Transfer - Shipment Details

Transfer - Shipment Details

Description: Inventory Transfer Shipment records allow users to record freight cost and other freight details. A journal entry is created for the transfer transaction when freight is assigned to the transaction.

Header Section


Toolbar IconsDescription
Export Details

Opens the Export Details record for the corresponding shipment.

Grid Layout
Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Toolbar Icon - Grid'.
NotesOpens the Notes dialog, filtered for the appropriate Note Type(s). From here, users can add, review, or edit Notes associated with the record. This icon is always enabled. 
PrintOpens the Print dialog, showing any applicable printable reports to be printed, downloaded, and/or emailed. 
SaveSaves the changes made to the record. 

(lightbulb) It is only necessary to click the Save button when a change is detected on the page. When a change has been made, a ‘ + ‘ character is displayed prior to the page name in the page title bar (light blue bar in the upper left corner of the page). Clicking Save reloads the page.

Home Tab

Field NamesDescription
Addtl. Gross Wt.

This numeric field is for the user to enter an Additional Gross Weight quantity. This field is editable until the transaction is approved. The field is not required.


This field defaults to blank and is never editable. 

Freight TermsThis drop-down menu is for the user to select a Freight Terms to the shipment. The menu displays all active Freight Terms configured in the Freight Terms Master File (Sales Order > Freight Terms).  This field is editable when the transaction status is New. The field is not required.
Order Weight UOMThis drop-down is for the user to select the Weight Unit of Measure for the shipment. All items assigned to the shipment will be converted into this unit of measure. The menu displays all weight type units of measures configured in the Units of Measure Master File (Inventory > Units of Measures). The selected Unit of Measure is used as the default UOM for new legs created in the grid section of the shipment record. The field is editable when the transaction status is new and it is required to save the record.
Product Wt.

Displays the total weight assigned to the shipment. The value is pulled from the transaction record. The field is for informational use only and is never editable.


Displays the ID of the shipment and it defaults to the transaction ID. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited.

Shipping Wt.

This field displays the Shipping Weight on the shipment, which is calculated from the Product Weight and the Tare Weight (Product Wt. + Tare Wt.). This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited.

Show Weight for

This field defaults to Ordered.

Tare Wt. 

This field displays the total Tare Weight assigned to the shipment.  This field is for informative use only and is not editable.

Total Wt. This field identifies the shipment’s Total Weight. This is calculated from the Shipping Weight and Additional Gross Weight (Shipping Wt. + Addtl. Gross Wt.). This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited.

This field displays the transaction ID of the Transfer transaction. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited.

Properties Tab

Property NameDescription
Carrier arrived at our facility

Displays a date picker field for the user to select a date the carrier arrived at the facility. The field is editable when the transaction status is New. The field is not required.

Carrier arrived time at our facility

Displays a text box for the user to enter a time the carrier arrived at the facility. The field is editable when the transaction status is New. The field is not required.

Carrier scheduled time to arrive at our facility

Displays a text box for the user to enter a time the carrier is scheduled to arrive at the facility. This field is editable when the transaction status is New. The field is not required.

Carrier scheduled time to depart our facility

Displays a text box for the user to enter a time the carrier is scheduled to depart the facility. This field is editable when the transaction status is New. The field is not required.

Carrier scheduled to arrive at our facility

Displays a date picker field for the user to select a date the carrier is scheduled to arrive at the facility. This field is editable when the transaction status is New. The field is not required.

Carrier scheduled to depart our facility

Displays a date picker field for the user to select a date the carrier is scheduled to depart the facility. This field is editable when the transaction status is New. The field is not required.


Displays a text field for the user to enter the name of the driver assigned to the shipment. This field is editable when the transaction status is New. The field is not required.

Scheduled By

Displays a text field for the user to enter the name of the employee who scheduled the shipment. This field is editable when the transaction status is New The field is not required.


Displays the name of the site assigned to the shipment. This site is retrieved from the transaction (From Site) and is for informational use only and never editable.


Displays a text field for the user to enter the details of the trailer assigned to the shipment. This field is editable when the transaction status is New. The field is not required.

TruckDisplays a drop-down menu for the user to select a truck assigned to the shipment. The drop-down menu displays all active trucks configured for the carrier in the Trucks Master File (Logistics > Trucks). This field is editable when the transaction status is New. The field is not required.  

Attributes Tab

Column HeadersDescription
AttributesThe Attributes displayed are determined by the Attribute Setup and the Assign Attribute Rules. The Attributes can be setup and assigned to the transaction type in the Attributes section of the Company module (Company → Attributes → Logistics).
AvailableThis field displays whether or not the attribute is available and required. Only available attributes will be displayed with a 'Yes' followed by whether or not it is a required attribute. Required attribute values must be entered before saving the transaction as Approved or Ready to Post.
ValueThe values in each attribute lookup are determined by the values created for the attribute, as set up in the Attributes setup in the Company module.

Grid Section


Toolbar IconsDescription

Deletes the selected line(s) from the transaction or master file. This icon is only enabled for transactions with a Status of 'New'.

(lightbulb) Each Shipment must have at least one leg. 

