Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Insert excerpt
Def - Trans - AP Invoice/Credit Memo
Def - Trans - AP Invoice/Credit Memo
The purpose of this page is to view, add, edit, remove, and post individual AP Invoices and Credit Memo transactions. These rules do not apply to Invoices linked to auto created Freight Purchase Orders.

Software Version: 2023.09.29 and newer


Home Tab

INV# or MM#: [TransID] PO#: [PO] REQ#: [REQ#] Vendor Name (Currency)


Insert excerpt
Comment - Header
Comment - Header
This is text box that defaults as blank for manually entered transactions and is not required but If entered, it must be <=150 characters. If a 'PO #' is entered/selected for this transaction, and the PO contains a 'Comment', the Comment from the PO will populate here, but can be overwritten. This is always editable even after the transaction is posted.

For transactions auto-generated from a Grower Ticket, this defaults to the value 'Created from Grower Ticket'.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.Description

Doc Date

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Doc Date
Doc Date
This is a date picker to assign/edit a date for the transaction (to control Aging and payment term dates). This defaults to blank on New and is required to Approve or Post the transaction. If missing, the message "Doc Date is required." will be displayed on Save. The Doc Date must be on or before the GL Date when Approving or Posting the Invoice/Credit Memo. If not, the message "The GL Date must be on or after the Doc Date." will be displayed on Save. This is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New" .

For transactions auto-generated from an Inventory Receipt, this defaults from the Receipt Date on the linked receipt transaction.

For transactions auto-generated from a Grower Ticket, this defaults to the Ticket Delivery Date.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionDate

Doc No

Insert excerpt
Doc No
Doc No
This is a text box to enter the document number your Vendor assigned to the invoice/credit memo. This defaults to blank, is required, must be unique by Vendor, and must be <= 50 characters. This is editable while the transaction in a status of "New".

If missing, the message "Doc No is required." will be displayed on Approve or Ready to Post.

If not unique for the Vendor assigned to the transaction, the message "Duplicate Doc No's are not allowed. Please enter a valid Doc No." will be displayed on Save.

Note: If the transaction was created from a posted Grower Ticket, this value defaults to the Ticket Number of the corresponding ticket.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DocNumber

Freight PO Amt.

Displays the total amount of source Freight Purchase Order. This is only applicable and visible for AP Invoices linked to a Freight Purchase Order, and only includes line items that were automatically added (not manually added lines). This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database.

Note: This is only applicable for Invoice type transactions.

Freight Variance Amt.

Displays the total variance between the amounts on the source Freight Purchase Order and the AP Invoice. This is only applicable and visible for AP Invoices linked to a Freight Purchase Order, and only includes line items that were automatically added from the source purchase order, (not manually added lines). This value is updated after Save when applicable line items are updated. This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database.

Note: This is only applicable for Invoice type transactions.

PO #

Insert excerpt
Def - Purchase Order #
Def - Purchase Order #
This is a text box that is not required and is editable when the transaction is in a Status of "New". If a valid PO# is not entered, the 'PO # lookup' will open to provide a way to search for "valid" PO's.

Once a valid PO# has been selected, or manually entered, all the Purchase Order line items (with a remaining quantity) that are not already on the transaction will be auto-added to the transaction and both the 'PO #' and 'Vendor Name' values will be set and disabled.

The 'Find PO#' window searches across all "valid" PO's. If a 'Vendor Name' has been entered on the transaction then only "valid" PO's for that Vendor will be returned, if the 'Vendor Name' is blank then all valid PO's will be returned across all Vendors.

A 'PO #' is considered valid for AP Invoices based on:

  1. The 'PO Type' of the Purchase Order
    1. PO Type of "Multiple Invoices and Receipts" are always considered
    2. PO Type of "Single Invoice and Receipt" are considered if the Purchase Order has not been assigned to an AP Invoice
  2. The 'Status' of the Purchase Order
    1. New - Only if the 'First Status POs can be Received or Invoiced' property on the Purchase Order Class is set to "New".
    2. Released - always considered valid
    3. Closed - Never considered valid

A 'PO #' is considered valid for AP Credit Memos based on:

  1. The 'PO Type' of the Purchase Order is not evaluated
  2. The 'Status' of the Purchase Order is not evaluated

Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.PurchaseOrderSK, ERPx_APPoHeader.PurchaseOrderID


Insert excerpt
This is text box that defaults to blank and is not required, but if entered, it must be <=100 characters. This is always editable even after the transaction is posted.

