GL Account Balances By Period Inquiry

GL Account Balances By Period Inquiry

The purpose of the GL Account Balance by Period inquiry is to show account balances for each fiscal period. From this page, users may drill down and view the Journal Line History Inquiry for a single period. This inquiry can be accessed from either the Inquiries page or from the GL Account Balances List View.

Software Version: 2023.04.28 and newer

Page Header

Filter ItemsDescription
Account Class

Used to select one or more GL Account Classes. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank.

GL Account Classes are used to classify one or more GL Accounts into a group with other similar behaving accounts and for organizing financial reports. For example, you may have several revenue accounts that are all classified as "Sales" Accounts. 

The lookup contains a list of all GL Account Classes.

Auto Hide FiltersA non-required text box that defaults as checked and is used to determine if the Search Options should be hidden when the Inquiry runs or is refreshed.
  • When checked, each time the 'Refresh' button is clicked, the search options will be hidden, allowing for more rows of data to be visible on the page. This behavior is ideal for users that have entered their search parameters and want to see the results in full-screen. 
  • When unchecked, the search options will not be hidden when the 'Refresh' button is clicked. This behavior is ideal for users that need to run several searches with different search parameters.

Users can only change the default value of this setting with a custom search in the "Saved Searches" lookup. If you change the default setting but do not save it in a custom search, it will only remain this way while the page is opened.

Refer to this FAQ for advanced search options.

Auto Refresh on OpenA non-required text box that defaults as checked and is used to determine if the inquiry opens with or without data in the grid.
  • When checked, each time the page is opened, the search is run using the default parameters (or a 'Saved Search' if one was set as your default for the page) so the grid will be populated with data .  
  • When unchecked, the search is NOT run when the page opens and no data will be present until the 'Refresh' button is clicked. 

Users can only change the default value of this setting with a custom search in the "Saved Searches" lookup.

Refer to this FAQ for advanced search options.


Used to select one or more GL Account Class Categories. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank.

The General Ledger Account Category identifies which major section the GL Account belongs to on the Financial StatementsAccount Categories can be assigned as follows:

Balance Sheet Accounts: 

  • Asset
  • Liability
  • Equity

Income Statement Accounts:

  • Income Statement

This lookup contains the values in the GLAccountClassCategory Enumeration Class.

  • Asset
  • Liability
  • Equity
  • Income Statement
Control Account Type

Used to select one or more GL Account Control Types. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank.

A Control Account is a general ledger account containing only summary amounts. The details for control accounts are stored in a separate but related subsidiary ledger. The subsidiary ledger allows for tracking transactions within the control account in more detail. Individual transactions are posted both to the control account and the corresponding subsidiary ledger, and the totals for both are compared when preparing a trial balance to ensure accuracy. Control Accounts keep the general ledger free of details, while still maintaining correct balance for preparing the company's financial statements. The most common examples of Control Accounts include Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. The List of Control Account Types include:

  • Brokerage: The accrued brokerage payable. The details are stored in Program Balances.  
  • Checkbooks: The balance of a bank account. The details are stored in the Checkbook Transactions inquiry.
  • Customers: Current Accounts Receivable. The details are stored in the custom aging.
  • Fishermen: Current fishermen payable/receivable. The details are stored in the Fisherman Balances inquiry. 
  • Fishermen Loans: Current Fishermen Loans Receivable. The details are stored in the Fisherman Balances inquiry.
  • Freight: Current Accrued Freight (from Freight POs). The details are stored in the Purchase Order Lines List View.
  • Growers: Current Grower Payable. The details are stored in the vendor aging. 
  • Inventory: Current inventory valuation. The details are stored in the Inventory valuation.
  • Rebates: The accrued rebates payable. The details are stored in Program Balances.
  • Retained Earnings: This is posted to during a year-end close.
  • Vendors: Current Accounts Payable. The details are stored in the vendor aging.

This lookup contains the values in the GLControlAcctType Enumeration Class.

Fiscal Period

Used to select one or more Fiscal Periods, as configured in the Fiscal Periods master file. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank.

Fiscal Periods represent budgetary or accounting periods that fall within Fiscal Years. These often match the calendar where there are 12 periods, matching the calendar months. In organization where the fiscal year does not match the calendar year, Fiscal Periods may or may not match the number of days in a calendar month. Every transaction that posts to the general ledger contains a 'GL Date' and that date identifies both the Fiscal Year and Fiscal Period the transaction was posted to the general ledger in. 

The lookup contains a list of all Fiscal Periods.

Fiscal Year

Used to select one or more Fiscal Years. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as the current year.

A Fiscal Year is a one-year period that companies use for financial reporting and budgeting. A Fiscal Year is most commonly used for accounting purposes to prepare financial statements. Fiscal Years often start on January 1st and end on December 31st. However, not all Fiscal Years correspond with the calendar year. For example, a company may run their Fiscal Year from May 1st - April 30th. Once a Fiscal Year has been determined, it is unlikely to ever change outside of a company sale and/or merger.

The lookup contains a list of all Fiscal Years.

GL Account

Used to select one or more GL Accounts. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is not required to return results. If the inquiry is opened from the Inquiries page, it defaults as blank. If the inquiry is opened from the GL Account Balances List View, it defaults with the selected GL Account(s).

A GL Account Description is the name given to a GL Account ID.

The lookup contains a list of all GL Accounts.

Posting Type

Used to select one or more Posting Types. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank. If blank, this parameter is not used but if filled in then the data is limited based on the selection.

This lookup contains the values in the GLAccountPostingType Enumeration Class.

  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement
Saved SearchesDisplays the saved searches lookup and related icons. This tool allows users to select previously saved search options, create a new set of search options, save changes to existing search options, forget/delete saved search options and/or assign a saved search option as the default for the page. Once changes are made to the search options, the user can click the Save Options icon and save the changes. Saving search options will also save the preferences for 'Auto Refresh on Open' and 'Auto Hide Filters'. The new search option can also be set as the default.  Default searches can be removed by clicking the 'Set as Default' button again when the current default search is selected.  

Refer to this FAQ for advanced search options.