Transaction Class (UG)

Transaction Class (UG)


NorthScope allows users to create and edit transaction classes. These records determine the prefix and numbering for Sales Order transactions and also determine how transaction dates are managed. The transaction class records integrate with the host system if the Integration Setup for ‘SO Transaction Class’ is set to ‘Timed’ or ‘Immediate’ in NorthScope. This is located in the Integration Setup page in the Company module of NorthScope.

Step 1: Adding a New Transaction Class in NorthScope

From NorthScope, expand the Sales Order module on the navigation menu and select ‘Transaction Class’. This will open the Transaction Class List view, which displays all existing transaction classes.

Click ‘New’ toolbar icon to open a blank transaction class record.

Step 2: Assigning the Base Transaction Class Properties

Assign the following base properties for the new transaction class:

Transaction Type: Select the transaction type the transaction class is created for. The options are Invoice, Order, Price Adjustment and Return. This field is required and it cannot be edited after the record is saved.

Transaction Class: Enter the name for the transaction class. This field is required and it cannot be edited after the record is saved.

Document Prefix: Enter a prefix that is combined with the document number to create the transaction ID for transactions belonging to this transaction class. This field is required and is always editable.

Next Document Number: Enter a document number. This number is assigned to the first transaction created for the transaction class and it will auto increment by 1 for every new Transaction that is created. The number can contain letters and numbers, but it must end in a number. This field is required and is always editable.

Note: The Document Prefix and Next Document Number combination cannot be longer than 20 characters. 

Default Payment Terms: Select payment terms for the transaction class. The selected payment term is used as the default payment terms on transactions created for the transaction class. This field is not required.

Logo Location: Enter a file path to the logo image. The logo is used on all printed forms associated with the transactions that are assigned to the transaction class. This field is not required and it is always editable.

Single Date Management: Select ‘Yes’, if the following dates should default to the ‘Order Date’:

  • Home Tab: Default Ship By
  • Home Tab: Default Deliver On
  • Shipments Tab: Ship By
  • Shipments Tab: Deliver On
  • Shipments Tab: Shipped
  • Shipments Tab: Invoiced
  • Order Items Grid: Ship By

When this property is set to ‘Yes’, users can only enter and edit the ‘Order Date’ and all other dates fields are enabled. Select ‘No’, if the dates should not default to the ‘Order Date’. The property defaults to ‘No’. Note: This property is only used on Sales Order type transactions.

Require a Deliver On Date: Select if Order transactions should force a user to select a Deliver On Date on the Sales Order Catalog page and the record view. When the property is set to 'Yes', a user is prompted to select a Deliver On date in order to save the transaction.

How Invoice Dates Are Assigned: This property defines how the invoice date is assigned to transactions. Select ‘Invoice Date Matches Transactions Date’, if the invoice date should default to the transaction date. Select ‘Invoice Date Matches Actual Ship Date Date’, if the invoice date should default to the ship date. Select 'Manually Assigned', if users should be enforced to manually assigned the invoice date. The property defaults to ‘Invoice Date Matches Transaction Date’.

Once these properties are assigned. Click Save from the toolbar to save the transaction class record.

Step 3: Assigning Additional Properties

After saving the base properties, additional properties are displayed. If the transaction class is price adjustment or return type, 'Allow Attribute Edit After Approval', ‘Inactive’ and 'First status invoices are sent to the host system' are the only additional properties. If the transaction class is invoice, 'Inactive' and 'First status invoices are sent to the host system' are the only additional properties. Sales order type transaction classes have more additional properties.

Rows to Create on New: Enter the number of rows that will be the number of lines displayed in the grid of a Sales Order Transaction. The number of lines will either be displayed when opening a new sales order with no line items or when the New button on the grid toolbar is clicked.   This new property must contain a value between 1 and 25 and is required. 

Transaction Integration to Host System: Select if the transaction for the specified class should integrate with the host system or not ("Transaction with Journal Details" / "No Integration").  This property is required and always editable.  if the company integration setup is set to “Immediate” or “Timed” for Sales Order transactions and the Class level is set to “No Integration”, then neither the transaction or the journal details for the transaction will integrate to the host system. This also means that if the company integration setup is set to “None” for Sales Order then no transactions will integrate to the host system no matter the property on the Transaction Class.

If no Host System is setup for the Company and the integration method is set to “No Integration”, the Transaction Integration property defaults to “No Integration” and the field is disabled.  Current Transaction Classes set to “Transaction with Journal Details” will remain setup this way but when moved to “No Integration” the dropdown will be disabled. This field will be re-enabled if a Host System is added to the company setup.

Require a Ship By Date: Select if Order transactions should force a user to select a Ship By Date on the Sales Order Catalog page and the record view. When the property is set to 'Yes', a user is prompted to select a Ship By date in order to save the transaction. 

Allow Attribute Edit After Approval: Select 'Yes' if transaction attributes should be editable when the transaction status is Approved or higher. When the property is set to 'No', then transaction attributes are only editable when the transaction status is less than Approved. 

Inactive: Select ‘No’ if the new transaction class should be active and select ‘Yes’ if the transaction class should be inactive. This property defaults to ‘Yes’. Note: Remember to change the property to ‘No’ if the new transaction class will be used right away.

Get Next Invoice Number From: Select ‘Source Order’, if the order number should be used as the invoice number. ‘A’ is added to the end of the invoice number, when this property is set to ‘Source Order’ (e.g. ORD1234A). Select ‘Invoice Transaction Class’, if the invoice numbering should be numbered according to the invoice transaction class assigned as the order’s ‘Transaction Class for Invoices’. This field is required and is editable after save.  

Transaction Class for Invoices: Select the invoice transaction class to be used for invoice numbering. This property is only used when the ‘Get Next Invoice Number From’ is set to ‘Invoice Transaction Class’, but the property is required to integrate order invoices to the Host system. 

First status invoices are sent to the host system: This property defaults to 'Ready to Post' and can only be edited from the database. 

Get Next Price Adjustment Number From: Select ‘Source Order’, if the price adjustment numbering should default to the order number. A prefix ‘PA-‘ is added to the transaction ID, if the property is set to Source Order. Select ‘Price Adjustment Transaction Class’, if the price adjustment transaction numbering should default to a price adjustment transaction class. Select ‘Source Invoice’, if the price adjustment transaction numbering should default to the source invoice ID. This field is required and is editable after save.  

Transaction Class for Price Adjustment: Select the price adjustment transaction class to be used for price adjustment transaction numbering. This property is only used when the ‘Get Next Price Adjustment Number From’ is set to ‘Price Adjustment Transaction Class’, but the property cannot be blank.

Default Next Return Number From: Select ‘Source Order’, if the return transaction numbering should default to the order number. A prefix ‘R-‘ is added to the transaction ID, if the property is set to Source Order. Select ‘Return Transaction Class’, if the return transaction numbering should default to a return transaction class. This field is required and is editable after save.  

Transaction Class for Returns: Select the return transaction class to be used for return transaction numbering. This property is only used when the ‘Get Next Return Number From’ is set to ‘Return Transaction Class’, but the property cannot be blank.

Once these additional properties are assigned. Click Save from the toolbar to save the transaction class record. 

Note: A default sales order transaction class can be set in the Sales Order preferences. Select the appropriate transaction class as the 'Default Order ID' property and the transaction class defaults to this value on new sales order transactions.

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