(lightbulb) The Reference will not default from the Reference on a linked Purchase Order. These are treated as separate reference fields.

Insert excerpt
Def - Reference #
Def - Reference #

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.Reference


Insert excerpt
This is a single-select lookup that is required. It defaults as "New" and is always editable until the transaction is Posted.

The Statuses that apply to transactions in this Record View include:

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - New
Def - Status - New

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - Approved
Def - Status - Approved

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Def - Status - Ready to Post
Def - Status - Ready to Post

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - Posted
Def - Status - Posted

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - Void
Def - Status - Void

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - Replaced
Def - Status - Replaced

(lightbulb) When an AP Invoice that is linked to a Purchase Order is Posted, if the Purchase Order Type is "Single Invoice and Receipt" and a receipt has already been posted, the Purchase Order Status will be auto-changed to "Closed".

Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionStatusSK

Vendor Name

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Vendor Name
Vendor Name
This is a single-select lookup that is required, if missing the message "Vendor Name is required" is displayed on Save.

  • If a valid PO# is entered/selected, the Vendor Name will default from the PO and is not editable.
  • If the Invoice/Credit Memo is manually entered, this defaults as blank and is editable when the transaction is in a Status of "New".

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Vendors.

Database Fields: Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.VendorSk, ERPx_APVendor.VendorName

Properties Tab

Group: 1
GL Date

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GL Date
GL Date
This is a date picker that defaults as blank and is required to Approve or Post the transaction. If it has not been manually assigned, it will be automatically set to the 'Doc Date' when the transaction is either Approved or Posted.

To Approve or Post the transaction, the GL Date must fall within a Fiscal Period that is open for Purchasing and must be on or after the 'Doc Date'.

  • If the GL Date is not in a Fiscal Period that is open for Purchasing, the message "The Fiscal Period is not open" will be displayed on Save.
  • If the GL Date is not >= the Doc Date, the message "The GL Date must be on or after the Doc Date." will be displayed on Save.

This is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of New.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.GLDate

Doc Date

Insert excerpt
Doc Date
Doc Date
This is a non editable control that shows the 'Doc Date' from the Home Tab. This is informational only from here.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionDate

Payment Terms

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Payment Terms
Payment Terms
This is a single-select lookup that defaults from the Payment Terms assigned to the Primary Vendor on the Purchase Order, or the selected Vendor if the transaction is not linked to a Purchase Order. This is required and if missing, the message "Payment Terms are required when approving or posting transactions." will be displayed on Save. This is editable while in a status of New.

Insert excerpt
Def - Payment Terms
Def - Payment Terms

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Payment Terms.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFPaymentTerms.PaymentTermName, APTransactionHeader.PaymentTermSK

Discount Percent

This is a textbox that identifies the Discount percent associated with the Payment Terms, formatted to 5 decimal places. This is editable while the transaction is in a 'New' status and will be reset if the Payment Terms are changed. If the Payment Terms does not have a discount (e.g., "Net 30") this will default to 0.00000.

(lightbulb) Note: If the transaction's 'Payment Terms' are changed, this value will be recalculated.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFPaymentTerms.DiscountPercent, APTransactionHeader.DiscountPercent

Discount Days

This is a numeric textbox that identifies the Discount Days associated with the Payment Terms. This is editable and required if a Discount Percent is specified, if missing, the message "Discount Days is required" will be displayed on Save. The value must be >= 0 when specified.

(lightbulb) Note: If the transaction's 'Payment Terms' are changed, this value will be recalculated.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DiscountDays

Due Days

This is a numeric textbox that identifies the Due Days associated with the Payment Terms. This is always required and must be >= 0 and >= 'Discount Days' value, if missing the message "Due Days is required" will be displayed on Save. This is editable while the transaction is in 'New' status.

