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All requests for support must be emailed to NLP Support to create a Support Ticket. The support ticket will be used to track all correspondence related to the issue.


Email Header Fields

  • To: Send the email to

  • Cc: Include emails for anyone to be copied on all correspondence. Not required.

  • Subject: Include a short, but detailed summary of the issue. *

  • Attachments: Include screenshots or other attachments that will assist NLP in solving the issue.

Body of Email

Add headings and content for each of these sections:

  • Description: Include a detailed description of the issue

  • Resolution Needed By: Identify the Date and Time/Timeframe you need the resolution.

  • Steps to Reproduce: Identify the steps required to ensure the issue can be replicated.

* All support requests are classified as “Standard” unless the Subject line of the email is prefixed with either “Urgent:” or “Emergency:” followed by a short, but detailed summary of the issue.

When a support request is received by the NLP Support Ticket System, an auto-response is sent indicating receipt of the issue and providing the Ticket # that was assigned.


Request Type
Insert excerpt
Def-Support Issue - Request Type
Def-Support Issue - Request Type


Insert excerpt
Def-Support Issue -


Def-Support Issue -



Insert excerpt
Def-Support Issue - Severity
Def-Support Issue - Severity
