Lot Certifications (UG)

Lot Certifications (UG)


NorthScope allows users to add and edit Certifications. These certifications can be configured to be Item, Site or Item & Site specific. Lot certifications do not integrate with the Host system. 

Required Prerequisites

  • Item setup
  • Production Site setup

New Certification

Step 1 Creating a New Certification

To create a new certification, navigate to the Inventory module and click on Quality and select Lot Certifications. The Lot Certifications list view displays all previously created certifications and their statuses. Select New from the toolbar. This opens blank lines for data entry. Enter the following details:

  • Certification: Enter the certification name. This field is required and the first character must be an alphabet or an underscore.

Note: Due to a framework limitation, the certification name cannot be the same as an existing attribute name. An error is displayed when saving a certification with an existing attribute name. 

  • Certification #: Enter the certification ID or number. This field is optional and can be left blank.
  • Comment: Enter a comment. This field is optional and can be left blank.

Next select the Certification Type. The default type is Item & Site, but it can be changed to Item Only or Site Only.

  • Item & Site: Both the item and the production site are required to be assigned to the certification in order to create production batches with the certification.
  • Item Only: Only the item is required to be assigned to the certification in order to create production batches with the certification. The production batch is certified regardless of the production site.
  • Site Only: Only the site is required to be assigned to the certification in order to create production batches with the certification. All production batches produced at the site are certified regardless of the item.

When creating a new Certification, leave the Inactive field to No. Click Save from the toolbar to create the certification. After Save is clicked, the list view returns to the view mode and the new certification is displayed.

Step 2 Assigning Items to the Certification

Assign items to the certification, if the certification is Item Only or Item & Site type. Navigate to the Items list view (Inventory > Items), search for the appropriate item(s) and open the item record. On the item record, click Certifications tab and check the check box next to the certification name. Save the item record to complete the change.

Step 3 Assigning Sites to the Certification

Assign sites to the certification, if the certification is Site Only or Item & Site type. Navigate to the Sites list view (Sales Order > Sites), search for the appropriate site(s) and open the site record. On the site record, click Certifications tab and check the check box next to the certification name. Save the site record to complete the change.

Editing Certifications

To edit existing certifications, navigate to Inventory > Quality > Lot Certifications and click on the Edit toolbar icon. This changes the grid to edit mode, which allows users to edit multiple certifications simultaneously. Edit the fields needed and click the Save toolbar icon to save the changes made. Note that the Type field is not editable.

Deleting Certifications

A certification can only be deleted if it has not been assigned to an item, site or production batch. Certifications can be inactivated any time by changing Inactive field to Yes when the Certifications list view is in edit mode. Inactived certifications are not displayed on item or site records or on the Production Batches mass update window.

Mass Updating Production Batches

The Production Batch list view allows users to mass assign production batch records to certifications. To do this, navigate to Inventory > Production Batches,  filter or select the appropriate records and click Mass Update toolbar icon. Scroll down to the Certifications section and select Yes from the certification menu. Click Apply from the Mass Update toolbar to save the changes.

Production batches can be also mass unassigned from certifications following the same workflow, but selecting No from the certification menu.