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The purpose of the Contracts Record View is to enter and edit Sales Contracts. Sales Contracts are used to manage sales obligations between the company and a customer. In some instances, a customer will contract with the company to purchase an agreed upon amount of product over a set time period. This provides the customer with assurances that their demand can be met and provides the company with assurances that they will not over/under produce products to meet their customer demands. 

Software Version: 2019.12.20 and newer

Table of Contents

Page Header

Header Toolbar


Home Tab




A label to show the billing address for the Customer selected on the contract.  This defaults to the billing address on the Customer Address record and is required. This field is never editable. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress WHERE CustomerAddressSK IN (1,3)


Allow Overship


A single-select Yes/No lookup used to select whether or not a quantity from a sales order line can be assigned to the contract if the contracted quantity has already been met. This defaults to “Yes” and is always required. This field is always enabled.  If “No” is selected, then line items can only be applied to the contract when the contract has a positive remaining balance. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.OverShipOptionSK


Allow Substitute


A single-select Yes/No lookup to select what items from a sales order can be assigned to a contract. This defaults to “Yes” and is always required. This field is always enabled. If "Yes" is selected, any item can be assigned to the contract. If “No” is selected, only line items that exist on the contract can be assigned. This rule is enforced by limiting the list of contracts that show up in the contract lookup for each sales order line item. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.IsSubstitutionAllowed


Contract #


A text box to assign the unique identifier of the contract record. This is required for all records and must be unique for the company.  This defaults to "(Use Next #)" and if it is not overwritten, then on Save it will be updated to the number in the ‘Next Contract Number’ Sales Order Preference. This can be overwritten before the contract is saved or updated after the record is created. This value is required, if it is missing, the message: "Contract Number is required." will be displayed. This field is always editable.

This will print on reports and will be assigned to sales order items.  

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.ContractID




A date field that displays the date the contract was saved into the database. This defaults to the current date, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user.  

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.CreatedDate




A single-select, load on demand lookup to select the Customer the contract is for. This defaults to blank but is required, if not assigned, the message "Please select a Customer." is displayed.  This field is not editable after the Contract has been save.

The lookup contains a blank value and the list of all 'Active' customer names sorted alphabetically.

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.CustomerSK




The purpose of the Contracts Record View is to enter and edit Sales Contracts. Sales Contracts are used to manage sales obligations between the company and a customer. In some instances, a customer will contract with the company to purchase an agreed upon amount of product over a set time period. This provides the customer with assurances that their demand can be met and provides the company with assurances that they will not over/under produce products to meet their customer demands. 

Software Version: 2019.12.20 and newer

Table of Contents

Page Header

Header Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription
Insert excerpt
Delete RV - Global
Delete RV - Global
Grid Layout
Insert excerpt
Grid Layout
Grid Layout
Insert excerpt
Help - Global Icon
Help - Global Icon
Insert excerpt
New - Global
New - Global
Insert excerpt
Print - Global
Print - Global
Insert excerpt
Save - Global
Save - Global

Home Tab

FieldsDescriptionContracted - AmountA non-editable text box that displays the Contract Header total dollar amount. This field is not currently used.Contracted - A text box to enter the total weight that being contracted (in the Unit of Measure specified). This defaults to 0.00 but is required. This field is always editable, but the contract quantity cannot be less than the total of the Unposted and Posted quantities on the contractContractedAmountQuantity UOM single-select standard lookup to select the weight unit of measure that the contract quantity is stated in. There is no label for this field. The lookup consists of all active weight unit of measures configured in Inventory > Setup > Units of Measure.  This field is required, if unassigned the message, “Please select a Quantity UOM” is displayed. This field is not editable after the contract has been savedUOMSK

A single-select standard lookup to select the status of the contract. This field defaults to ‘Open’ but can be changed to ‘Closed’.  This is a required field and is always editable. 

