Inventory Transaction Class Record View

Inventory Transaction Class Record View

Inventory Transaction Classes are used to categorize inventory transactions within specific transaction types and assign specific default values and business rules for each. They are assigned when the New icon is selected for Inventory transactions. For example, if there was a need to differentiate transfers between Fresh and Frozen, you could create a Transaction Class for "Fresh" that applies to Inventory Transfers. The purpose of this page is to add, edit, remove, and activate/inactive these records.

Software Version: 2024.03.29 and newer

Page Header

Header Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription
Delete Deletes the transaction, batch, or master file record. When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete this record?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. 

WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted!

Help Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 
New Opens a new blank record for data entry.
Save Saves the changes made to the record. 
Save & Close Saves your changes and closes the page.
ClassIdentifies the Transaction Type and Transaction Class for Inventory transactions. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required. When creating a new transaction class, this field is disabled. After the initial save of a transaction class, this field automatically defaults '[Transaction Type] - [Transaction Class]'. Users also have the option to toggle between classes. This field is always editable after initial Save. When users update the value selected in this field, the Transaction Class Record View will automatically refresh to display the Properties for the selected Transaction Class.

Properties Tab 

These properties support Rolldown: A check box to identify whether or not the corresponding value should be pushed to all records (customers, fishermen, items, vendors) assigned to the Class. On 'Save', the values for all the selected fields will be rolled down the records assigned to the Class.

Toolbar IconsDescription
Excel Exports the contents of the grid to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view, or excluded columns, only the contents in the grid will be exported. 
Quick Column Filter  Used to filter across all columns in the grid. When the user types text into the Quick Column Filter text box, the grid's Filter Row will be automatically hidden. The text in the Quick Column Filter text box automatically replaces any existing Filter Row filters. The results of the data immediately refresh as you enter text.
Group: Configuration
Transaction Type

Identifies the transaction type of the transaction class. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required. It defaults to "Production" and is not editable the after initial Save.

This lookup contains: Production, Adjustment, Transfer, Receipt, and Production Order.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMTransactionType.TransactionTypeDescription, ERPx_IMTransactionClass.TransactionTypeSK

Transaction Class

Identifies the name of Transaction Class. This is a text box that is required and defaults as blank. If missing, the message "Transaction Class is required." will be displayed on Save. This value must be unique by Transaction Type. If not, the message "Transaction Class already exists for the selected Transaction Type." will be displayed on Save. This field is always editable and must be <= 50 characters. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.TransactionClassID

Document Prefix

Identifies the prefix that will combine with the 'Next Document Number' field to create the Transaction ID for transactions belonging to the transaction class. This is a text box that is required. If missing, the message "Document Prefix is required." will be displayed on Save. This defaults as blank and is always editable. If entered, this field must be <= 10 characters. This field must be unique. If not, the message "Document Prefix already exists." will display on Save. 

The 'Document Prefix' is used in conjunction with the 'Next Document Number' to determine the system assigned Transaction ID's. Transaction ID's are created by stringing together the [Document Prefix] + [Next Document Number] from the applicable Transaction Class.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.DocPrefix

Next Document Number

Specifies the Next Document Number to be used in the Transaction ID. This is a text box that is required. It defaults to "10000" and is always editable. It must be a number, else the message "Next Doc / Document Number must be a number greater than 0" will be displayed on Save. This field will auto increment by 1 for every new transaction that is created.

The 'Document Prefix' is used in conjunction with the 'Next Document Number' to determine the system assigned Transaction ID's. Transaction ID's are created by stringing together the [Document Prefix] + [Next Document Number] from the applicable Transaction Class.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.NextDocNumber

Logo Location

Identifies where the desired Logo is located within the system. This will be identified by the file path to the Logo image. The Logo image will appear on all printed forms associated with the transaction that is assigned to the transaction class and does not drive any other functionality. This is a text box that is not required. This defaults to blank, is always editable and must be <= 500 characters. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.DocumentLogoLocation


Identifies whether or not the transaction class is inactive. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. It defaults to "No" and is always editable.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.IsInactive

Group: Defaults
Auto Assign Production Batches

Identifies if the transactions belonging to the transaction class 'Production Batch' value should be auto assigned or not.  This is a Yes/No lookup that defaults to 'No'.  If set to 'Yes', the value/string specified in the 'Production Batch String' property will be the value that is assigned as the Production Batch for the associated line item on the Production transaction. 

 This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Production. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.AutoAssignProductionBatches

Production Batch String

Identifies the auto-generated Production Batch value that is assigned to a new Output lot item on the Production transaction when the 'Auto Assigned Production Batches' property is set to 'Yes'.  This defaults as "(YYYY)+(MM)+”-“+[SiteID]+”-”+[ItemID]" but is always editable.  For example, if the current month and year is January 2024, the Site is Bellingham Cold Storage (BCS) and the Item is 110-FZ-05-1 Pacific Cod Fillets, the Production Batch ID would default as "202401-BCS-110-FZ-05-1" for all new Output line items.  The generated text string must be <=50 characters.  For all the supported Keywords and validation rules, please see this FAQ for detailed information. 

