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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

A Manual Payment allows users to manually record previously written payments and choose whether or not the payment needs to be updated in the General Ledger.  From here, users can enter new, edit un-posted, delete un-posted, and/or post manual payment transactions. When Manual Payments set to update the GL are posted, the General Ledger is updated from the transaction's Journal Entry and the Checkbook Balance is updated.  Journal Entries are only created once the Manual Payment is Posted. 

Software Version: 20232024.1205.19 20 and newer

Table of Contents


Toolbar IconsDescription

Insert excerpt
Delete - RV Header 3.0
Delete - RV Header 3.0

Insert excerpt
Help - Global 3.0
Help - Global 3.0
Journal Details

Insert excerpt
Journal Details - RV Header
Journal Details - RV Header

For Manual Payments, this

(lightbulb) This icon is only visible after the transaction is 'Posted'.


Insert excerpt
New - Global 3.0
New - Global 3.0


Insert excerpt
Notes - Global 3.0
Notes - Global 3.0

Insert excerpt
Def - Notes
Def - Notes


Insert excerpt
Print - LV 3.0
Print - LV 3.0


Insert excerpt
Save - RV Header 3.0
Save - RV Header 3.0
Save & Close
Insert excerpt
Save & Close - RV Header 3.0
Save & Close - RV Header 3.0

Home Tab


An editable text box to enter the amount of the payment, in the checkbook's currency. Once the 'Checkbook' has been selected and the transaction has been saved, this will display in the format of the checkbook's currency. This defaults to 0.00 but must be a non zero value to Approve or Post. If not, the message "Amount is required and must not be zero." will appear on Save.

  • A positive 'Amount' increases the checkbook's balance by debiting the Checkbook's Cash Account.
  • A negative 'Amount' decreases the checkbook's balance by crediting the Checkbook's Cash Account.

This 'Amount' will be the value that is auto-assigned to the first line of the Manual Payment grid as either a Debit or Credit.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.Amount


A single-select lookup to select the Checkbook the payment is being made for. This field is editable when the Status is "New". If the Checkbook is changed, the GL Account on the auto-assigned row (first row in the grid) will be updated to be the new Checkbook's Cash Account. The data for manually entered lines will remain unchanged but the currency format of the Debit and Credit columns will be updated to match the currency format of the checkbook.  This defaults to blank but is required, if missing, the message "Checkbook is required." will be displayed on Save.

This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Checkbooks, sorted by Checkbook, displayed as:

  • If the Checkbook's Currency is the 'Home Currency' then [Checkbook]
  • If the Checkbook's Currency is NOT the 'Home Currency' then [Checkbook] +([Checkbook Currency])

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.CheckbookSK


A text box to enter a short comment pertaining to the payment. This field defaults to blank, is always editable (even after the transaction is posted) and is not required. If a Comment is entered, it will become the Comment on the Journal Entry. However, if this is changed for a "Posted" Manual Payment, the new 'Comment' will only be visible in the record view and on inquiries, it will not be updated in the posted journal entry. If a Comment is entered, it will also become the Line Comment for the Checkbook's Cash Account (if Update GL is set to 'Yes') after initial Save, however, if this value is changed/updated after this it will not update the Line Comment.  The 'Comment' must be <= 60 characters.  

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.Comment


A text box to enter a name of the recipient of the payment.  This is an editable textbox that defaults to blank and is required.  If missing, the message "Payee is required." will be displayed on Save.  This is editable while the transaction is in a status of 'New' and must be <=150 characters.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.PayeeName

Payment Date

Insert excerpt
Doc Date
Doc Date
 This is a date picker to assign/edit a date for the transaction. This defaults to the current date on New and is required to save the transaction. If missing, the message "Payment Date is required." will be displayed on Save. This is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New"This date will set the GL Date in the database and will always be the date used on the journal.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionDate

Payment Number

Identifies the transaction number of the payment.  This is an editable textbox that defaults to blank but is required. If missing, the message "Payment Number is required." will be displayed on Save.  After Save this will be used as the transaction ID and the field will be disabled.  This field is editable while in 'New' status and prior to the initial Save, then it is disabled.  The Payment Number does not need to be unique but must be <=20 characters. 

