Shipment Details Record View

Shipment Details Record View

Shipments are used to describe the unique delivery of product on a Sales Order, Sales Return, or Inventory Transfer. A Shipment contains one or more Freight Legs and describes the Items that were/are to be delivered by a single Carrier, on a single Date, and most often (but not always) shipped from the same Site. The purpose of this page is to record freight cost and other freight details for non-logistics shipments (shipments managed in the Load Management functional area). Additionally, users can add, edit or delete information on the shipment leg(s).

Software Version: 2023.04.28 and newer

Page Header

Header Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription
Export DetailsOpens the Export Details Record View for users to document additional shipment details related to exports, including port information and container details.
Help Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 

 Opens the Notes dialog, filtered for the appropriate Note Type(s). From here, users can add, review, or edit Notes associated with the record. This icon is always enabled. 

Notes are used throughout the application to add additional details to Master Files and Transactions. Transactions and Master Files that support Notes store the text of the note in one or more 'Note Types' as a way to classify/organize notes. 

Print Opens the Print dialog window, where transaction and/or analysis reports can be downloaded, printed and/or emailed. 

When clicked, all the Reports that launch from the Print Dialog that are assigned to this page, and that the user has rights to (if Report Data Access is enabled) are displayed.


 Saves the changes made to the record. 

Save & Close Saves your changes and closes the page.

Home Tab 

Additional Wt.

Displays any additional weight not otherwise already included in the shipment. This would be used to correct the weight if the actual physical weight of the shipment was different from the system generated Product Weight + Tare Weight or to add additional dunnage. This is a numeric text box that is not required. It defaults as "0.00" and is always editable while the associated transaction is in a Status less than 'Approved'.

Database Field: ERPx_LMLoadTransaction.AdditionalWeight


Identifies the Currency assigned to the transaction. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from and can be updated from the 'Currency' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Record View for the selected Customer.

Note: This is blank for Inventory Transfer Transactions. 

The Currency identifies the kind of money used for transactions. For example, if a Customer or Vendor is setup with a Currency of "USD" then all transactions for them are stated in terms of US Dollars and all payments received or made must be in US Dollars.

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomer.CurrencyID

Freight + Surcharge Amt.Identifies the sum of the Freight and Surcharge amounts for all shipment legs. This is a non-editable field that is calculated as [Frt. Subtotal] + [Surcharge Amt] for each leg. This is for information only and is not stored in the database.
Freight Terms

Identifies the freight terms assigned to the shipment. This is a single-select standard lookup that is only required if the 'Require Freight Terms for New Transactions' property for the associated transaction class is set to "Yes". It defaults from the 'Freight Terms' selected on the 'Shipments' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. This field is always editable while the associated transaction is in a Status less than 'Approved'.

For Transfer Transactions, this defaults from the 'Default Freight Terms' property on the associated transaction class record. 

Freight Terms are used to describe the contract terms between the shipper and receiver or product. They can be assigned to Inventory Transfer and Sales Order Shipments. These can print on transaction documents but do not drive an other functionality.

This lookup contains a list of all 'Active' Freight Terms.

Database Fields: ERPx_SOFreightTerms.Name, ERPx_LMLoadTransaction.SOFreightTermsEN

Gross Wt.Displays the total weight of the shipment. This is a non-editable text box that is calculated as [Shipping Wt.] + [Additional Wt.]. This field is for information only, it is not stored in the database.
Handling Amt.

Identifies the total Handling Amount in the transaction currency for all shipment legs.  This is a non-editable field that is conditionally calculated based on the 'Freight Rate Type':

  • If the Handling Rate Type is "Fixed Amt - Gross Wt." or "Fixed Amt - Net Wt.", then it is calculated as [Handling Rate].
  • If the Handling Rate Type is "$/UOM - Gross Wt." then it is calculated as [Handling Rate] * [Gross Wt.]  
  • If the Handling Rate Type is "$/UOM - Net Wt." then it is calculated as [Handling Rate] * [Net Wt.]

This field is for information only, is not editable and is not stored in the database. 

Net Wt.

Displays the total ordered or allocated weight for all items on the shipment. This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It is calculated by summing the weight of all items on the shipment, where weight is ordered weight if the 'Show Weight for' field is "Ordered" and allocated weight if the 'Show Weight' for field is "Allocated". This field is never editable. This field is not stored in the database.

Order Weight UOM

Identifies the