Note: If the transaction's 'Payment Terms' are changed, this value will be recalculated.

Note: If the 'Due Date' value is changed, this value will be recalculated.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DueDays

Discount Amount

This is a calculated field that identifies the total Discount Amount. It is calculated as Total [Invoice Amount] * [Payment Terms Discount Percent]. If the Payment Terms does not have a discount (e.g., "Net 30") this will be blank.
Discount Date

Insert excerpt
Discount Date
Discount Date
This is a date picker that defaults as [Doc Date] + [Payment Terms Discount Days] and is required on transactions with a 'Payment Terms' that contain a Discount. For Payment Terms that do not include a discount it is blank and disabled.

This is always editable, even after the transaction is Posted and can be edited to any date that is both:

  1. Greater than or equal to the 'Doc Date'
    1. If not, the message "The Discount Date must occur on or after the Doc Date." will be displayed on Save.
  2. Less than or equal to the 'Due Date'
    1. If not, the message "The Discount Date must occur on or before the Due Date." will be displayed on Save.

(lightbulb) Note: If the transaction's 'Payment Terms' are changed, this value will be recalculated.

(lightbulb) Note: Changing this for a posted transaction will only have an effect if the transaction has an open/unapplied balance.

Insert excerpt
Def - Discount Date
Def - Discount Date

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DiscountDate

Due Date

Insert excerpt
Due Date
Due Date
This is a date picker that defaults as [Doc Date] + [Payment Terms Due Days] and is required. This is always editable, even after the transaction is Posted and can be edited to any date that is both:

  1. Greater than or equal to the 'Doc Date'
    1. If not, the message "The Due Date must occur on or after the Doc Date." will be displayed on Save.
  2. Greater than or equal to the 'Discount Date'
    1. If not, the message "The Due Date must occur on or after the Discount Date." will be displayed on Save.

(lightbulb) Note: If the transaction's 'Payment Terms' are changed, this value will be recalculated.

(lightbulb) Note: Changing this for a posted transaction will only have an effect if the transaction has an open/unapplied balance.

Insert excerpt
Def - Due Date
Def - Due Date

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DueDate

Pmt./Apply Hold

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Pmt Apply Hold
Pmt Apply Hold
This is a single select lookup that defaults as blank but can be changed to "Yes".

  • A blank value means the transaction is not on a Payment Hold
  • A "Yes" value mean the transaction is on a Payment Hold.

This is always editable, even after the transaction is Posted.

(lightbulb) Note: Changing this for a posted transaction will only have an effect if the transaction has an open/unapplied balance.

Invoices on hold will not be selected for payment when building AP Check Batches. Credit Memos on hold cannot be selected to apply to open Invoice

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.IsOnApplicationHold

Group: 2

Insert excerpt
This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This is a non-editable text box that is required.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.CreatedDate

Created By

Insert excerpt
Created By
Created By
This is a non-editable text box that is required.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.CreatedBy

Last Updated

Insert excerpt
Last Updated
Last Updated
This is a non-editable text box that is required.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.LastUser

Last Updated By

Insert excerpt
Last Updated By
Last Updated By
This is a non-editable text box that is required.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.LastUpdated

Group: 3
Transaction Class ID

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Transaction Class
Transaction Class
This is required and comes from the 'Transaction Class' selected when the Invoice/Credit Memo was initially created. This is not editable.

Insert excerpt
Def - Transaction Class - General
Def - Transaction Class - General

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionClassSK, ERPx_APTransactionClass.TransactionClassID

Linked Receipt Transaction IDIdentifies the transaction ID from the linked Receipt transaction. This is not required and not editable. This will be populated if a Receipt was created from this AP Invoice/Credit Memo or if the AP Invoice/Credit Memo was auto-created from the Receipt. If a Receipt was linked but was either deleted or voided, the link will be removed.
Transaction SK

Identifies the SK value of the Transaction. This is a non-editable text box that is informational only.