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionID

Payment Type

Identifies the method of the payment.  This is a single select lookup that defaults to blank but is required.  If missing, the message "Payment Type is required." will be displayed on Save.  This is editable while in 'New' status.

The lookup contains the values "ACH", "Check", "Draft" and "Wire".

Database Fields: ERPx_MFModuleTransaction.TransactionName, ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.PaymentTypeSK


A text box to enter a 3rd party reference number for the payment. This field defaults to blank, is always editable (even after the transaction is posted) and is not required. If a Reference is entered, it will become the Reference on the Journal Entry. However, if this is changed for a "Posted" Manual Payment, the new 'Reference' will only be visible in the record view and on inquiries, it will not be updated in the posted journal entry.  The 'Reference' must be <= 60 characters.  

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.Reference


Insert excerpt
 This is a single-select standard lookup that defaults as 'New' and is required. This is disabled until the initial Save, then it is editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New' or 'Approved'.

Insert excerpt
Def - Status
Def - Status

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - New
Def - Status - New

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - Approved
Def - Status - Approved

Insert excerpt
Def - Status - Ready to Post
Def - Status - Ready to Post

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.Status

Update GL

Identifies if the General Ledger will be updated with the payment details or not.  This is a Yes/No lookup that defaults to "Yes" and is required. 

If set to "Yes", after Save, a line item will be added to the grid with the Account details for the Checkbook's Cash Account and the Amount (either Debit, or Credit depending on if it is a positive or negative amount)  will populate in the grid and the "New" and "Delete" buttons on the toolbar will be enabled. 

If set to "No", after Save, the grid will be blank and the "New" and "Delete" buttons will remain disabled. 

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.UpdateGL

Properties Tab

The fields sorted at the bottom of this section, prefixed with "MC:" are only visible on multi-currency Manual Payment transactions.

Group: Transaction
GL Date Insert excerptGL Date - RVGL Date - RVnopaneltrue Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.GLDate
Transaction ID

Insert excerpt
Transaction ID - RV
Transaction ID - RV

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionID


Insert excerpt
Created (Date & Time) - RV
Created (Date & Time) - RV

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.CreatedDate

Created By

Insert excerpt
Created By- RV
Created By- RV

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.CreatedBy

Last Updated

Insert excerpt
Last Updated (Date & Time) - RV
Last Updated (Date & Time) - RV

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.LastUpdated

Last Updated By

Insert excerpt
Last Updated By- RV
Last Updated By- RV

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.LastUser


Insert excerpt

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.CheckbookTransactionSK


A non-editable text box that displays the SK value of the Checkbook that is assigned to the Transaction.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.CheckbookSK

Group: Multi Currency
MC: Exchange Table

A non-editable text box that displays the 'Exchange Table ID' used to convert the Manual Payment amount from the Checkbook's Currency to the Home Currency for the Journal Entry and to populate the 'Home Amount' column for this transaction, on the Checkbook Transaction Inquiry.

This will be blank for all Manual Payments where the Checkbook's currency is in the 'Home Currency'. This is required for all Manual Payments where the Checkbook's currency is in a foreign currency.

This is assigned as the first Exchange Table containing both the 'Home Currency' and the foreign currency on the payment, with a valid 'Rate' (exchange rate) for the 'Trans. Date'. If there are no Rates that cover the 'Trans. Date' then the last Rate will be used. If there are no Exchange Tables containing both the 'Home Currency' and the foreign currency then this will be blank and the message "A valid exchange does not exist between [TransactionCurrencyID] and [HomeCurrencyID]." will be displayed on Save after the Status is changed to Approve and/or Ready to Post.

MC: Currency ConversionA non-editable text box that displays the currencies on the 'Exchange Table' being used to convert the payment 'Amount' to the 'Home Currency' amount. This is formatted as: "From [Checkbook Currency] to [Home Currency]". 
MC: Exchange Date

A non-editable text box to show the date range of the 'Rate' (Exchange Rate) on the 'Exchange Table' assigned to this transaction. This is required to identify which exchange 'Rate', on the exchange table, is used to create the Journal Entry and to populate the 'Home Amount' column for this transaction, on the Checkbook Transaction Inquiry.

