NorthScope 2024.03.29

NorthScope 2024.03.29

(Software Version: 2024.03.29 Database Version: 2024.03.29 Mobile App Version: 2024.03.29)

Release Date: March 29, 2024

New Features


NS-12246 - Added Ability to Automatically Generate New Production Batch IDs and Dates

Your Production Batch IDs are consistently keyed in the same format. It’s always Site plus Item plus the batch date. Why should you have to waste space in your head remembering that when computers are really good at following patterns? NorthScope now lets you set up a template for how your Production Batch IDs are named, so new Batches created in the Production Transaction always have a consistent ID. We went ahead and added an option for defaulting Production Batch Dates, too. Any questions? We thought there would be some, so we've written an FAQ article all about this time saving feature.

NS-11852, NS-12226, NS-12230 - Added Bill of Material Features to Production Orders

Last year, we rebuilt NorthScope’s Bill of Material features to be lighter, stronger, and better than ever. They were beautiful but they didn’t interact with anything else in NorthScope; they were all alone on their own desert island. Starting in this release, BOMs can be used with Production Orders to automatically fill in backflushed Production Input items and maintain scaling ratios between inputs and outputs. Production Orders themselves got a full rebuild with a ton of new features including the ability to add Cost Items, which can also be imported from a BOM. Want to learn more? Head on over to our Production Order Help for all the details.

NS-12206, NS-12242, NS-12318 - Added Bill of Material Features to Production Transactions

With all the work we’ve put into the Bill of Material and Production Order features, it would have been a shame if we didn’t invite Production Transactions to the BOM party, too! Production Transactions can now automatically calculate backflushed Production Input item quantities, just like Production Orders, and automatically fill in Production Output Batch IDs and Dates using those fancy new Production Transaction Class properties.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could see Production Inputs and Outputs together in one view without needing to switch between the two? We did, too and while we were busy with all of that, we also added the ability to include Cost Items on the Production Transaction, so you can have ingredients, outputs, and overhead all together in one spot.

There are so many other great new features we couldn’t list them all here, but the NorthScope Production Transaction Help page has all the details. We've also written an FAQ article with more information about the new automatically generated Production Batch ID feature.

Mobile App

Bug Fixes

NS-12505 - Fixed Issue That Resulted in the Mobile App Unexpectantly Quitting 

We noticed that for a small number of users, the NorthScope Mobile app was unexpectantly quitting when opening specific screens. We fixed the underlying issue and gave the app another shot of espresso, so it's even faster than before.

Technical Changes

  • Please view cumulative schema changes here.
  • No config file changes.

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