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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Inventory Transaction Classes are used to categorize inventory transactions within specific transaction types and assign specific default values and business rules for each. They are assigned when the New icon is selected for Inventory transactions. For example, if there was a need to differentiate transfers between Fresh and Frozen, you could create a Transaction Class for "Fresh" that applies to Inventory Transfers. The purpose of this page is to add, edit, remove, and activate/inactive these records.


Toolbar IconsDescription
Insert excerpt
Delete - LV
Delete - LV
Insert excerpt
Edit - LV
Edit - LV
Insert excerpt
Excel - Global (old)
Excel - Global (old)
Insert excerpt
Favorites Add/Remove - Global
Favorites Add/Remove - Global
Grid Layout
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Grid Layout - Global
Grid Layout - Global
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Help - Global
Help - Global
Insert excerpt
New - Global
New - Global
CheckboxUsed to select one or more records for delete or mass update.
Auto-Create New Lots

Used to identify if, by default, the Transaction Class allows for new inventory lots to be auto-created. This can be edited at any time from the record view and defaults as follows:

  • Transaction Classes for new 'Adjustment' transactions default to 'Allowed' 
  • Transaction Classes for new 'Production' transactions default to 'Allowed' 
  • Transaction Classes for new 'Receipt' transactions default to 'Not Allowed' 
  • Transaction Classes for new 'Transfer' transactions default to 'Allowed' 
  • Transaction Classes for new 'Production Order' transactions do not have this field available for edit

If this is set to "Allowed" then transactions with line items, for new Inventory Lots, can be approved and posted. If set to 'Not Allowed' then transactions with line items, for new Inventory Lots, will display an error message on Save when the transaction is set to a Status of "Approved" or "Ready to Post". This setting can be over-ridden on the transaction.

An Inventory Lot is the unique combination of: [Item ID] + [Owner] + [Site] + [Production Batch] + [Warehouse Lot] 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.AutoCreateLotsEN

Auto-Create New Lots - Inputs

Used to identify if, by default, the Transaction Class for Production Transactions allows for new inventory lots to be auto-created for transaction line items added on the "Inputs" tab. This defaults to "Not Allowed" but can be edited at any time from the record view. 

(lightbulb) This property only applies to Transaction Classes for "Production" transactions.

If this is set to "Allowed" then Production Input line items, for new Inventory Lots, can be approved and posted. If set to 'Not Allowed' then Production Input line items, for new Inventory Lots, will display an error message on Save when the transaction is set to a Status of "Approved" or "Ready to Post". This setting can be over-ridden on the transaction.

An Inventory Lot is the unique combination of: [Item ID] + [Owner] + [Site] + [Production Batch] + [Warehouse Lot] 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.InputAutoCreateLotsEN

Document Prefix

Insert excerpt
Document Prefix
Document Prefix

Identifies the value in the

 This defaults from the 'Document Prefix'


field on the

record view. This defaults to blank for new records

Transaction Class Record View and is required. If missing, the message "Document Prefix is required." will be displayed on Save. This must also be unique across all Transaction Classes. If not, the message "Document Prefix already exists." will be displayed on Save.

The 'Document Prefix' is used in conjunction with the 'Next Document Number' to determine the system assigned Transaction ID's.


 Transaction ID's are created by stringing together the [Document Prefix] + [Next Ticket Number] from the applicable Transaction Class. The 'Next Document Number' is auto-incremented each time a new transaction for the selected transaction class is created. 

This field is always editable from the record

view and must

view and must be <= 10 characters. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.DocPrefix


A Yes/No field used to identify if the record is Inactive. If set to 'Yes' then the record is "Inactive" and will not be listed as a value when the 'New' icon is clicked from Inventory Transactions List View. If set to 'No' then the record is "Active" and can be freely used

Linked Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.IsInactive

Logo File

Used to display the network path for the image file used on the transaction reports for records assigned to the Transaction Class (e.g. Packing Slip, BOL, Transfer Order, etc.). This defaults to blank for new records and is not required. This is only used for reports and does not drive any other functionality. This field is always editable from the record view and must be <= 500 characters. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.DocumentLogoLocation

Negative Available Balances

Used to identify if, by default, the Transaction Class allows transaction lines that result in negative available lot balances. This can be edited at any time from the record view and defaults as follows:

  • Transaction Classes for new 'Adjustment' transactions default to 'Not Allowed' 
  • Transaction Classes for new 'Production' transactions default to 'Not Allowed' 
  • Transaction Classes for new 'Receipt' transactions default to 'Not Allowed' 
  • Transaction Classes for new 'Transfer' transactions default to 'Not Allowed' 
  • Transaction Classes for new 'Production Order' transactions do not have this field available for edit

If this is set to "Allowed" then transactions with line items that draw lot balances negative can be approved and posted. If set to 'Not Allowed' then transactions with line items that draw lot balances negative will display an error message on Save, when the transaction is set to a Status of "Approved" or "Ready to Post". This setting can be over-ridden on the transaction.