This lookup contains all the values in the SCContractStatus Enumeration Class. ContractStatusSK


A label to show the billing address for the Customer selected on the contract.  This defaults to the billing address on the Customer Address record and is required. This field is never editable. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress WHERE CustomerAddressSK IN (1,3)

Allow Overship

A single-select Yes/No lookup used to select whether or not a quantity from a sales order line can be assigned to the contract if the contracted quantity has already been met. This defaults to “Yes” and is always required. This field is always enabled.  If “No” is selected, then line items can only be applied to the contract when the contract has a positive remaining balance. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.OverShipOptionSK

Allow Substitute

A single-select Yes/No lookup to select what items from a sales order can be assigned to a contract. This defaults to “Yes” and is always required. This field is always enabled. If "Yes" is selected, any item can be assigned to the contract. If “No” is selected, only line items that exist on the contract can be assigned. This rule is enforced by limiting the list of contracts that show up in the contract lookup for each sales order line item. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.DescriptionIsSubstitutionAllowed

EndContract #

A date field text box to enter the date the contract terms ended or will end. This defaults to one year from the current date, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. Since it is common to have open ended contracts, this field is not required. However, if there is an end date it must be >= to the Start date, otherwise the message, “The Contract End Date cannot be less than the Start Date.” will be displayed.  

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.EndDate


assign the unique identifier of the contract record. This is required for all records and must be unique for the company.  This defaults to "(Use Next #)" and if it is not overwritten, then on Save it will be updated to the number in the ‘Next Contract Number’ Sales Order Preference. This can be overwritten before the contract is saved or updated after the record is created. This value is required, if it is missing, the message: "Contract Number is required." will be displayed. This field is always editable.

This will print on reports and will be assigned to sales order items.  

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.




date field that displays the date the contract was saved into the database. This defaults to the current date, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user.  

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.



A date field to enter the date the contract terms began or will begin. This defaults to the current date, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This field is required, if left unassigned the message. “Please enter a Start Date.” will be displayed.  single-select, load on demand lookup to select the Customer the contract is for. This defaults to blank but is required, if not assigned, the message "Please select a Customer." is displayed.  This field is not editable after the Contract has been save.

The lookup contains a blank value and the list of all 'Active' customer names sorted alphabetically.

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.StartDateCustomerSK



A text box to enter additional comments or details about the contract.  This must be <= 500 characters and is not required.   

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.



A single-select standard lookup to select what type of quantity the contract is for (For example: Weight, Units, Dollars). This defaults to Weight and is always required. At this time NorthScope only supports 'Weight' contracts. If not assigned, the message "Contract Type is required" will be displayed. This field is never editable and disabled after save.   

This lookup contains all the values in the SCContractType Enumeration Class. 

date field to enter the date the contract terms ended or will end. This defaults to one year from the current date, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. Since it is common to have open ended contracts, this field is not required. However, if there is an end date it must be >= to the Start date, otherwise the message, “The Contract End Date cannot be less than the Start Date.” will be displayed.  

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.ContractTypeEN

Contract Summary Tab





text box

that displays the Contract Header 'Quantity' amount. This field is only editable from the Home tab.Contracted - UOMA non-editable text box that displays the Contract Header 'Quantity UOM'. This field is only editable from the Home tab before the contract is initially saved.Contracted - Quantity %This field is not currently used.UnPosted - Amount

A calculated field that displays the total extended amount of all the line items, on unposted sales orders, that are assigned to this contract. This is a calculated field and not editable.

Does this only come from Orders or also from Price Adjustments and Returns? 

Is this based on ordered amt, allocated amt, or does it change based on Status?

UnPosted - Quantity

calculated field that displays the total weight of all the line items, on unposted sales orders, that are assigned to this contract, converted from the Sales Order Item weight UOM to the Contract UOM. This is a calculated field and not editable.

Does this only come from Orders or also from Price Adjustments and Returns? 

Is this based on ordered amt, allocated amt, or does it change based on Status?

UnPosted - UOMA non-editable text box that displays the Contract Header 'Quantity UOM'. This field is only editable from the Home tab before the contract is initially saved.UnPosted - Quantity %A calculated field that displays the total from [UnPosted - Quantity] / [Contracted - Quantity]. This is a calculated field and not editable.Posted - Amount

calculated field that displays the total extended amount of all the line items, on posted sales orders, that are assigned to this contract. This is a calculated field and not editable.

Does this only come from Orders or also from Price Adjustments and Returns? 

Is this based on ordered amt, allocated amt, or does it change based on Status?

Posted - Quantity

calculated field that displays the total weight of all the line items, on posted sales orders, that are assigned to this contract, converted from the Sales Order Item weight UOM to the Contract UOM. This is a calculated field and not editable.

Does this only come from Orders or also from Price Adjustments and Returns? 

Is this based on ordered amt, allocated amt, or does it change based on Status?

