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Sales Programs are used to automate the calculation and general ledger accruals for Brokerage programs, automate general ledger accruals for delivered freight programs, and to charge/credit sales invoices for Promotions and other Off Invoice programs. The purpose of this page is to add, edit, remove, and activate/inactive these records.

(lightbulb) Sales Programs are only applicable for Sales Invoices but not Quick Sales transactions.

Software Version: 2019.09.03 and newer

Table of Contents

Page Header


  • Brokerage
  • Freight Accrual
  • On Invoice
  • Promotions


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Def - Sales Program
Def - Sales Program
 The purpose of this page is to add, edit, remove, and activate/inactive these records.

(lightbulb) Sales Programs are only applicable for Sales Orders, Price Adjustments, and Returns. They are not used with Quick Sales transactions.

Software Version: 2022.06.16 and newer

Table of Contents

Page Header

Linked Linked  If is required This Linked Linked To Date cannot be before the From date" will be displayed on Save.Linked Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.EndDateLinked Linked Linked Freight and Promotion not Linked Linked  This  If is requiredLinked
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New - Multi-Select Trans Type - Global 3.0
New - Multi-Select Trans Type - Global 3.0
 The available options include:

  • Insert excerpt
    Def - SP Program Type - Accrual
    Def - SP Program Type - Accrual
  • Insert excerpt
    Def - SP Program Type - Brokerage
    Def - SP Program Type - Brokerage
  • Insert excerpt
    Def - SP Program Type - Off Book
    Def - SP Program Type - Off Book
  • Insert excerpt
    Def - SP Program Type - On Invoice
    Def - SP Program Type - On Invoice
  • Insert excerpt
    Def - SP Program Type - Rebate
    Def - SP Program Type - Rebate
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Notes - Global 3.0
Notes - Global 3.0
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Refresh - Global 3.0
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Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
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Credit Value

Identifies the GL Account for the 'Credit' side of the Journal Entry. 

This defaults to (From Item) on new records, indicating that the GL Account is looked up from the Item Master for each item the program applies to as follows:

  • For 'Brokerage' Programs - the Item's "Brokerage Accrual (Credit)" Account Type.
  • For 'Freight Accrual' Programs - the Item's "Freight Accrual (Credit)" Account Type.
  • For 'On Invoice' Programs - the Item's "Sales Account" Account Type, for the Item identified as the 'Freight Item' on the Item Sets tab, if the program amount is negative.
  • For 'Promotion' Programs - the Item's "Sales Account" Account Type, for the Item identified as the 'Promotion Item' on the Item Sets tab, if the program amount is negative.

This is required for 'Brokerage' and 'Freight Accrual' programs but is not visible or editable for 'On Invoice' or 'Promotion Programs'. If blank, the message "Credit/Accrual Account is required." will be displayed on SaveThis field is always editable from the record view for 'Brokerage' and 'Freight Accrual' programs.

This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, a selection for (From Item), and a list of all Active GL Accounts

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.CRAccountSK


A lookup to identify the Customer or Vendor that will be paid for each Program with a 'Program Type' of Brokerage (this is not applicable for Freight Accrual, On Invoice, or Promotion Programs). For Brokerage Programs, this defaults as blank on new recordsbut is required.

  • If the 'Settle To' = "AP Invoice - Paid In Full Orders" or "AP Invoice - All Orders" then an AP Vendor must be selected. If blank, the message "Vendor is required." will be displayed on Save
  • If the 'Settle To' = "AR Credit Memo" then a Customer must be selected. If blank, the message "Customer is is required." will be displayed on Save.

This field is always editable from the record view.

This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Customers or Vendors, depending on the 'Settle To' value

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.ProgramEntitySK

Debit Value

Identifies the GL Account for the 'Debit' side of the Journal Entry. 

This defaults to (From Item) on new records, indicating that the GL Account is looked up from the Item Master for each item the program applies to as follows:

  • For 'Brokerage' Programs - the Item's "Brokerage Expense (Debit)" Account Type.
  • For 'Freight Accrual' Programs - the Item's "Freight Accrual (Credit" Account Type.
  • For 'On Invoice' Programs - the Item's "Sales Account" Account Type, for the Item identified as the 'Freight Item' on the Item Sets tab, if the program amount is negative.
  • For 'Promotion' Programs - the Item's "Sales Account" Account Type, for the Item identified as the 'Promotion Item' on the Item Sets tab, if the program amount is negative.