An Inventory Lot is the unique combination of: [Item ID] + [Owner] + [Site] + [Production Batch] + [Warehouse Lot] 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.NegativeBalancesEN

Negative Available Balances - Inputs

Used to identify if, by default, the Transaction Class for Production Transactions allows line items added on the "Inputs" tab that would draw lot balances negative for transaction . This defaults to "Not Allowed" but can be edited at any time from the record view. 

(lightbulb) This property only applies to Transaction Classes for "Production" transactions.

If this is set to "Allowed" then transactions with Input line items that draw lot balances negative can be approved and posted. If set to 'Not Allowed' then transactions with Input line items that draw lot balances negative will display an error message on Save, when the transaction is set to a Status of "Approved" or "Ready to Post". This setting can be over-ridden on the transaction.

An Inventory Lot is the unique combination of: [Item ID] + [Owner] + [Site] + [Production Batch] + [Warehouse Lot] 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.InputNegativeBalancesEN

Next Document Number

Identifies the value in the 'Next Document Number' property on the record view. This defaults to 10000 for new records and is required. If missing, it is auto set back to 10000 on Save. The value must be a numeric whole number. If not, the message "Error converting data type nvarchar to bigint." will be displayed on Save

The 'Document Prefix' is used in conjunction with the 'Next Document Number' to determine the system assigned Transaction ID's. Transaction ID's are created by stringing together the [Document Prefix] + [Next Ticket Number] from the applicable Transaction Class. The 'Next Document Number' is auto-incremented each time a new transaction for the selected transaction class is created. 

This field is always editable from the record view.

Linked Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.NextDocNumber

Transaction Class

A hyperlink that shows the value of the 'Transaction Class' property on the Transaction Class record. Clicking on the link opens the record view for the selected Transaction Class. 

This defaults to blank for new records and is required. If not assigned, the message "Transaction Class is required." will be displayed on Save. This value must be unique by Transaction Type. If not, the message "Transaction Class already exists for the selected Transaction Type." will be displayed on Save. This field is not editable after the initial Save and must be <= 50 characters. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.TransactionClassID

Transaction Default

A Yes/No field that identifies which Transaction Class is the default class, for each Transaction Type. This functionality is only used by Inventory transactions that are imported and not by transactions that are manually entered.

This defaults to "No" for new records but can be edited. If changed to "Yes" then the previous Transaction Class that was set to "Yes" will be converted to "No". At least one Transaction Class for each Transaction Type must be set to "Yes". If not, the message "A Default Transaction Class is required for each Transaction Type. Set a new Transaction Default for the Transaction Type." will be displayed on Save.

Linked Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.TransactionDefault

Transaction Integration

Identifies the value in the 'Transaction Integration to Host System' property on the record view. This defaults to "Transaction with Journal Details" for new records. This functionality is only applicable where NorthScope inventory transactions are sent to a separate host system. For systems that send inventory transactions, this preference describes how they are sent. The options include:

  • Transaction with Journal Details: When transactions for this Transaction Class are posted, an outbound record is created so that it can be imported by the host system. This can only happen if the Outbound Transaction Type of "IM Transaction" is configured in the Integration Configuration master file.
  • No Integration: When transactions for this Transaction Class are posted, no outbound record is created, even if the Outbound Transaction Type of "IM Transaction" is configured in the Integration Configuration master file to send transactions.

This field is always editable from the record view.

Linked Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.IntegrationMethodEN

Transaction Type

Identifies the value in the 'Transaction Type' property on the record view. This defaults to "Production" but can be changed. This is not editable after the initial Save. The value can be set to :

  • Adjustment: Used to add or remove inventory balances.
  • Production: Used to record new inventory that was produced and to relieve inventory that was consumed during production. 
  • Receipt: Used to add new inventory that was purchased from an outside entity. 
  • Transfer: Used to move inventory balances from on Site to another or to change product Ownership.
  • ProductionOrder: Used to record production orders of inventory items that is expected to happen at a future date.

This lookup contains all the values in ERPx_IMTransactionType where VisibleInInterface = 1

Linked Database Field: ERPx_IMTransactionClass.TransactionTypeSK