Posted - UOMA non-editable text box that displays the Contract Header 'Quantity UOM'. This field is only editable from the Home tab before the contract is initially saved.Posted - Quantity %calculated field that displays the total from [Posted - Quantity] / [Contracted - Quantity]. This is a calculated field and not editable.Remaining - AmountThis field is not currently used.Remaining - QuantityA calculated text box that displays the value from [Contracted - Quantity] - [UnPosted - Quantity] - [Posted - Quantity].  This is a calculated field and not editable.Remaining

to enter the total weight that being contracted (in the Unit of Measure specified). This defaults to 0.00 but is required. This field is always editable, but it cannot be less than the total of the Unposted and Posted quantities on the contract if the 'Allow Overship' property is set to "No".  

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.ContractedAmount

Quantity UOM

A single-select standard lookup to select the weight unit of measure that the contract quantity is stated in. There is no label for this field. The lookup consists of all active weight unit of measures configured in Inventory > Setup > Units of Measure.  This field is required, if unassigned the message, “Please select a Quantity UOM” is displayed. This field is not editable after the contract has been saved.  

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.UOMSK


A date field to enter the date the contract terms began or will begin. This defaults to the current date, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This field is required, if left unassigned the message. “Please enter a Start Date.” will be displayed.  

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.StartDate


A single-select standard lookup to select the status of the contract. This field defaults to ‘Open’ but can be changed to ‘Closed’.  This is a required field and is always editable. 

This lookup contains all the values in the SCContractStatus Enumeration Class. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.ContractStatusSK


A single-select standard lookup to select what type of quantity the contract is for (For example: Weight, Units, Dollars). This defaults to Weight and is always required. At this time NorthScope only supports 'Weight' contracts. If not assigned, the message "Contract Type is required" will be displayed. This field is never editable and disabled after save.   

This lookup contains all the values in the SCContractType Enumeration Class. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.ContractTypeEN

Contract Summary Tab

Overshipped A non-editable text box to display the percentage of the total contract quantity for each balance type (Posted, Unposted, Remaining and Overshipped).  This field is never editable by the user.   
Contracted - AmountA non-editable text box that displays the Contract Header total dollar amount. This field is not currently used.
Contracted - QuantityA non-editable text box that displays the Contract Header 'Quantity' amount. This field is only editable from the Home tab.
Contracted - UOMA non-editable text box that displays the Contract Header 'Quantity UOM'. This field is only editable from the Home tab before the contract is initially saved.Remaining - Quantity %
calculated field that displays the total from [Remaining - Quantity] / [Contracted - Quantity ]. This is a calculated field and not editable.Overshipped - Amount%This field is not currently used.
Overshipped UnPosted -  QuantityAmount

A calculated field that displays how much the contract has been overshipped. This will only be populated when the [Remaining - Quantity] = 0.This is calculated as ([UnPosted - Quantity] + [Posted -  Quantity]) - [Contracted - Quantity]. This the total extended amount of all the line items, on unposted sales Orders, that are assigned to this contract. The extended amount is calculated from Ordered Quantities while the Order is in a Status of "New". Once the Order Status is changed to "Shipped" or "Approved" it is calculated from the Allocated Quantities. This is a calculated field and not editable.

UnPosted - Quantity

calculated field that displays the total weight of all the line items, on unposted sales Orders, that are assigned to this contract, converted from the Sales Order Item weight UOM to the Contract UOM. This is a calculated field and not editable.

Is this based on ordered amt, allocated amt, or does it change based on Status?

UnPosted - UOMA non-editable text box that displays the Contract Header 'Quantity UOM'. This field is only editable from the Home tab before the contract is initially saved.
Overshipped UnPosted - Quantity %A calculated field that that displays the total from [Overshipped UnPosted - Quantity] / [Contracted - Quantity]Quantity]. This is a calculated field and not editable.
Posted - Amount

calculated field that displays the total extended amount of all the line items, on posted sales Orders, that are assigned to this contract. This is a calculated field and not editable.

Contracted: Represents the total quantity (weight) agreed upon with the customer for the contract. 
Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.ContractedQty 

Posted: Represents the total quantity (weight) from all sales order lines saved as Ready to Post/Posted where line items are applied to a contract. 
Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.PostedQty, ERPx_SCContractHeader.PostedAmount

Unposted: Represents the total quantity (weight) from all sales order lines saved as any status < Ready to Post/Posted where line items are applied to a contract. 
Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.UnpostedQty, ERPx_SCContractHeader.UnpostedAmount

Remaining: Represents the total quantity (weight) that is left on the contract (Contracted Quantity - (Posted Quantity + Unposted Quantity)).  
Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.RemainingQty

Overshipped:  Represents the total quantity (weight) that has exceeded the contract quantity (Contracted Quantity - (Posted Quantity + Unposted Quantity)).