 This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Production. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.ProductionBatchString

Auto Assign Production Batch Dates

Identifies if the transactions belonging to the transaction class 'Production Batch Date' value should be auto assigned or not.  This is a single select lookup that defaults to the value "Default from Transaction Date" which defaults the date of the transaction as the Production Batch Date to newly created Output lots.  When the value is set to "Do not Default", the Production Batch Date will not default a value on the Production transaction for the corresponding transaction class. 

The lookup contains the options "Do not Default" and "Default from Transaction Date". 

 This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Production. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.AutoAssignProductionBatchDates

Default Freight Rate Type - Freight

Identifies the 'Freight Rate Type' that will default on each Shipment's Freight Leg.  This is a single-select lookup that is required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved.  It defaults to the value "$/UOM - Gross Wt." and is always editable. 

The lookup contains all the values in the FreightRateType Enumeration Class.

The Freight Rate Type identifies how the freight/delivery portion (as opposed to the handling portion) of the total freight cost is calculated on Sales Order and Transfer Shipments. The options include:

  • Fixed Amt - Gross Weight: A flat/fixed rate has been quoted for the shipment and the user wants the total freight expense allocated to each line-item based on the prorated share of the total "Gross Weight".  
  • Fixed Amt - Net Weight:  A flat/fixed rate has been quoted for the shipment and the user wants the total freight expense allocated to each line-item based on the prorated share of the total "Net Weight". 
  • $/UOM - Gross WtA variable (per Lb) rate has been quoted for the shipment and the user wants the total freight expense allocated to each line-item based on the prorated share of the total "Gross Weight". 
  • $/UOM - Net WtA variable (per Lb) rate has been quoted for the shipment and the user wants the total freight expense allocated to each line-item based on the prorated share of the total "Net Weight".

 This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Transfer. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.DefaultFreightRateTypeEN

Default Freight Rate Type - Handling

Identifies the 'Handling Rate Type' that will default on each Shipment's Freight Leg. This is a single-select lookup that is required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved.  It defaults to the value "$/UOM - Gross Wt." and is always editable. 

The lookup contains all the values in the HandlingRateType Enumeration Class.

The Handling Rate Type identifies how handling/lumper amounts, that are included in the total freight amounts, are calculated on Sales Order and Transfer Shipments. The options include:

  • Fixed Amt - Gross Weight: A flat/fixed rate has been quoted for the shipment and the user wants the total freight expense allocated to each line-item based on the prorated share of the total "Gross Weight".  
  • Fixed Amt - Net Weight:  A flat/fixed rate has been quoted for the shipment and the user wants the total freight expense allocated to each line-item based on the prorated share of the total "Net Weight". 
  • $/UOM - Gross WtA variable (per Lb) rate has been quoted for the shipment and the user wants the total freight expense allocated to each line-item based on the prorated share of the total "Gross Weight". 
  • $/UOM - Net WtA variable (per Lb) rate has been quoted for the shipment and the user wants the total freight expense allocated to each line-item based on the prorated share of the total "Net Weight".

 This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Transfer. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.DefaultHandlingFreightRateTypeEN

Default Freight Terms

Identifies the default Freight Terms associated with the transaction. This is a single-select lookup that is not required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved.  It defaults to blank and is always editable. 

Freight Terms are used to describe the contract terms between the shipper and receiver or product. They can be assigned to Inventory Transfer and Sales Order Shipments. These can print on transaction documents but do not drive an other functionality.

The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the 'Active' Freight Terms 

 This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Transfer. 

Database Field: ERPx_SOFreightTerms.Description, ERPx_IMTransactionClass.DefaultFreightTermsSK

Group: Data Entry
Allow Creation of new Input Lots

Identifies if the transactions belonging to the transaction class should be allowed to create new lots (Allowed) or not (Not Allowed) for Input type line items. This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Production. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. It defaults to "Not Allowed" and is always editable. The value saved for this field will be defaulted for the 'Auto-Create New Lots - Inputs' property on the Properties tab of the transaction record view when transactions for the transaction class are created.

If this is set to "Allowed" then Production Input line items, for new Inventory Lots, can be approved and posted. If set to 'Not Allowed' then Production Input line items, for new Inventory Lots, will display an error message on Save when the transaction is set to a Status of "Approved" or "Ready to Post". This setting can be over-ridden on the transaction.

