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Def - Purchase Order
Def - Purchase Order

This page lists each unique Purchase Order. The purpose of this page is to view, add, edit, remove, and close Purchase Orders. 

(lightbulb) This list view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'AP Purchasing' attribute type. Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved layout. AP Purchasing attributes are not included in the help documentation..

Software Version: 2021.07.23 and newer

Table of Contents


Toolbar IconsDescription
Column Filter Show/Hide
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Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
Insert excerpt
Delete - LV 3.0
Delete - LV 3.0
Insert excerpt
Edit - LV 3.0
Edit - LV 3.0
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Excel - LV 3.0
Excel - LV 3.0
Insert excerpt
Favorites Add/Remove - Global
Favorites Add/Remove - Global
Group By Show/Hide
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Group By Show/Hide - Global
Group By Show/Hide - Global
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Help - Global 3.0
Help - Global 3.0
Mass Update

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Mass Update - Global 3.0
Mass Update - Global 3.0

  • Status: A single-select lookup that defaults to "(No Change)". Assigns the selected Status to selected/filtered transactions when Apply is clicked. Options include:
  • Insert excerpt
    Def - Status - Closed
    Def - Status - Closed

More Actions

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More Actions - Global 3.0
More Actions - Global 3.0

  • IQ: PO Transactions - Opens an inquiry with all the Purchase Orders, AP Invoices, AP Credit Memos, and Inventory Receipts with this Purchase Order assigned. This inquiry has not been designed yet.
  • RV: Purchase Order - opens the Purchase Order Record View in a new tab
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New - Global 3.0
New - Global 3.0

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Print - LV 3.0
Print - LV 3.0
When clicked, all the Reports assigned to the Functional Area of Purchasing, that launch from the Print Dialog, are assigned to this page, and that the user has rights to (if Report Data Access is enabled) are displayed.

Quick Column Filter
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Quick Column Filter
Quick Column Filter
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Refresh - Global 3.0
Refresh - Global 3.0
Saved Column Layout
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Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
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Amt. Fully Invoiced

Identifies whether the 'Amt. Ordered' for every Purchase Order item has been fully Invoiced. If the 'Amt. Invoiced' for a Purchase Order item is >= the 'Amt. Ordered' for the item, the item is considered "Fully Invoiced" in terms of Amount (cost). If all the Purchase Order items are "Fully Invoiced" in terms of their amounts, then this will display as "Yes" otherwise it will be blank. This allows users to easily determine which PO's have amounts that have not yet been invoiced. This is a calculated field and is not stored in the database.  

Amt. Fully Received

Identifies whether the 'Amt. Ordered' for every Purchase Order item has been fully Received. If the 'Amt. Received' for a Purchase Order item is >= the 'Amt. Ordered' for the item, the item is considered "Fully Received" in terms of Amount (cost). If all the Purchase Order Items are "Fully Received" in terms of their amounts, then this will display as "Yes" otherwise it will be blank. This allows users to easily determine which PO's have amounts that have not yet been received. This is a calculated field and is not stored in the database. 

Amt. Invoiced

Identifies the sum of the extended amounts of all the line item that have been included on "Posted" AP Invoices and AP Credit Memos. This is a calculated field that is formatted to 2 decimal places.

(lightbulb) When AP Invoices and/or Credit Memos, with line items that reference a Purchase Order are posted, this value is updated.

Database Field: ???

Amt. Ordered

Identifies the sum of the 'Amt. Ordered' of all the line items on the Purchase Order. This is a calculated field that is formatted to 2 decimal places. 

(lightbulb) When AP Invoices and/or Credit Memos are loaded from a PO, the 'Quantity' will default as [Qty Ordered] - [Qty Invoiced]. If this results in a negative amount it will default as 0.00.

(lightbulb) When IM Receipts are loaded from a PO, the 'Quantity' will default as [Qty Ordered] - [Qty Received]. If this results in a negative amount it will default as 0.00.

Database Field: ???

Amt. Received

Identifies the calculated sum of the extended amounts of all the line item that have been included on "Posted" AP Invoices, AP Credit Memos, and IM Receipts. This is a calculated field that is formatted to 2 decimal places.

(lightbulb) When IM Receipts, with line items that reference a Purchase Order are posted, this value is updated as [Qty Received] * [PO Item Price].

(lightbulb) Because non-Inventory Purchase Order Items are not "Received" using an Inventory Receipt transaction, the 'Amt. Received' value is updated from the extended amounts of posted AP Invoices and Credit Memos that reference the Purchase Order Item.

Database Field: ???


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 This field is required.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.CreatedDate

Created By

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Created By
Created By
This field is required.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.CreatedBy

Currency ID

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 This is required and comes from the 'Currency ID' on the 'Properties' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is not editable on the transaction.

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Def - Currency
Def - Currency

Database Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID, ERPx_APVendor.CurrencyID 


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Description - Header
Description - Header
 This is not required and can be edited from the 'Description' field on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is always editable until the even after the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.Description

Expire By

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PO Expire By
PO Expire By
This is required and can be edited from the 'Expire By' date field on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.ExpireDate

Last Updated

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Last Updated
Last Updated
This field is required.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.LastUpdated

Last Updated By

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Last Updated By
Last Updated By
This field is required.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.LastUser


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Doc Date
Doc Date
This is required and can be edited from the 'Ordered' date field on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.PODate

PO #

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Transaction ID
Transaction ID
 Clicking on this link opens the Purchase Order Record View for the selected record. This is a system assigned number that comes from the 'Transaction Class', it is required, and can be edited from the 'Reference' field on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.PurchaseOrderID

PO Type

Identifies whether or not more than one AP Invoice and/or Inventory Receipt can be recorded against the Purchase Order. This is editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed' and the options include:

  1. Single Invoice and Receipt: If this option is selected, the Purchase Order can only be assigned to a single AP Invoice and a single Inventory Receipt transaction.
    1. Once it has been used on one of those transactions, it can be assigned to additional transactions but those transactions cannot be 'Approved' or 'Posted'.
    2. Once it has been used on both an AP Invoice and Inventory Receipt (for PO's that contain inventory items) the Purchase Order's Status will be auto set to "Closed".
    3. An 'Open' Purchase Order can always be assigned to multiple AP Credit Memos.   
  2. Multiple Invoices and ReceiptsIf this option is selected, the Purchase Order can be assigned to multiple AP Invoices and multiple Inventory Receipt transactions. Purchase Orders set to this Type must be manually Closed.