AmountA non-editable text box to display the total extended amount of the Posted and Unposted sales order lines applied to the contract. Only amounts for sales order items that meet the contract terms and have been applied to the contract on the order (by selecting the contract from the lookup in the Contract field for the item) will update this field.  This field is never editable by the user.  

A non-editable text box to display the total quantity (weight) Contracted, Posted, Unposted, Remaining and Overshipped to the contract. Only quantities for the sales order items that meet the contract terms and have been applied to the contract on the order (by selecting the contract from the lookup in the Contract field for the item) will update this field.   This field is never editable by the user.  

UOMA non-editable text box to display the unit of measure (weight) of the contract quantity.  This field is never editable by the user.  Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractHeader.UOMSK
Quantity %Posted - Quantity

calculated field that displays the total weight of all the line items, on posted sales orders, that are assigned to this contract, converted from the Sales Order Item weight UOM to the Contract UOM. This is a calculated field and not editable.

Posted - UOMA non-editable text box that displays the Contract Header 'Quantity UOM'. This field is only editable from the Home tab before the contract is initially saved.
Posted - Quantity %calculated field that displays the total from [Posted - Quantity] / [Contracted - Quantity]. This is a calculated field and not editable.
Remaining - AmountThis field is not currently used.
Remaining - QuantityA calculated text box that displays the value from [Contracted - Quantity] - [UnPosted - Quantity] - [Posted - Quantity].  This is a calculated field and not editable.
Remaining - UOMA non-editable text box that displays the Contract Header 'Quantity UOM'. This field is only editable from the Home tab before the contract is initially saved.
Remaining - Quantity %calculated field that displays the total from [Remaining - Quantity] / [Contracted - Quantity]. This is a calculated field and not editable.
Overshipped - AmountThis field is not currently used.
Overshipped - Quantity

calculated field that displays how much the contract has been overshipped. This will only be populated when the [Remaining - Quantity] = 0.

This is calculated as ([UnPosted - Quantity] + [Posted -  Quantity]) - [Contracted - Quantity]. This is a calculated field and not editable.

Overshipped - UOMA non-editable text box that displays the Contract Header 'Quantity UOM'. This field is only editable from the Home tab before the contract is initially saved.
Overshipped - Quantity %calculated field that displays the total from [Overshipped - Quantity] / [Contracted - Quantity]. This is a calculated field and not editable.

Page Detail

Contract Grid

Toolbar IconsDescription
Insert excerpt
Delete - Record View Items Grid
Delete - Record View Items Grid
Insert excerpt
Excel - Global
Excel - Global
Insert excerpt
New - Grid Item
New - Grid Item
Item & Description

A single-select load on demand lookup to select the Items that a customer may have specifically requested for the contract. The lookup displays the Item ID and Item Description for all active items setup for Sales Inventory and Misc in Inventory > Setup > Items.  This defaults to blank and is not editable after save, but is not required.   

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractItem.ItemSK


A text field to enter the 'Contract' Price that will be assigned to the sales line item when the line item it is assigned to this contract. This defaults to 0.00 but can be changed to any positive amount. This field is always editable.  

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractItem.Price


A text field to enter the 'Contract' quantity (weight) of the item for the contract. This field defaults to 0.00 but can be changed to any positive amount. When the 'Allow Overship' header property is set to "No", the total quantity entered across all line items cannot exceed the total contract quantity specified in the header, otherwise the message "The total quantity for the contract items cannot exceed the contracted quantity of (Quantity value from header)." is displayed.

Also, when Overship is set to "No", the contract 'Quantity' in the header cannot be changed to a value less than the total that already been posted and unposted to the contract, otherwise the message "When Allow Overship is set to No, you cannot set the contracted quantity to less than what has already been posted and unposted to this contract – see the contract summary tab for details" is displayed.

This field is always editable.   

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractItem.ContractedQty


A single-select standard lookup to select the unit of measure for the corresponding contracted item. The lookup consists of all active weight unit of measures for the item that have a conversion to the contract UOM.   

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SCContractItem.UOMSK
