Description: The Customer and Employee Sales Price List master file is to create and edit Customer and Employee Sales type price lists. The Price Lists can be assigned to Customer and Employee Sales transactions to default prices. The Price List is automatically assigned to the transactions when it is assigned to the corresponding employee/customer or the price list set is saved as the Default Customer Price List in Purchasing preferences.
Fields | Description |
Currency ID | This field displays a drop-down menu for the user to identify the currency for the price list. This field is required and is not editable after saving. Only Customers/Employees assigned to the same currency can be assigned to the price list. |
Description | This field displays a text box for the user to describe the price list. This field is required and can be edited at any time. |
Inactive | This field displays a drop-down menu with the options ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ for the user to determine whether or not the price list is inactive. This field defaults to ‘No’, is required, and can be edited at any time. |
Price List | This field displays a text box for the user to enter the name of the price list. This field is required and can be edited at any time. |
Price List Class | This field defaults to ‘Customer Sale’ and is never editable. |
Price List Type | This field defaults to ‘Standard’ and is never editable. |
Prices Include Freight Cost | This field defaults to ‘No’ and is never editable. |
Toolbar Icons | Description | ||||||||
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Customers - Tab
Column Header | Description |
Customer | This field is a drop-down menu to assign a Customer/Employee to the price list. The drop-down displays active Customers/Employees with the same currency property selected in the header section of the Price List record. Multiple Customers/Employees can be assigned to the same price list, but each Customer/Employee can only be assigned to one price list at a time. |
Customer Name | Displays the Customer/Employee Name. This field updates once the Customer has been selected and the record is saved. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited. |
Sales Items - Tab
Column Headers | Description |
Current Price | This field displays a read-only text box that identifies the current price of the line item. This field defaults to ‘0.00’ but updates upon save and is never editable by the user. |
Current Price Range | This field displays a read-only text box that identifies the effective date range for the current price of the line item. This field defaults to blank but updates upon save and is never editable by the user. |
End Date | This field displays a text box for the user to enter the last effective day for the manually entered price of the line item. The field defaults to blank and it is not required. Once the End Date is entered and the record is saved, the field updates to blank to allow a new entry and the Current Price Date Range or the Next Price Date Range is updated accordingly depending if the dates entered are in the future or not. |
Item | This field displays a drop-down menu of all active inventory items configured in the system to assign items to the price list. This field defaults to blank and the item is required to save a line item. The field is always editable when the grid section is in edit mode (clicking New from the grid toolbar switches the grid into the edit mode). Multiple items can be assigned to the same price list. |
Next Price | This field displays a read-only text box that identifies the next price waiting to become effective for the line item. This field defaults to ‘0.00’ and is never editable by the user. |
Next Price Range | This field displays a read-only text box that identifies the next effective date range for the line item price. This field defaults to blank and is never editable by the user. |
Price | This field displays a text box for the user to enter the new price for the line item. This field is always editable when the grid is in edit mode (clicking New from the grid toolbar switches the grid into the edit mode). The price entered in this field will become effective once the Start Date has been reached. Users may add items to price lists that do not have a price, for example, '0.00'. |
Price UOM | This field displays a drop-down menu of all units of measure on the selected item’s UOM schedule for the user to identify the unit of measure on which the item’s price is based. This field defaults from the item property ‘Sales Order Price UOM’ if not manually selected. |
Start Date | This field displays a text box that defaults to blank for the user to enter the first effective day for the pride of the line item. This field is required. Once a Start Date is entered and saved, the Start Date field is updated to blank, allowing for a new entry and either the Current Price Date Range or the Next Price Date Rage field is updated with the Start Date and End Date previously entered and saved, depending on if the dates entered are current or in the future. |
UOM Schedule | This field displays a read-only text box that identifies the unit of measure schedule for the line item. This field defaults from the Item selection upon save and is never editable by the user. |
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