Excel Clicking the Excel toolbar icon exports the current contents of the grid to an Excel file that is automatically downloaded. The contents that export are only those currently visible. If the grid is filtered, only the filtered contents will be exported. 
NewAdds new blank lines in the grid section to allow for data entry.
NotesOpens the Notes dialog, allowing the user to enter Notes for the selected line item. This toolbar icon is always enabled. 


Column HeadersDescription
CarrierIdentifies the carrier assigned to the leg. The carrier defaults to the carrier assigned to the transaction but is editable when the transaction status is New. The drop-down menu displays all active carriers configured in the Carriers master list (Sales Order > Carriers).
Exch. Table - Leg to Transaction

Displays the ID of the Exchange Table where the ‘Exch. Rate – Leg to Transaction’ was retrieved. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited. Note: This column is not in the system view. 

Exch. Rate - Leg to Transaction

Displays the rate used to calculate the Total Freight Amount in the company currency. The rate is pulled from the exchange table. The exchange rate is determined by the current date and time. If the exchange table does not contain a rate for the current date and time, the most recent rate prior to the current date and time will be used. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited. Note: This column is not in the system view.

External Leg ID

This text field is for the user to enter an External Leg ID. This field is editable when the transaction status is New. The field is not required. Note: This column is not in the system view.

External Load ID

This text field is for the user to enter an External Load ID. This field is editable when the transaction status is New. The field is not required. Note: This column is not in the system view.

Freight RateThis numeric field is for the user to enter the Freight Rate for the shipment. This rate is used to calculate the Total Freight for the shipment. This field is editable when the transaction status is New. The field is not required. 
Freight Rate Type

Allows users to select the Freight Rate Type for the shipment from a drop-down menu:

  • $/UOM – Net Wt.
  • $/UOM – Gross Wt.
  • Fixed Amt. – Net Wt.
  • Fixed Amt. – Gross Wt.

The freight rate type determines how the total freight is calculated. The field is required, if ‘Frt. Rate UOM’, ‘Freight Rate’, ‘Surcharge %’ or ‘Other Charges’ field is filled. The field is editable when the transaction status is New.

Freight WeightIdentifies the total Freight Weight assigned to the leg. The weight is calculated from the Production Weight. The Freight Weight includes the ‘Additional Gross Weight’ assigned to the shipment in the header section, if the ‘Freight Rate Type’ is either the ‘Fixed Amt – Gross Wt.’ or ‘$/UOM -Gross Wt.’ If the ‘Freight Rate Type’ is either ‘Fixed Amt. – Net Wt.’ or ‘$/UOM – Net Wt.’, the ‘Additional Gross Weight’ is not included in the Freight Weight. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited. 
Frt. Rate UOMThis field displays a drop-down menu for the user to select the Unit of Measure for the freight rate. The drop-down displays all weight type units of measures configured in the Units of Measure Master File (Inventory > Units of Measures). The field defaults to the ‘Order Weight UOM’, but the field is editable when the transaction status is New. The field is required when the ‘Freight Rate Type is either ‘$/UOM – Gross Wt.’ or ‘$/UOM – Net Wt.’.
Inverse Exch. 

Identifies if an inverse of an exchange table was used to calculate the Total Freight Amount. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited. Note: This column is not in the system view.


Identifies the sequence of the leg. The sequence can be edited by dragging and dropping the lines.

Leg CurrencyThis field is a drop-down menu for the user to select a currency for the corresponding shipment leg. The menu displays all currencies configured in the Currencies Master File (System > Currencies). The field defaults to the company currency, but the field is editable when the transaction status is New. The field is required.
Other Charges

This numeric field allows users to enter an additional charge amount, which is added to the Total Freight Amount. The field is not required.

Rate Type - Leg to Transaction

This field identifies the calculation method (multiply or divide) used to calculate the Total Freight Amount in the transaction currency. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited. Note: This column is not in the system view.


Identifies the source of the leg. The source can be Manual or Integrated. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited. Note: This column is not in the system view.

Surcharge %

This numeric field allows users to enter a surcharge %, which calculates a surcharge amount as following:

  • Freight Rate Type - Fixed Amount: Freight Rate * Surcharge %
  • Freight Rate Type - $/UOM: Freight Weight * Freight Rate * Surcharge %

This field is editable when the transaction status is new. The field is not required. 

Total Frt. Amt - Leg Currency

Identifies the Total Freight Amount in the leg currency. If the ‘Freight Rate Type’ is ‘$/UOM’ type, the amount is calculated as Freight Weight * Freight Rate * Surcharge + Other Charges.

If the ‘Freight Rate Type’ is ‘Fixed Amount’ type the amount is calculated as Freight Rate * Surcharge % + Other Charges. 

This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited. Note: This column is not in the system view.

Total Frt. Amt - Trans. CurrencyIdentifies the Total Freight Amount in the company currency. This is calculated from the ‘Total Frt Amt – Leg Currency’ and the ‘Exch. Rate – Leg to Transaction’ values. The ‘Rate Type – Leg to Transaction’ determines the calculation method. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited.

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