How do I reopen a closed purchase order in NorthScope?


In NorthScope, there are two different types of purchase orders – Allow Single Invoice and Allow Multiple Invoices. The purchase order type is determined on the purchase order record view header, via the Type drop-down. The purchase order type will determine how and when each purchase order is closed.

Allow Single Invoice Purchase Orders

Once an AP Invoice is entered with the PO number of an Allow Single Invoice purchase order and is posted, the corresponding purchase order will automatically be updated to a status of Closed and is no longer eligible to be assigned to another AP Invoice. This will happen regardless of if the posted invoice was for the full amount of the purchase order or not.

Once an Allow Single Invoice PO is in a status of Closed, it cannot be moved to a status of Open using the status drop-down. In order to reopen an Allow Single Invoice PO once it has been closed, it must first be updated to an Allow Multiple Invoices purchase order. To do this, click the Type drop-down and select ‘Allow Multiple Invoices’ and Save. Once the purchase order has been saved as an Allow Multiple Invoices PO, the Status can be manually updated to Open.

Allow Multiple Invoice Purchase Orders

The status of Allow Multiple Invoice purchase orders must be managed manually. This means that even when an AP Invoice is entered with the PO number of an Allow Multiple Invoices purchase order and is posted, the corresponding PO will remain in a status of Open. Because of this, it is possible to post multiple invoices against the purchase order, regardless of the purchase order amount.

To close an Allow Multiple Invoice purchase order, simply open the purchase order record view, click the Status drop-down in the header, select ‘Closed’, and save. Saving an Allow Multiple Invoices purchase order as Closed will make it no longer eligible to be assigned to another AP Invoice.

Once an Allow Multiple Invoice purchase order is ‘Closed’, it can be reopened by simply changing the Status to Open and saving.


Note: Regardless of the purchase order type, once a purchase order is closed, all fields other than the Type and Status header fields will become disabled. Because these fields remain enabled, the user is always able to manage the status and type of all purchase orders.