Database Field: ERPx_AP TransactionHeader.POHeaderSK

Vendor ID

Insert excerpt
Vendor ID
Vendor ID
This defaults from the 'Vendor ID' for the Vendor assigned to the transaction. It can only be edited from the 'Vendor ID' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Vendor Record View, for the Vendor attached to the Purchase Order.

Insert excerpt
Def - Vendor ID
Def - Vendor ID

Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorID, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.VendorSK


Insert excerpt
This is required and comes from the 'Currency' assigned on the 'Properties' tab of the Vendor Record View, for the Vendor assigned to the transaction. This is not editable on the transaction.

Insert excerpt
Def - Currency
Def - Currency

Database Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID, ERPx_APTransactionHeader.CurrencySK

Vendor SK

Identifies the SK value of the Vendor. This is a non-editable text box that is informational only.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.VendorSK

Attributes Tab


Insert excerpt
Attribute - Attribute
Attribute - Attribute
The Attributes displayed here are setup and assigned in the Attributes section of the Company module (Company → Setup → Attributes → AP Purchasing).

RequiredA non-editable text box that shows whether the Attribute Value is required or not. If the Attribute Value is required, it will display "Yes". If it is optional, it will display as blank. This value is only editable from the 'Assign Attribute Rules' page (Company → Setup → Attributes → AP Purchasing → Transactions hyperlink).

Insert excerpt
Attribute - Value
Attribute - Value
This is always editable until the transaction is Closed.


Toolbar IconsDescription
Add Item

Insert excerpt
Add Item - RV Grid 3.0
Add Item - RV Grid 3.0

Column Filter Show/Hide
Insert excerpt
Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
Insert excerpt
Excel - RV Header 3.0
Excel - RV Header 3.0
Group By Show/Hide
Insert excerpt
Group By Show/Hide - Global
Group By Show/Hide - Global
Item Notes

Insert excerpt
Item Notes - Global
Item Notes - Global

Insert excerpt
Def - Notes
Def - Notes

More Actions

Insert excerpt
More Actions - Global 3.0
More Actions - Global 3.0

  • IQ: Item Purchase Order History - Opens the "Purchase Order Lines History" Inquiry showing all the Purchase Order Lines for the Vendor.
  • IQ: Line Item History - Opens the "Invoice Lines History" Inquiry showing all the AP Invoice and AP Credit Memo lines for the Vendor.
  • IQ: PO Linked Lines - Opens the "PO Linked Lines" inquiry showing the Purchase Order and all the AP Invoice, AP Credit Memo, and Inventory Receipt lines associated with this Purchase Order Item.
  • RV: Item - Open the item Record View for the selected item.
Quick Column Filter

Insert excerpt
Quick Column Filter
Quick Column Filter

Saved Layouts

Insert excerpt
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global

Remove Items

Insert excerpt
Remove Items - RV Grid 3.0
Remove Items - RV Grid 3.0


Transaction Line Items and quantities can be manually added or auto-added if they reference a valid Purchase Order.

  1. AP Invoices with a valid PO# will auto-add all line items with a "remaining quantity" >0 that are not already on the Invoice Transaction. The 'Quantity' will default from the remaining quantity and the 'Price' from the current price saved on the Purchase Order for the Item.
  2. Credit Memos with a valid PO# will auto-add all Purchase Order items that are not already on the Credit memo. The 'Quantity' will default as 0.00 and the 'Price' from the current price saved on the Purchase Order for the Item.
Insert excerpt
1099 Amount

Identifies the amount applicable to the Vendor's 1099 statement amount. This is a numeric text box that is not required and defaults as follows:

  • If the 1099 Type is set to "No 1099", the 1099 Amount is blank and not editable.
  • If the 1099 Type is set to any value other than "No 1099" the 1099 Amount will default to the "Amount" value for the corresponding line item but can be overwritten to a value less than the "Amount" value. If a value is entered that is more than this amount, it will default back to the "Amount" value for the line item. This is always editable even after the transaction is posted.

If the 1099 Type value is updated to "No 1099", the 1099 Amount value will be cleared, and if a 1099 Amount is entered manually by the user when the line item is added, the 1099 Amount will not default from or be updated to the line "Amount".

