Mass Update: Lot Balances

Mass Update: Lot Balances


This action will apply to:

Identifies the records that will be affected by the applied mass update changes. The options are 'Selected Record(s)' or 'All Filtered Records'. Choosing selected records will apply the mass update changes to all records that have their check boxes selected. Choosing all filtered records will apply the mass update changes to all filtered records. 

Toolbar Icons

Toolbar IconDescription

Clicking this icon will change the status of the chosen records and reload the list view to reflect the changes.


Hold CodeDisplays a drop down menu that displays all the Hold Codes configured in Hold Codes Master File (Inventory →  Hold Codes). Assigns the selected Hold Code to selected/filtered lots when Apply is clicked. 
Layer Costing StatusDisplays a drop-down menu that displays values: (blank), Closed and Open. Assigns the selected Layer Costing status to selected/filtered lots when Apply is clicked.
Lot OwnerDisplay a drop-down menu that displays all the active Lot Owners configured in the Lot Owner Master File (Inventory → Owner). Assigns the selected Lot Owner to selected/filtered lots when Apply is clicked. 
Lot StatusDisplays a drop-down menu that displays values: (blank), Closed and Open. Assigns the selected status to selected/filtered lots when Apply is clicked. 

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