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Def - GL Account Segment
Def - GL Account Segment

The purpose of the GL Account Format List View is to set and see the GL Account Segments that make up the structure of your company's GL Accounts. From here, users can drill down to the individual Segment lists for each SegementSegment. Once a GL Account has been added, this structure is no longer editable. 

Software Version: 2019.09.03 and newer


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CheckboxUsed to select one or more records.

A text box to set the number of characters for the Account Segment. This is required and must be >=1 and <= the value in the 'Max Length'. This is not editable after the initial Save.

Linked Database Field: ERPx_GLAccountFormat.SegmentLength

Max Length

A text box to set the maximum number of characters you would ever envision for each Account Segment. GL Accounts have a max allowable length of 66 so the sum of all the Max Lengths cannot exceed 66 characters. In most companies that values are the same in both the 'Length' and 'Max Length' fields or the values in the 'Max Length' fields exceed the values in the 'Lenght' by 1 or 2.

This is required and must be >=1 and the total of all these values must be <= 66. This is not editable after the initial Save. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_GLAccountFormat.SegmentMaxLength

Natural Account

A Yes/No lookup to identify whether or not the Account Segment is the Natural Account. The value defaults to "No" but can be changed at anytime. 

A value of "Yes" means that the Segment is the Natural Account and a value of "No" means that it is not. One of the Segments, and only one, must be assigned as the Natural Account.

Linked Database Field: ERPx_GLAccountFormat.IsNaturalAccount 


The unique identifier of the Segment. This defaults to blank but is required for all records, must be unique, and must be <= 15 characters. Typical Names would include names like: Account, Company, Department, and Division.

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Def - GL Account Segment
Def - GL Account Segment

Linked Database Field: ERPx_GLAccountFormat.SegmentName 

Seq.A label to identify the sequence your segments should be in. This is editable by users by using drag+drop.Linked Database Field: ERPx_GLAccountFormat.Sequence 