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionLine.TenNinetyNineAmount

1099 Type

Insert excerpt
Def - 1099 Type
Def - 1099 Type
This is a single-select lookup that defaults from the 1099 Type of the Vendor assigned to the transaction. This is required and is always editable even after the transaction is posted.

This lookup contains all the values in the ERPx_APTenNinetyNineType table.

Database fields: ERPx_APTenNinetyNineType.TenNinetyNineTypeDescription, ERPx_APVendor.TenNinetyNineTypeSK, ERPx_APTransactionLine.TenNinetyNineTypeSK


Insert excerpt
Amount - Extended
Amount - Extended
This is required and is calculated as [Quantity] * [Price] for each transaction line. This can only be edited by changing the Quantity and/or Price of the transaction line. Positive lines represent a purchase and negative lines represent a purchase credit.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionLine.ExtendedAmount

Distributed To

Insert excerpt
Distributed To - Vendor
Distributed To - Vendor
This is a single-select lookup that defaults as blank, is not required. This is only editable for line items with an 'Item Type' of "Manual" while the transaction is in a Status of "New".

For AP Invoices/Credit Memos that are not linked to a Purchase Order this defaults as blank but can be overwritten.

For AP Invoices/Credit Memos assigned with a PO #, this will default from the Purchase Order Items 'Distributed To' value but can be overwritten.

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Fishermen, Tenders, Loans, and Projects.

Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_MFEmployee.EmployeeName, ERPx_GLProject.ProjectDescription, ERPx_APPoLine.ToDistributionAccountSK

Item Description

Insert excerpt
Item Description
Item Description
This is a textbox that is required. It defaults from the Item Description for the corresponding Item ID and is not editable. Users can update the Item Description of an item on the Item master file record.

ERPx_IMItem.ItemDescription, ERPX_APTransactionLine.ItemSK

Item ID

Insert excerpt
Item ID
Item ID
This is a text box that is required. It defaults as blank and is not editable after Save.

When the 'Add Item' icon is clicked, users may enter all or part of an Item ID or Description and hit the Enter key on the keyboard. If a complete Item ID was entered, the line item will be saved, if not, the Item Lookup dialog will open with a list of items containing the data entered. From the 'Item Lookup' dialog, users may check the checkbox next to one or multiple item(s) to add to the transaction using the Save & Close button.

Insert excerpt
Def - Item
Def - Item

Database Fields: ERPx_IMItem.ItemID, ERPX_APTransactionLine.ItemSK

Item Type

Insert excerpt
HELP:Item Type: Inventory
HELP:Item Type: Inventory
This defaults from the Item Type assigned to the Item ID and is not editable.

For transaction items that are linked to a PO#:

  • All line items with an 'Item Type' of "Inventory" must be received on an Inventory Receipt transaction.

AP Invoice/Credit Memo, only line items with an 'Item Type' of "Inventory" will be included.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMItemType.Description, ERPx_IMItem.ItemTypeSK, ERPX_APTransactionLine.ItemSK

Line Comment

Insert excerpt
Line Item Comment
Line Item Comment
This is text box that is not required. For AP Invoices/Credit Memos that are not linked to a Purchase Order this defaults as blank. For AP Invoices/Credit Memos assigned with a PO #, this will default from 'Line Comment' on the PO Line Item but can be overwritten.

This is not required and is always editable, even after the transaction is posted. If entered, it must be <=100 characters.

For transactions auto-generated from a Grower Ticket, this defaults as follows:

  • If the line is from a Ticket Item this defaults as 'Grower Ticket Item'
  • If the line is from a Charge this defaults as 'Grower Ticket Item Charge'
  • If the line is from an Accrual this defaults as 'Grower Ticket Item Accrual’

When AP Invoices, Credit Memos, and IM Receipts are loaded from a PO, this will default as the 'Line Comment' on those transactions.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionLine.LineComment

Line Description

Insert excerpt
Line Description
Line Description
This is a textbox that defaults from the and is editable from the record view while in 'New' status.

