Void/Correct Fisherman Sale/Tender Resale Transactions

Void/Correct Fisherman Sale/Tender Resale Transactions


NorthScope allows users to void and correct posted Fisherman Sale and Tender Resale Transactions.


Required Prerequisites

  • Vendor setup
  • Financial Account setup

Step 1: Accessing the Void/Correct Page

The Fisherman Sale Void/Correct page can be accessed either by expanding the Purchasing module, selecting Fisherman Sales or Fisherman Sale Lines and clicking the More Actions icon from the header toolbar and choosing Void/Correct from the dropdown menu.  Or the page can be accessed by expanding the Purchasing module, selecting Reports & Inquiries, clicking on the Fisherman Sales & Tender Resales Inquiry and the Run Report icon from the toolbar. This opens the Purchasing: Fisherman Sale Inquiry, click the More Actions icon from the header toolbar and choose Void/Correct from the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Completing the Void/Correct Page Header Fields

After selecting the Void/Correct option and the page opens, transactions can be filtered by the Fisherman name, Transaction ID and/or transaction dates.  The following fields are displayed in the header:

  • Action - This field allows users to determine if the transactions should be corrected or voided.
  • Date From - This date field is to enter a From Date to filter transactions displayed in the grid section. The field defaults to the date a year prior today’s date.
  • Date To - This date field is to enter a To Date to filter transactions displayed in the grid section. The field defaults to the current date.
  • Default GL Date - This date field is the GL date for the transaction. The field defaults to the current date and it is required.
  • Fisherman - This field displays a dropdown menu to select the Fisherman/Tender associated with the transaction to be corrected or voided.
  • Transaction - This field is to enter a Fisherman Sale or Tender Resale transaction ID to filter a specific transaction with the ID.
  • Transaction Type - This field displays a dropdown menu to select the Transaction Type.  The options are either 'Fisherman Sale' or 'Tender Resale'.

After the header fields have been completed click the ‘Refresh Data’ toolbar icon, the transactions that meet the filter criteria entered in the fields above will appear in the grid.  See below for information on the fields displayed in the grid.

Step 3: Completing the Void/Correct Page Grid Fields

  • Amount - Displays the total transaction Net Amount. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited.
  • Doc No - Displays the Doc No from the original transaction.  This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited.
  • Fisherman - Displays the Fisherman ID of the Fisherman assigned to the transaction. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited.
  • Fisherman Name - Displays the Fisherman Name of the Fisherman assigned to the transaction. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited.
  • GL Date - Displays the GL Date of the original transaction. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited.
  • Trans Date - Displays the date of the original transaction. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited.
  • Transaction - Displays the original Transaction ID. This field is a hyperlink, which opens the corresponding transaction record.
  • Void/Correct GL Date - This date field is to enter a GL date for the transaction void/correction. The field defaults to the Default GL Date entered in the header section and is editable. This field is required.

Step 4: Processing the Void/Correct Transaction

Select the transaction/s that are to be either corrected/voided by checking the box next to the transaction line item, or to select all the transactions listed, check the box next to the grid column headers.  Click the Process toolbar icon, once the transactions have been processed they will disappear from the Void/Correct page.  Close the Void/Correct page to return to the list view. 

When a transaction is corrected, the status of the original transaction is updated to Replaced and a new version is saved in a New status.  These transactions will appear in the list view for reprocessing.  They can also be accessed by running the Fisherman Sales & Tender Resales Inquiry.  When a transaction is voided, the status of the original transaction is updated to Replaced and a new version is created in Void status.  These transactions can be accessed by running the Fisherman Sales & Tender Resales Inquiry and selecting Void in the Inquiry Criteria Status.

Voiding and correcting Fisherman Sale and Tender Resale transactions update the Fisherman Balance accordingly.

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