Split Ticket Record View

Split Ticket Record View

Fish tickets document the harvest of fish and shellfish sold, discarded, or retained by the fisherman for personal use. All licensed processors must fill out a fish ticket for each landing from a fishing permit holder. Fish tickets are a record of purchase between the processors (or buyers) and the fishermen, and for the resource managers, they are a record of how many fish were taken from the sea. The information collected includes species landed, weight, gear used, harvest dates, who caught the fish, and the processor’s license code. Information specific to each fishery is also collected when the catch is delivered. The purpose of this page is to allow users to split one or more ticket lines from a source ticket between two or more fishermen.

(lightbulb) It is possible to split a fish ticket that that has previously been split. Though not recommended, it is also possible to edit the 'Weight' field or 'Units' field of a line item after the Fish Ticket has been split.

Software Version: 2021.10.05 and newer

Page Header

Toolbar IconsDescription
HelpOpens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 

(lightbulb) This icon is only visible on pages that are documented in the online help.

Save & Close

Saves changes and closes the page, navigating users back to the Fish Ticket List View. On Save, a new Ticket will be created using the 'New Ticket #' and 'Paid Account' fields for all line items with a 'New Weight' amount > 0 or 'New Units' quantity > 0. Additionally, the original Fish Ticket will be updated to reflect the [Weight] - [New Weight] and [Units] - [New Units] of any line items that were split.

(lightbulb) Only Fish Tickets in "New" status may be split, else the message "Only New Tickets can be split" will be displayed.

New Paid Account

Identifies the Fisherman Account that will be set as the 'Paid Account' on the new split Fish Ticket. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required. If missing, the message "New Paid Account is required." will be displayed on Save. This field defaults from the 'Paid Account' field on the source Fish Ticket. This field is always editable.

The lookup contains a a list of all the 'Active' Fishermen and Fishermen & Tenders.

Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.FishermanAccountVendorSK

New Ticket #

Identifies the Fish Ticket number (aka the Fish Ticket Transaction ID) for the new split Fish Ticket. This is a text box that is required. If missing, the message "New Ticket Number is required." will be displayed on Save.

This defaults from the 'Ticket #' of the source Ticket, plus the next corresponding letter of the alphabet (beginning with "A") based on the number of splits. For example, if a user is attempting to split Ticket # "E20 246290", this will default as "E20 246290A". Splitting Ticket # "E20 246290" again will default this field to "E20 246290B". This field is always editable.

Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.TicketNumber

Paid Account

Identifies the Fisherman Account that is being paid for the Fish Ticket. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from the 'Paid Account' on the source Fish Ticket. This field is never editable.

Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.FishermanAccountVendorSK

Permit Holder

Identifies the owner of the Permit (the fisherman) that was associated with the catch. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from the 'Permit Holder' on the source Fish Ticket. This field is never editable.

Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.PermitHolderVendorSK

Ticket #

Identifies the Fish Ticket number (aka the Fish Ticket Transaction ID). This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from the 'Ticket #' field of the source ticket (the Fish Ticket selected on the Fish Tickets List View). This field is never editable.

Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.TicketNumber

Page Detail

Toolbar IconsDescription
ExcelExports the contents of the grid to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view only the filtered contents will be exported. 
Ext. Amt.
Identifies the Extended amount of the line item. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It is formatted to 2 decimals. It defaults from the 'Ext. Amount' of the Item on the source Fish Ticket. This is for information only and is not editable.

Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.Amount

Item: Description

Identifies the Item, displayed as Item ID: Item Description. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from the Items on the source Fish Ticket. This is information only and is not editable.

Item IDs are the unique identifier for Items.  Items represent objects that you sell, produce, and/or purchase that are tracked within the system. They are used on Sales, Inventory, Fisherman Accounting and Purchasing transactions.

Database Fields: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketItem.ItemID, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketItem.GeneratedItemDescription,  ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.DeliveryTicketItemSK

New Ext. Amt.Identifies the Extended amount of the line item on the new split Fish Ticket. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It is formatted to 2 decimals. It is calculated as [New Weight] x [Price]. This field is for information only and is not editable.

Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.Amount

New Units

Identifies the Units that will be taken from the source ticket item for the new Fish Ticket. This is a numeric text box that is required to split a line item. It defaults as 0, is always editable, and can be updated in one or two ways:

  1. It can be manually entered and will round to the nearest whole number. If manually entered:
    1. The value cannot be <0 else the message "New Units cannot be less than 0." will be displayed
    2. The value cannot exceed the source weight else the message  "New Units cannot be greater than the original weight." will be displayed
  2. It calculates from the amount entered in the 'Split Percent'

When this field is updated, the 'New Ext. Amt' will automatically be recalculated when the user clicks/tabs out of the field.

Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.Units

New Weight

Identifies the weight that will be taken from the source ticket item for the new Fish Ticket. This is a numeric text box that is required to split a line item. It defaults as 0, is always editable, and can be updated in one or two ways:

  1. It can be manually entered and will round to the nearest whole number. If manually entered:
    1. The value cannot be <0 else the message "New Weight cannot be less than 0." will be displayed
    2. The value cannot exceed the source weight else the message  "New Weight cannot be greater than the original weight." will be displayed
  2. It calculates from the amount entered in the 'Split Percent'

When this field is updated, the 'New Ext. Amt' will automatically be recalculated when the user clicks/tabs out of the field.

Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.DeliveredWeight


Identifies the price of the line item. This is used to calculate the 'New Ext. Amt.' field. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from the 'Price' of the Item on the source Fish Ticket. This field will display with the corresponding number of 'Price Decimals', as specified for the item on the Fish Ticket Items List View. This is information only and is not editable.

Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.Price

Price UOM

Displays the unit of measure upon which the line item price is based. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from the 'Price UOM' field of the Item on the source Fish Ticket. This is information only and is not editable.

A UOM is a quantity used as a standard of measurement. It identifies how much makes up "1" of the measurement. Examples include Bag, Box, Each, Kg, Lb, ext.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMID, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.PriceUOMSK

Split Percent

Identifies the percentage of the source item's quantities (units & weight) that will be taken and applied to the new Fish Ticket. This is a numeric text box that is required to split a line item. It defaults as "0.00000" and is always editable. It must be >= 0 and <= 100, else the message "Split Percent must be greater than 0." or "Split Percent must be at or below 100."  will be displayed on Save. When a value is entered in this field, the 'New Units' and 'New Weight' fields will automatically be calculated and rounded to the nearest whole number. Clicking out of the field will reset this value back to "0.00000". This field is not stored in the database.

Tax Price

Displays the taxable price for the item. This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It defaults from the 'Tax Price' field of the Item on the source Fish Ticket. This is information only and is not editable.

Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.TaxPrice


Identifies the number of units delivered for the item. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from the 'Units' of the Item on the source Fish Ticket. This is information only and is not editable.

Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.Units

Units UOM
Identifies the unit of measure that the units are stored in (Box, Bag, Case, Each, Tote, etc.) for a line item or on the transaction. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from the 'Units UOM' field of the Item on the source Fish Ticket. This is information only and is not editable.

A UOM is a quantity used as a standard of measurement. It identifies how much makes up "1" of the measurement. Examples include Bag, Box, Each, Kg, Lb, ext.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMID, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.UnitsUOMSK


Identifies the gross weight of the item. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from the 'Weight' of the Item on the source Fish Ticket. This is information only and is not editable.

Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.DeliveredWeight

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