The 'Rate' is looked-up using the 'Payment Date', not the 'GL Date'. This field is only visible, and required to Approve and/or Post, when the Checkbook's currency is NOT in the 'Home Currency'. This is displayed as: From [Rate From] to [Rate to]. For example, "From 12/01/23 to 12/07/23".

MC: Exchange Rate

A non-editable text box to show the 'Calculation Method' and 'Rate' being used to convert the Adjustment to the 'Home Currency'. This conversion is required to create the Journal Entry and to populate the 'Home Amount' column for this transaction, on the Checkbook Transaction Inquiry. It is set as follows:

  • If the Manual Payment Checkbook is in the 'Home Currency' this will the set to "Multiply by 1.0000".
  • If the 'From Currency' on the Exchange Table matches the Manual Payment currency, then the 'Calculation Method' will default from the 'Calculation Method' on the Exchange Table.
  • If the 'From Currency' on the Exchange Table matches the 'Home Currency', the 'Calculation Method' will be the opposite as it is on the Exchange Table.

This is formatted as: [Calculation Method] by [Rate]. For Example, "Multiply by 1.0250" or "Divide by 1.0250".

MC: Home Currency AmountA non-editable text box that displays the calculated amount of the Manual Payment in the 'Home Currency' amount.

Page Details

Toolbar IconsDescription
Column Filter Show/Hide
Insert excerpt
Column Filter Show/Hide - Global
Column Filter Show/Hide - Global

Insert excerpt
Delete - RV Grid 3.0
Delete - RV Grid 3.0

(lightbulb) The first line cannot be deleted, it is auto-added and represents the change being made to the Checkbook Balance.

Insert excerpt
Excel - RV Header 3.0
Excel - RV Header 3.0
Group By Show/Hide
Insert excerpt
Group By Show/Hide - Global
Group By Show/Hide - Global
Insert excerpt
New - LV 3.0 no RV
New - LV 3.0 no RV
Quick Column Filter

Insert excerpt
Quick Column Filter
Quick Column Filter

Saved Layouts

Insert excerpt
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global
Column Layouts for Framework 3.0 - Global

Insert excerpt

Insert excerpt
GL Account Lookup (Single Select) - RV
GL Account Lookup (Single Select) - RV
 This defaults to blank but is required if either a Debit or Credit amount is entered.

(lightbulb) The Account for the first line is automatically assigned as the Cash Account from the Checkbook and cannot be edited.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookDetail.AccountSK


A text box to enter/edit the Credit amount of the line item, in the checkbook's currency, displayed in the currency formatThis defaults to 0.00 and is enabled while the transaction is in a Status of "New" AND there is not a value in the 'Debit' column. Once a value has been entered, the 'Debit' amount will be disabled.

The grand total of the Debits must equal the grand total of the Credits in order to Approve and/or Post the transaction. If not, the message "Total Debits do not equal total Credits." will be displayed on Save.

(lightbulb) This value is not editable for the first line as it is auto assigned from the transaction Amount.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookDetail.CreditAmount


A text box to enter/edit the Debit amount of the line item, in the checkbook's currency, displayed in the currency formatThis defaults to 0.00 and is enabled while the transaction is in a Status of "New" AND there is not a value in the 'Credit' column. Once a value has been entered, the 'Credit' amount will be disabled.

The grand total of the Debits must equal the grand total of the Credits in order to Approve and/or Post the transaction. If not, the message "Total Debits do not equal total Credits." will be displayed on Save.

(lightbulb) This value is not editable for the first line as it is auto assigned from the transaction Amount.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookDetail.DebitAmount

Line Comment

A text box to enter a comment pertaining to the payment line. This field is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New". The Line Comment is not required. If a Comment is entered, it must be <= 500 characters. If a Line Comment is entered, it will become the Line Comment on the Journal Entry. 

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookDetail.Comment