This is required for 'Brokerage' and 'Freight Accrual' programs but is not visible or editable for 'On Invoice' or 'Promotion Programs'.

 If blank, the message "Debit/Expense Account

is required." will be displayed on Save.

 This field is always editable from the record view for 'Brokerage' and 'Freight Accrual' programs.

This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, a selection for (From Item), and a list of all Active GL Accounts

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.DRAccountSK


The 'Description' property on the Program recordThis defaults to blank for new records and is not required but duplicate values are allowed. This field is always editable from the record view and must be <= 200 characters.

The Description is used as a long description/name of the Program.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.Description


A date field to indicate when the Program ends. Programs with an End Date that occurs prior to a Sales Orders Invoice Date will not be evaluated, even if the Program is still Active. This defaults as blank on new records, and is required. If blank, the message "To date is required." will be displayed on Save. This must must be >= to the Start. If not, the message "The

To Date cannot be before the From date" will be displayed on Save.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.EndDate


Insert excerpt
Def - Inactive
Def - Inactive
 This is a Yes/No lookup that is required. It defaults as No and is always editable. 

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.Inactive


A hyperlink that shows the value of the 'Program ID'. Clicking on the link opens the record view for the selected Program. 

This defaults from the 'Program Class' and cannot be edited after creationThis field must be <= 15 characters. The 'Program' is made up of two parts, which default from the Program Class on the 'Program Classes' Master File:

  • Program Prefix - this is a user defined value that if present will display in front of the 'Next Program ID' value with a space placed between the two values
  • Next Program ID - this is a number that auto-increments and is required 

The Program ID is used as a short description and unique identifier of the Program.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.ProgramID

Program Class

Identifies the value in the 'Class' property of the Sales Program. This defaults to blank for new records but is required. If not assigned, the message "Program Class is required." will be displayed on Save. This field is always editable from the Record View.

The Program Class is used for reporting and to control the Program ID'


Database Field: ERPx_SPProgram.ProgramClassSK

Program Rate Currency

A single select standard lookup to identify the Currency the Program is stated in. This defaults to blank for new records but is required. If not assigned, the message "Program Rate Currency is required." will be displayed on Save. This field is not editable after the initial Save. Programs can only be applied to sale transactions where the Customer Currency and the Program Currency match.

This lookup contains a blank value and all the System Currencies that are open to the current Company.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.CurrencySK

Program Type

A system assigned value, from the Program Class, that identifies the Type of Sales Program. The options include: Brokerage, 

Accrual, On Invoice,

Off Book and RebateThis is

never editable.

Settle Frequency

A lookup to identify how often the Program is settled. This defaults to "Invoice" for all Freight Accrual, On Invoice, and Promotion programs and is not editable. This defaults to blank and is required for Brokerage programs. If missing, the message "Frequency is required." will be displayed on Save.

A Settle Frequency of "Invoice" means that the program is fully accrued for and charged when the Sales Invoice is Posted. All other options are only used for internally information and do not impact any functionality.

For Brokerage Programs, this field is always editable from the record view.

This lookup contains all the values in the SPSettlementFrequency Enumeration Class except "Invoice".

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.SettlementFrequencySK

Settle To

A lookup to identify who the Program is settled to. This defaults to "Invoice" for all Freight Accrual, On Invoice, and Promotion programs and is not editable. This defaults to 'AP Invoice - Paid In Full Orders' for Brokerage programs but is only editable prior to the initial Save.

The 'Settle To' identifies whether the entity receiving payment or credit is a Customer or AP Vendor and for AP Vendors also identifies your intention for which Invoice should be included. The available options include:

  • "AP Invoice - Paid In Full Orders" - An AP Vendor will be paid when the Program is settled and by default, only Sales Invoices that have been paid in Full will be considered eligible for Settlements
  • "AP Invoice - All Orders" - An AP Vendor will be paid when the Program is settled and by default, Invoices with an open balance will also be considered eligible for Settlements
  • "AR Credit Memo" - A credit memo will be issues to the Customer that is assigned to the Program when it is settled.

This lookup contains all the values in the SPSettlementMethod Enumeration Class except "Invoice".

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.SettlementFrequencySK


A date field to indicate when the Program starts. Programs with a Start Date that occurs after a Sales Orders Invoice Date will not be evaluated.

 This defaults as blank on new records, and is required.

 If blank, the message "From date

is required." will be displayed on Save. This must must be >= to the Start. If not, the message "The From Date cannot be before the End date" will be displayed on Save.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.EndDate

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