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Def - Accrual - GA
Def - Accrual - GA
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Def - Charges (GA)
Def - Charges (GA)
The purpose of this page is to display all applicable accruals and charges associated with the transaction. Additionally, users may update the Rate used to calculate the Accrual/Charge amount.

Software Version: 2022.03.XX04.22 and newer

Table of Contents


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Excel - LV 3.0
Excel - LV 3.0

Displays the total Charge amount for the line item.  This is calculated based on the Rate and the Calculated On method. 

Calculated On

Insert excerpt
Def - Calculated On - Ticket Charges
Def - Calculated On - Ticket Charges
 This is a non-editable textbox that is required. It defaults from the 'Calculation On' property on the 'Properties' tab of the associated Charge Record View for the item assigned to the Charge. This field is never editable.

Database Field: ERPx_CPCharge.ChargeCalcMethodSK


Identifies the Charge ID for the associated item.  This is a non-editable textbox that is required.  It defaults from the 'Charge ID' property on the Properties tab of the associated Charge Record View. 

Insert excerpt
Def - Charges (GA)
Def - Charges (GA)

Database Field: ERPx_CPCharge.ChargeItem

Delivered Weight

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketItem.TotalWeight

Item Amount

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketItem.GrossAmount

Paid Weight

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketItem.PaidWeight


Identifies the Charge rate for the corresponding item.  This is a numeric textbox that is required. 

Database Fields: ERPx_CPCharge.Rate, ERPx_CPChargeItem.Rate

Settle Method

Database Field: ERPx_CPCharge.ChargeSettleMethodSK

Ticket Item

Displays the Item ID and Description of the item associated with the corresponding Charge.  This is a non-editable textbox that is required.  

Database Fields: ERPx_CPItem.ItemID - ItemDescription, ERPx_CPTicketItem.ItemSK

Unpaid Weight

Database Field: ERPx_CPTicketItem.UnpaidWeight


Displays the unit of measure upon which the Charge amount is calculated. This is a a non-editable textbox that is required. It defaults from the 'Rate UOM' property on the Properties tab of the associated Charge Record View. This field is never editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - UOM
Def - UOM

Database Field: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMID, ERPx_CPCharge.UOMSK, ERPx_CPChargeItem.UOMSK, ERPx_CPTicketItem.UOMSK