This lookup contains all the values in the APPOType Enumeration Class 

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.TransactionTypeEN 

Qty Fully Invoiced

Identifies whether the 'Qty Ordered' for every Purchase Order item has been fully Invoiced. If the 'Qty Invoiced' for a Purchase Order item is >= the 'Qty Ordered' for the item, the item is considered "Fully Invoiced" in terms of quantity (units or weight). If all the Purchase Order items are "Fully Invoiced" in terms of their quantities, this will display as "Yes" otherwise it will be blank. This allows users to easily determine which PO's have quantities that have not yet been invoiced. This is a calculated field and is not stored in the database.

Qty Fully Received

Identifies whether the 'Qty Ordered' for every Purchase Order item has been fully Received. If the 'Qty Received' for a Purchase Order item is >= the 'Qty Ordered' for the item, the item is considered "Fully Received" in terms of quantity (units or weight). If all the Purchase Order items are "Fully Received" in terms of their quantities, this will display as "Yes" otherwise it will be blank. This allows users to easily determine which PO's have quantities that have not yet been received. This is a calculated field and is not stored in the database.

Qty Invoiced

Identifies the sum of the quantities of all the line items that have been included on "Posted" AP Invoices and AP Credit Memos. This is a calculated field that is formatted to 2 decimal places.

(lightbulb) When AP Invoices and/or Credit Memos, with line items that reference a Purchase Order are posted, this value is updated.

Database Field: ???

Qty Ordered

Identifies the sum of the 'Qty Ordered' of all the line items on the Purchase Order. This is a calculated field that is formatted to 2 decimal places. The 'Qty Ordered' can be 0.00 but it cannot be negative. This is editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'. 

(lightbulb) When AP Invoices and/or Credit Memos are loaded from a PO, the 'Quantity' will default as [Qty Ordered] - [Qty Invoiced]. If this results in a negative amount it will default as 0.00.

(lightbulb) When IM Receipts are loaded from a PO, the 'Quantity' will default as [Qty Ordered] - [Qty Received]. If this results in a negative amount it will default as 0.00.

Database Field: ???

Qty Received

Identifies the sum of the quantities of all the line items that have been included on "Posted" IM Receipts. This is a calculated field that is formatted to 2 decimal places.

(lightbulb) When IM Receipts, with line items that reference a Purchase Order are posted, this value is updated.

(lightbulb) Because non-Inventory Purchase Order Items are not "Received" using an Inventory Receipt transaction, the 'Qty Received' value is updated from posted AP Invoices and Credit Memos that reference the Purchase Order Item.

Database Field: ???


Insert excerpt
 This is not required and can be edited from the 'Reference' field on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is always editable until the even after the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.

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Def - Reference #
Def - Reference #

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.Reference

Requisition #

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Requisition Number
Requisition Number
 This is not required and can be edited from the 'Requisition' field on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is always editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.

Insert excerpt
Def - Requisition #
Def - Requisition #

Database Field: ERPx_APPoHeader.Requision 

Site ID

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Site ID
Site ID
 This is required and can be edited from the 'Site Name' field on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is always editable until the Purchase Order is 'Closed'.

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Def - Site
Def - Site

Database Field: ERPx_MFSite.SiteIDERPx_APPoHeader.SiteSK


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 This is required and is always editable.

The Statuses that apply to Purchase Orders in this list view include:

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Def - Status - New
Def - Status - New

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Def - Status - Released
Def - Status - Released

(lightbulb) Closed Purchase Orders are only visible from the Purchase Order History and/or Purchase Order Item History inquiries.

Database Fields: ERPx_APPoHeader.TransactionStatusEN 

Transaction Class ID

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Transaction Class
Transaction Class
 This is required and comes from the 'Transaction Class' on the 'Properties' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is not editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction Class
Def - Transaction Class

Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionClass.TransactionClassDescription, ERPx_APPoHeader.TransactionClassSK

Vendor Class ID

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Vendor Class
Vendor Class
 This is required and comes from the 'Vendor Class' assigned to the 'Vendor' that is selected on the 'Home' tab of the Purchased Order Record View. Because this defaults from the Vendor it is not editable on the transaction.

Insert excerpt
Def - Vendor Class ID
Def - Vendor Class ID
Insert excerpt
Def - Vendor Class
Def - Vendor Class

Database Field: ERPx_APVendorClass.ClassDescription, ERPx_APPoHeader.VendorSK

Vendor ID

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Vendor ID
Vendor ID
 This is required and represents the ID of the 'Vendor' on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is only editable by changing the Vendor assigned to the transaction.

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Def - Vendor ID
Def - Vendor ID

Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorID, ERPx_APPoHeader.VendorSK

Vendor Name

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Vendor Name
Vendor Name
This is required and represents the name of the 'Vendor' on the 'Home' tab of the Purchase Order Record View. This is only editable by changing the Vendor assigned to the transaction.

Insert excerpt
Def - Vendor Name
Def - Vendor Name

Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_APPoHeader.VendorSK
