Security Group - Copy

Security Group - Copy

A Security Group is assigned to a User to identify their user access/rights to pages and controls. Rather than setting up individual security rules uniquely for each user, Security Groups can be created and assigned to one or more users. This is helpful when there is more than one user that has the exact same rights. The purpose of this page is to clone an existing Security Group.

Software Version: 2023.08.31 and newer

Page Header

Toolbar IconDescription
Help Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 
Save & CloseCreates a clone of the source Security Group. If successful, the new Security Group will be added and displayed in the Security Groups List View.
'Copy From' Fields
Copy From A textbox that displays the Security Group name of the source Security Group. This defaults from the Security Group that was selected when the page was opened and is non editable.

A textbox that displays the Company of the source Security Group. This defaults from the Security Group that was selected when the page was opened and is non editable.

'Copy To' Fields
Copy To (New)

A textbox to edit the name of the new Security Group. This defaults as the name of Security Group that was selected with the text "(Copy)" appended to the end. This is required, and if missing the message "Copy to Security Group Name is required." will be displayed on Save. This must be unique, by Company, else the message "Copy to Security Group Name already exists." will be displayed on Save. This must be <= 40 characters.


A single select lookup to identify the Company that the Security Group will be used in. This defaults to blank and if missing, nothing will be copied on Save.

The lookup contains a blank value and the list of all Companies in the Companies List View.

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