For transactions auto-generated from a Grower Ticket, this defaults as follows:

  • If the line is from a Ticket Item this defaults as the Ticket Item Description
  • If the line is from a Charge this defaults as '[Ticket Item ID] – Charge: [ChargeID]'
  • If the line is from an Accrual this defaults as ‘[Ticket Item ID] – Accrual: [AccrualID]’

When AP Invoices, Credit Memos are loaded from a PO, this will default as the 'Line Description' on those transactions.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMItem.ItemDescription, ERPx_APTransactionLine.LineDescription, ERPX_APPoLine.LineDescription

Line Source

A non-editable textbox that displays where the corresponding line item originates from. This is required and never editable. The available options include:

  1. Manual: The line item was manually added by a user.
  2. Freight: The line item was auto-added to reflect the Freight + Surcharge amount of a Shipment Leg.
  3. Freight - Handling: The line item was auto-added to reflect the Handling amount of a Shipment Leg.
  4. Freight - Other: The line item was auto-added to reflect an Other Charge amount of a Shipment Leg.
  5. Vendor Item: The line item was added from the 'Find Vendor Items' Record View.

Database Field: ERPx_APPoLine.LineSourceEN


Insert excerpt
Ln. - RV Items Grid
Ln. - RV Items Grid
This is an editable text box that defaults to the next available base-10 number. It is required, and is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New". To re-sequence the line items, edit one or more lines with a new positive number that would put the line item where you want it sorted, and click the Save button. On save, the line items will be resorted, and the Ln. values will be re-set to base-10 values.

For example, if you had line items 10, 20, and 30 and you wanted the last one (Ln. 30) to be second, you could edit the value to any number between 10 and 20 (i.e., 15) and on save the lines would be sorted in the new sequence (10, 15, and 30) and then all Ln.'s would be re-set to base 10 numbers (10, 20, 30).

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionLine.LineNumber

PO Ln.

Identifies the Purchase Order line item that the AP Invoice/Credit Memo line item is linked to. This is a single-select lookup that is not required. If a 'PO #' is entered/selected for this transaction, as line items are added to the AP Invoice/Credit Memo, if they are also on the Purchase Order, this will default from the header PO#'s Purchase Order's 'Ln.' as [PO#]: [Ln]. This is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New".

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all 'Open' Purchase Order Line Numbers that match the selected transaction line's Item ID and that are assigned to the transaction Vendor.

(lightbulb) When AP Invoices, Credit Memos, and IM Receipts are loaded from a PO, this will default from the 'Ln.' of the Purchase Order Item.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionLine.POLineSK,


Insert excerpt
This is a numeric text box that is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New". Negative prices are not allowed.

For transaction lines that are not linked to a Purchase Order this defaults to 0 and is formatted, after save, to the Item's 'Price Decimals'.

For transaction lines that are assigned to a PO #, this will default from the current price saved on the Purchase Order Item.

For transactions auto-generated from a Grower Ticket, this defaults as follows:

  • If the line is from a Ticket Item this defaults as the Price on the ticket item
  • If the line is from a Charge this defaults as the Gross Amount of the Charge
  • If the line is from an Accrual this defaults as Gross Amount of the Accrual

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionLine.Price

Purchase GL Account

Insert excerpt
Purchase Account - Item
Purchase Account - Item
This is a single-select lookup that is required. This is never editable for line items where the 'Line Type' <> "Manual". For line items with an 'Item Type' of "Manual" it is conditionally editable:

  1. For line items that are NOT distributed to a Fisherman, Tender, or Loan, this is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New" and defaults in the following sequence (but can be overridden):
    1. From the 'Purchase GL Account' assigned to the Purchase Order Line if a Purchase GL Account was specified on the PO.
    2. Defaults from the Vendor's default "Purchases" account if one has been setup.
    3. Otherwise, it defaults from the Item's default "Purchases" account if one has been setup, else it will be blank for the user to select an account.
  2. For line items distributed to a Fisherman, Tender, or Loan this is NOT editable and defaults in the following sequence (but can be overridden):
    1. From the Fishermen, Tender, or Loans default "Settlement Accrual" account if one has been setup
    2. From the Fisherman Accounting Preferences default "Settlement Accrual" account
  3. For transactions auto-generated from a Grower Ticket, this defaults as follows:

    • If the line is from a Ticket Item this defaults as the Ticket Item Purchase Account
    • If the line is from a Charge this defaults as the Charge GL Account
    • If the line is from an Accrual this defaults as follows:
      • Farmer Transaction
        1. A negative quantity line will default the Accrual Account from the Accrual record
        2. A Positive quantity line will default the Expense Account from the Accrual record
      • Accrual Transaction
        1. This will default the Accrual Account from the Accrual record

(lightbulb) When AP Invoices and/or Credit Memos are loaded from a PO, the 'Purchase Account' will default from the current Purchase Account assigned to the Purchase Order Item.

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' GL Accounts where the "Use in AP" checkbox has been assigned.

Database Fields: ERPx_GLAccount.AccountNumber, ERPx_APTransactionLine.AccountSK


Insert excerpt
This is a numeric text box and is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New".

For transaction lines that are not linked to a Purchase Order this defaults to 0 and is formatted, after save, to the Item's 'Unit Decimals' or 'Weight Decimals' depending on the line items UOM. If the line item is a Fixed Weight item that requires whole units, then on Save:

  1. If a user enters a quantity and a weight UOM we check all conversions back to unit UOMs to verify that the weight value can actually convert back when we create a receipt.
  2. If no conversions are found then the following alert will be displayed to the user but will still allow the line item to save.

    1. Alert “Warning: Item [ItemID]: Qty does not convert to any UOMs on the [UOMScheduleID] UOM Schedule.”
  1. If a user enters a fractional quantity and selects a unit UOM the following alert will be displayed to the user but will still allow the line item to save.
    1. Alert “Warning: Item [ItemID]: Requires whole units and you have saved a fractional unit.”

These alerts are only displayed where applicable for new lines being added, or if an existing line Quantity or UOM are being updated.

An Item is a 'Fixed Weight' item that requires whole units when the following properties are set as:

  • Manage Items By = "Units and Weight"
  • Variable Weight = "No"
  • Require Whole Units = "Yes"

For transaction lines that are assigned to a PO #, this will default as [PO Line Ordered Qty] - [AP Posted Quantity] - [AP UnPosted Quantity] or 0.00 whichever is greater.

  • The [AP Posted Quantity] refers to the Quantity from "Posted" AP Invoices and Credit Memo lines.
  • The [AP UnPosted Quantity] refers to the Quantity from "UnPosted" AP Invoices and Credit Memo lines.

(lightbulb) For AP Invoice transactions, a positive 'Quantity' represents a purchase and a negative quantity represents a credit. Negative quantities are allowed provided the transactions total 'Amount' is greater than or equal to 0.00. A Quantity of 0.00 can be used for a line item that was not included on the Invoice.

(lightbulb) For AP Credit Memo transactions, a positive 'Quantity' represents a credit and a negative quantity represents a purchase. Negative quantities are allowed provided the transactions total 'Amount' is greater than or equal to 0.00. A Quantity of 0.00 can be used for a line item that was not included on the Credit Memo.

Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionLine.Quantity


Insert excerpt
UOM - Units
UOM - Units
This is a single-select lookup that is required.

For transaction lines that are not linked to a Purchase Order this defaults from the Item's default "Purchasing UOM", but can be changed to any valid UOM that exists on the Items UOM Schedule and is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New" .

For transaction lines that are linked to a Purchase Order this defaults from Purchase Order Item's UOM but can be overwritten while the transaction is in a Status of "New".

The lookup contains a blank value and all 'Active' UOMs on the selected Item's UOM Schedule.

(lightbulb)When AP Invoices and Credit Memos are loaded from a PO, the 'UOM' will default from the Purchase Order Item's UOM.

Insert excerpt
Def - UOM
Def - UOM

Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMName, ERPx_APPoLine.QuantityUOMSK
