Ticket Item Record View

Ticket Item Record View

Ticket Items are the unique objects that you purchase from Growers. They are used on Grower Accounting Tickets and Grower Accounting Price Lists. The purpose of this page is to add, edit, remove, and activate/inactive these records.

Software Version: 2022.04.22 and newer

Page Header

Toolbar IconsDescription
Delete Deletes the selected record(s). When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected records?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. 

WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted! 

Help Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 

 Opens a new blank record for data entry.


 Saves the changes made to the record. 
Save & Close Saves your changes and closes the page.

Identifies the Item, displayed as Item ID: Item Description. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required. When setting up a new item, this field defaults to blank and is disabled. When editing an existing item, this field displays as the [Item ID] - [Item Description]. Selecting another item will reload the page for the associated Item. This field is always editable if it is enabled.

The lookup contains a list of all Items in the Items Master File.

Database Fields: ERPx_CPIMItem.ItemID, ERPx_CPItem.ItemDescription

Page Detail

Properties Tab

Toolbar IconsDescription
Excel Exports the contents of the grid to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view, or excluded columns, only the contents in the grid will be exported. 
Quick Column Filter Used to filter across all columns in the grid. When the user types text into the Quick Column Filter text box, the grid's Filter Row will be automatically hidden. The text in the Quick Column Filter text box automatically replaces any existing Filter Row filters. The results of the data immediately refresh as you enter text.
ID & Description

Item ID

Item IDs are the unique identifier for Items.  This is a text box that defaults as blank, is required, is always editable, must be unique, and must be <= 25 characters. If missing, the message "Item ID is required." will be displayed on Save. If not unique the message "Duplicate Item ID values are not allowed." will be displayed on Save.

Database Fields: ERPx_CPItem.ItemID

Item Description

Identifies the Description associated with the Item ID assigned to a transaction line, journal line detail or master file record. This is a text box that defaults as blank, is required, is always editable, must be unique, and must be <= 100 characters. If missing, the message "Item Description is required." will be displayed on Save. If not unique the message "Duplicate Item Descriptions are not allowed." will be displayed on Save.

Database Field: ERPx_CPItem.ItemDescription


Item Type

Identifies the type of item and its behavior in the system. This is a single-select lookup that defaults as blank and is required. If missing, the message "Item Type is required." will be displayed on Save. This is not editable after the initial Save.

Identifies the type of item and its behavior in the system. Grower Accounting Item Types fall under two categories: 

  1. Dockage: To identify Items that are typically not purchased (e.g., dirt, foreign material, etc.)
  2. Item: To identify Items that you are purchasing.

Database Fields: ERPx_CPItem.ItemTypeEN

Attribute Class

Identifies the Attribute Class configured for the Item. This is a single-select lookup that defaults from the Item Class but is not required. This is always editable.

Attribute Classes are assigned to master files to control which Attributes are visible, and/or required, to records within the master file.

This lookup contains a list of all Item Attribute Classes.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFAttributeClass.ClassDescription, ERPx_CPItemAttributes.AttributeClassSk

Purchase GL Account

Identifies the account number and description of the GL Account that is used for the Item when it is entered on a Ticket. This is a single-select lookup that defaults to blank and is not required. This is always editable.

Database Fields: ERPx_CPItem.PurchaseGLAccountSK

Growth Method

A single-select lookup to assign the Growth Method for the Item. This defaults to blank but is required. If missing, the message "Growth Method is required." will be displayed on Save. This field is always editable. The lookup contains all the values in the CPGrowthMethod Enumeration Class. 

The Growth Method identifies whether the product is grown using Organic or Conventional methods. If neither, "N/A" will be used. 

Database Field: ERPx_CPItem.CPGrowthMethodEN

Linked Inventory Item

Identifies the Inventory Item that will be used, for the Grower Accounting Item, on auto-created Inventory Receipt transactions. This is most often a Raw Material or WIP inventory item. This is a single-select lookup that defaults to blank and is not required. This is always editable.  

(lightbulb)Inventory Receipts for Tickets that auto-create Inventory Receipt transactions.  

Database Field: ERPx_CPItem.IMItemSK

Crops Tab

The Crops tab is used to assign one or more Crops to the Item. At least one Crop must be assigned.

Toolbar IconsDescription
Add Item Adds a blank line in the grid to allow for data entry. If a valid Item ID is entered, the line will be saved. If not, the 'Item Lookup' window will open allowing users to search for the Item.
Excel Exports the contents of the grid to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view, or excluded columns, only the contents in the grid will be exported. 
Quick Column Filter Used to filter across all columns in the grid. When the user types text into the Quick Column Filter text box, the grid's Filter Row will be automatically hidden. The text in the Quick Column Filter text box automatically replaces any existing Filter Row filters. The results of the data immediately refresh as you enter text.
Remove Items Removes the selected line(s). When clicked, you are prompted with the message "Are you sure you want to delete n item(s)? Okay or Cancel". This cannot be done on transactions with a Status of 'Approved', Ready to Post', 'Posted', 'Closed', 'Void', or 'Replaced'.

Used to select one or more records to perform an action, such as Mass Update, More Actions, or Delete.


Identifies the Crop(s) that the Ticket Item applies to. This is a single-select lookup that defaults as blank but is required. If missing the message "At least one Crop is required on an item." will be displayed on Save. To add a new Crop, click the 'Add Item' icon.

Crops are used in Grower Accounting to identify the unique combination of Commodity and Variety.

This lookup contains a list of all the records in the Crops Master File that are not currently assigned.

Database Fields: ERPx_CPIMItemCrop.CropSK, ERPx_CPCrop.Crop

Attributes Tab

The Attributes tab is where Ticket Item Attributes are assigned to specific items. If any required attributes are missing the item will be allowed to be saved but will be displayed in red text in the Item List View as a visual indicator that there are one or more missing attribute values.

Toolbar IconsDescription
Excel Exports the contents of the grid to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view, or excluded columns, only the contents in the grid will be exported. 
Quick Column Filter Used to filter across all columns in the grid. When the user types text into the Quick Column Filter text box, the grid's Filter Row will be automatically hidden. The text in the Quick Column Filter text box automatically replaces any existing Filt