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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

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Def - Trans - AP Invoice/Credit Memo
Def - Trans - AP Invoice/Credit Memo
 The purpose of this page is to show line item detail for all these transactions.

Software Version: YYYY.MM.DD and newer


Toolbar IconsDescription
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Excel - LV
Excel - LV
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Favorites Add/Remove - Global
Favorites Add/Remove - Global
Grid Layout
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Grid Layout - Global
Grid Layout - Global
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Help - Global
Help - Global
Inquiry Criteria

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Inquiry Criteria - Global
Inquiry Criteria - Global

  • Date From: a text box to enter a starting Transaction Date. If entered, this must be in a valid date format. A blank assumes All.
  • Date To: a text box to enter an ending Transaction Date. If entered, this must be in a valid date format. A blank assumes All.
  • Status: a multi-select check box to limit the data that is returned to one or more selected Statuses. Options include: New, Approved, Ready To Post, Posted, Void, Deleted, Replaced. The default values are "New, Approved, Ready To Posted and Posted".
RefreshRe-queries the contents of the grid/page based on the Inquiry Criteria parameters or the default parameters for grids that do not support Inquiry Criteria. 
CheckboxUsed to select one or more records.

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Currency - LV
Currency - LV
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Def - Currency
Def - Currency
 This comes from the 'Currency ID' on the 'Properties' tab of the Invoice/Credit Memo Record View. This defaults from the Currency setup on the Vendor and is not editable on the transaction.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.CurrencySK

Distributed ToDatabase Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_MFEmployee.EmployeeName, ERPx_GLProject.ProjectDescription, ERPx_APTransactionLine.ToDistributionAccountSK
Distributed To TypeDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionLine.ToMFDistributionTypeEN
Doc DateDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionDate
Doc DescriptionDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.Description
Doc NoDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DocNumber

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionLine.ExtendedAmount

GL DateDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.GLDate
GL PeriodDatabase Fields: ERPx_MFFiscalPeriod.FiscalPeriodSK, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.GLDate
GL YearDatabase Fields: ERPx_MFFiscalPeriod.FiscalYearSK, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.GLDate
Item DescriptionDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionLine.LineDescription
Payable AccountDatabase Fields: ERPx_GLAccount.AccountNumber, ERPx_APVendor.APGLAcctRef
Payable Account DescriptionDatabase Fields: ERPx_GLAccount.Description, ERPx_APVendor.APGLAcctRef
Pmt./Apply HoldDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.IsOnApplicationHold
PODatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.PurchaseOrderID
PriceDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionLine.Price
Purchase AccountDatabase Fields: ERPx_GLAccount.AccountNumber, ERPx_APTransactionLine.AccountSK
Purchase Account DescriptionDatabase Fields: ERPx_GLAccount.Description, ERPx_APTransactionLine.AccountSK
QuantityDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionLine.Quantity
StatusDatabase Fields: ERPx_APTransactionStatus.StatusName, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionStatusSK
TransactionDatabase Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionHeaderID
Transaction ClassDatabase Fields: ERPx_APTransactionClass.TransactionClassDescription, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionClassSK
Transaction TypeDatabase Fields: ERPx_APTransactionType.TransactionName, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionClassSK
UOMDatabase Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMID, ERPx_APTransactionLine.QuantityUOMSK
VendorDatabase Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorID, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.VendorSK
Vendor ClassDatabase Fields: ERPx_APVendorClass.ClassDescription, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.VendorSK
Vendor NameDatabase Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.VendorSK
