Insert excerpt |
| Def - Transaction Class - General |
| Def - Transaction Class - General |
nopanel | true |
The purpose of this page is to view, add, edit, remove and inactivate Transaction Classes used for AP Invoices and Credit memos.
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Column Filter Show/Hide | Insert excerpt |
| Column Filter Show/Hide - Global |
| Column Filter Show/Hide - Global |
nopanel | true |
Delete | Insert excerpt |
| Delete - LV 3.0 |
| Delete - LV 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
Transaction Classes may only be deleted if it has never been used on any open or posted transaction. Else, the validation message "[Transaction Class ID] Transaction Class exists on a historical or open transaction and cannot be deleted. " will be displayed.
Excel | Insert excerpt |
| Excel - LV 3.0 |
| Excel - LV 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
Favorites | Insert excerpt |
| Favorites Add/Remove - Global |
| Favorites Add/Remove - Global |
nopanel | true |
Group By Show/Hide | Insert excerpt |
| Group By Show/Hide - Global |
| Group By Show/Hide - Global |
nopanel | true |
Help | Insert excerpt |
| Help - Global 3.0 |
| Help - Global 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
New | Insert excerpt |
| New - Blank Row - RV Grid 3.0 |
| New - Blank Row - RV Grid 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
Quick Filter | Insert excerpt |
| Quick Filter |
| Quick Filter |
nopanel | true |
Save | Insert excerpt |
| Save - LV (Multi Line) 3.0 |
| Save - LV (Multi Line) 3.0 |
nopanel | true |
Saved Column Layouts | Insert excerpt |
| Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global |
| Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global |
nopanel | true |
Fields | Description |
Description | Insert excerpt |
| Transaction Class Description |
| Transaction Class Description |
nopanel | true |
| This is a text box that is required and must be <=200 characters. If missing, the message "[enter message here]Class Description is required." will be displayed on Save. This field must be unique, else the message "[enter message here]" will be displayed on Save. It defaults as blank and is always editable.
Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionClass.TransactionClassDescription |
Document Prefix | Insert excerpt |
| Document Prefix |
| Document Prefix |
nopanel | true |
| This is a text box that is required and must be <= 10 characters. If missing, the message "[enter message here]Doc Prefix is required." will be displayed on Save. This field must be unique by Company and Transaction Type. Else, the message "[enter message here]Duplicate Doc Prefixes are not allowed to the same transaction type." will be displayed on Save. It defaults as blank and is always editable.
Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionClass.DocPrefix |
Inactive | Insert excerpt |
| Def - Inactive |
| Def - Inactive |
nopanel | true |
| This is a Yes/No lookup that is required. It defaults as "No" blank and is always editable. If missing, the message "[enter message here]" will be displayed on Save. It defaults as blank and is always editableThis field will display as blank if "No" has been selected.
Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionClass.IsInactive |
Next Document Number | Insert excerpt |
| Next Document Number |
| Next Document Number |
nopanel | true |
| This is a numeric text box that is required. It defaults to "1000", is always editable, and must be >0. If missing, the message "[enter message here]" will be displayed on Save. This field must be a number, else the message "[enter message here]" will be displayed on Save.
Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionClass.NextDocNumber |
Transaction Class | Insert excerpt |
| Transaction Class |
| Transaction Class |
nopanel | true |
| This is a text box that is required and must be <=50 characters characters. If missing, the message "[enter message here]Class ID is required." will be displayed on Save. This field must be unique by Company and Transaction Type. Else, the message "[enter message here]Duplicate Transaction Class ID's are not allowed to the same transaction type." will be displayed on Save. It defaults as blank and is not editable once the record has been saved.
Insert excerpt |
| Def - Transaction Class - General |
| Def - Transaction Class - General |
nopanel | true |
Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionClass.TransactionClassID |
Transaction Type | Insert excerpt |
| Transaction Type |
| Transaction Type |
nopanel | true |
| This is a single-select standard lookup that is required. If missing, the message "[enter message here]Transaction Type is required." will be displayed on Save. It defaults as blank and is not editable once the record has been saved.
Insert excerpt |
| Def - Transaction Types |
| Def - Transaction Types |
nopanel | true |
This lookup contains a list of transaction types in the ERPx_APTransactionType table WHERE TransactionTypeSK is either 1 (Invoice) or 2 (Credit Memo). Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionType.TransactionName, ERPx_APTransactionClass.TransactionTypeSK |
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