Def - Permit

A permit issued annually to the designated vessel operator that allows participation in open access or limited entry fisheries managed by the state of Alaska. All shellfish fisheries off-shore Alaska are managed, fully or jointly, by the state of Alaska. Fishery permits are issued annually for specific fisheries. Any commercial activity in state waters requires the operator to obtain a CFEC permit, including harvesting, landing of catch, selling product, or transshipping of catch. Open access fishers obtain an interim use permit. Limited access fisheries such as salmon, herring, and selected shellfish fisheries require a limited entry permit. All members of the crew are required to obtain a crew license to participate in commercial fishing. CFEC permit cards are issued to an individual, even if that individual is fishing for a Rationalized Crab cooperative or a CDQ group. The CFEC permit card must be current for the calendar year and appropriate to the area, gear and harvest