The lookup contains all the values in the IMAutoCreateNewLots Enumeration Class. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.InputAutoCreateLotsEN

Allow Negative Available Balances

Identifies whether the transactions belonging to the transaction class should allow to draw the lot balances negative (Allowed) or not (Not Allowed). This is a single-select standard lookup that is required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. It defaults to "Not Allowed" and is always editable. The value saved for this field will be defaulted for the 'Negative Available Balances' property on the Properties tab of the transaction record view when transactions for the transaction class are created.

If this is set to "Allowed" then transactions with line items that draw lot balances negative can be approved and posted. If set to 'Not Allowed' then transactions with line items that draw lot balances negative will display an error message on Save, when the transaction is set to a Status of "Approved" or "Ready to Post". This setting can be over-ridden on the transaction.

(lightbulb) When the Transaction Type is Production, this property is used as the default for both By-Product and Output lines types.

The lookup contains all the values in the IMAllowNegativeAvailableBalances Enumeration Class. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.NegativeBalancesEN

Allow Negative Available Balances for Inputs 

Identifies whether the transactions belonging to the transaction class should allow to draw the lot balances negative (Allowed) or not (Not Allowed) for Input type line items. This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Production. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. It defaults to "Not Allowed" and is always editable. The value saved for this field will be defaulted for the 'Negative Available Balances - Inputs' property on the Properties tab of the transaction record view when transactions for the transaction class are created.

If this is set to "Allowed" then transactions with Input line items that draw lot balances negative can be approved and posted. If set to 'Not Allowed' then transactions with Input line items that draw lot balances negative will display an error message on Save, when the transaction is set to a Status of "Approved" or "Ready to Post". This setting can be over-ridden on the transaction.

The lookup contains all the values in the IMAllowNegativeAvailableBalances Enumeration Class. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.InputNegativeBalancesEN

Allow Item Substitutions

Identifies whether items can be substituted on the transaction. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required and is displayed once a transaction has been initially saved. It defaults to "Yes - Both". This field is always editable. The value saved for this field will be defaulted for the 'Allow Substitutes' field on the Properties tab of the Production Order record view when transactions for the transaction class are created.

The lookup contains all the values in the IMProductionOrderAllowSubstitutes Enumeration Class. 

  • No: No substitutions are allowed
  • Yes - Both: Substitutions are allowed for all items
  • Yes - Inputs Only: Substitutions are only allowed for Input Items
  • Yes - Outputs OnlySubstitutions are only allowed for Output Items

 This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Production Order

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.ProductionOrderAllowSubstitutes

Yield UOM

Identifies the default UOM for Production Order and Production transactions created from this transaction class. This is a single-select standard lookup that is not required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. It defaults as blank for Production Order classes and as 'Lbs' for Production classes (if 'Lbs' is an Active UOM, else it is blank), and is always editable. The value saved for this field will be defaulted for the 'Yield UOM' field on the Production Order record view when a new Production Order transaction is created, and for the 'Yield UOM' on the Properties tab of the Production transaction.

The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the 'Active' Inventory Units of Measure.

 This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Production or Production Order. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.ProductionOrderUOMSK

Related Production Transaction Class

Identifies the default Production transaction class to record production under when clicking the Record Production toolbar button from the Production Order record view. This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is ProductionOrder. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. It defaults as "Default" and is always editable. The value saved for this field will be defaulted for the 'Production Transaction Class' field on the Record Production popup when the Report Production button is clicked from the Production Order record view.

The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the 'Active' Transaction Classes where Transaction Type = "Production".

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.DefaultRelatedTransactionClassSK

Set GL Date from Transaction Date

Identifies whether or not the GL Date field on the transaction will default from the transaction date. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. It defaults to "No" and is always editable. If set to “Yes”, the GL Date on the transaction record view will be disabled and will always follow the transaction date. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.SingleDateManagement

Group: Freight Matching
Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight

A Yes/No lookup to identify whether or not a "freight" Purchase Order will be auto generated for transactions assigned to this Transaction Class, that include delivered freight accruals (as specified on the Shipment page). This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Transfer.  This is required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. It defaults to "No" and is always editable. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.AutoCreatePurchaseOrdersForDeliveredFreight

Transfer Freight Accrual GL Account

Identifies the account number and description of the Freight Accrual GL Account that is identified as a 'Freight' Control Account and is credited to represent a delivered freight expense on a Shipment Leg that auto creates a Freight Purchase Order. This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Transfer. This is a single-select lookup that defaults to blank and is required when the 'Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight' property is set to "Yes", it is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. If missing, the message "Transfer Freight Accrual GL Account is required if Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight is set to Yes." will be displayed on Save.

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value and a list of all the 'Active' GL Accounts with the Control Account Type of "Freight".

