.
Excel Exports the contents of the grid to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view, or excluded columns, only the contents in the grid will be exported. 
Find LotsOpens Find Inventory Lots page in a new window. This feature allows users to find existing lots and view their on hand and available balances. This toolbar icon is only enabled when the transaction status is New.
Group By Show/Hide Toggles between displaying and hiding a row in the grid above the column headers to enable grouping by one or more column(s). Once displayed, users may drag and drop column headers to group by a specific column. Once the grid is grouped by a column(s), a subtotal footer row will display in the grouping for columns that have a page footer total. 
Mass Update

Opens the mass update dialog, which allows to mass update the following properties: 

  •  Transaction
    • Warehouse Lot - This may only be updated if the Site is warehouse lot tracked and if the Status of the transaction is 'New'. Else the message "Warehouse Lot may only be updated for transactions in the status of New." will be displayed on Save.
  • Production Batch Properties
    • Batch Class, Batch Date, Expiration Date, Production Batch Site and Status
  • Production Batch Attributes
    • Each Batch Attribute will be available
  • Production Batch Certifications
    • Each applicable certification will be available

This toolbar icon is always enabled.

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