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.TransferFreightAccrualGLAccount

Freight Variance GL Account

The GL Account used to offset differences between the freight amount that was accrued on the posted Sales Order or Inventory Transfer (the amount that becomes the Freight Purchase Order amount), and the amount paid on the AP InvoiceThis is only automated on Freight Purchase Orders that were auto created from Sales Orders and Inventory Transfer transactions. This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Transfer.  This is a single-select lookup that defaults to blank and is required when the 'Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight' property is set to "Yes", it is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. If missing, the message "Freight Variance GL Account is required if Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight is set to Yes." will be displayed on Save.

The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the 'Active' GL Accounts.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.FreightVarianceGLAccountSKForDeliveredFreight

Purchase Order Class

Identifies the Purchase Order Class that will be assigned to the Freight Purchase Order. This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Transfer.  This is a single-select lookup that defaults to blank and is required when the 'Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight' property is set to "Yes", it is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. If missing, the message "Purchase Order Class is required if Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight is set to Yes." will be displayed on Save.

The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the 'Active' Purchase Order Transaction Classes

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.PurchaseOrderClassSKForDeliveredFreight

Purchase Order Item ID for Freight + Surcharge Amounts

Identifies the Item ID and Description that will be added to the Freight Purchase Order to reflect the accrued 'Freight + Surcharge Amt.' of the total delivered freight accrued amount. This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Transfer.  This is a single-select lookup that defaults to blank and is required when the 'Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight' property is set to "Yes", it is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. If missing, the message "Purchase Order Item ID for Freight + Surcharge Amounts is required if Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight is set to Yes." will be displayed on Save.

The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the 'Active' Items with an Item Type of "Freight", "AP", or "Misc" where the 'Manage Items By' property is set to 'Units Only'.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.FreightAndSurchargeItemSKForDeliveredFreightPurchaseOrder

Purchase Order Item ID for Handling Amounts

Identifies the Item ID and Description that will be added to the Freight Purchase Order to reflect the accrued 'Handling Amt.' of the total delivered freight accrued amount. This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Transfer.  This is a single-select lookup that defaults to blank and is required when the 'Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight' property is set to "Yes", it is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. If missing, the message "Purchase Order Item ID for Handling Amounts is required if Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight is set to Yes." will be displayed on Save.

The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the 'Active' Items with an Item Type of "Freight", "AP", or "Misc" where the 'Manage Items By' property is set to 'Units Only'.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.HandlingItemSKForDeliveredFreightPurchaseOrder

Purchase Order Item ID for Other Charge Amounts

Identifies the Item ID and Description that will be added to the Freight Purchase Order to reflect the accrued 'Other Charge Amt.' of the total delivered freight accrued amount. This property is only displayed when the Transaction Type is Transfer. This is a single-select lookup that defaults to blank and is required when the 'Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight' property is set to "Yes", it is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. If missing, the message "Purchase Order Item ID for Other Charge Amounts is required if Auto-Create Purchase Orders for Delivered Freight is set to Yes." will be displayed on Save.

The lookup contains the current assigned value and a list of all the 'Active' Items with an Item Type of "Freight", "AP", or "Misc" where the 'Manage Items By' property is set to 'Units Only'.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.OtherChargeItemSKForDeliveredFreightPurchaseOrder

Group: Integration
Transaction Default

Identifies if the transaction class is the default transaction class. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. It defaults to "No". Each transaction type (Adjustment, Production, Receipt, Transfer and Production Order) must have a default transaction class, else the message "A Default Transaction Class is required for each Transaction Type. Set a new Transaction Default for the Transaction Type." will be displayed on Save. Each transaction type can have only one transaction as the default. Setting this  property to "Yes" will change the property of an existing default transaction class to "No" for the same transaction type. The default transaction class is used when transactions are created from the Cycle Count page. Also, integrated and imported transactions are assigned to the default transaction class if a transaction class has not been provided when the transaction is integrated/imported. This field is always editable.

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.TransactionDefault

Transaction Integration to Host System

Identifies if and how the transaction for the specified class will integrate to the host system. This is a single-select standard lookup that is required and is displayed once a transaction class has been initially saved. It defaults to "Transaction with Journal Details" and is always editable.

If the company integration setup is set to “Immediate” or “Timed” for Inventory transactions and the Class level is set to “No Integration”, then neither the transaction or the journal details for the transaction will integrate to the host system. This also means that if the company integration setup is set to “None” for Inventory then no transactions will integrate to the host system regardless of the property on the Transaction Class.

If no Host System is setup for the Company and the integration method is set to “No Integration”, the Transaction Integration property defaults to “No Integration” and the field is disabled.  Current Transaction Classes set to “Transaction with Journal Details” will remain setup this way but when moved to “No Integration” the dropdown will be disabled. This field will be re-enabled if a Host System is added to the company setup.

The lookup contains all the values in the IntegrationMethod Enumeration Class where Enumeration Value = 2,3

Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.IntegrationMethod

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