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Sales Transaction Classes are used to categorize sales transactions within specific transaction types and assign specific default values and business rules for each. They are assigned when the New icon is selected for sales transactions. For example, if there was a need to differentiate transfers between Fresh and Frozen, you could create a Transaction Class for "Fresh" that applies to Sales Orders. The

Insert excerpt
Def - Customer
Def - Customer
 The purpose of this page is to add, edit, remove, and activate/inactive these records.

(lightbulb) This list view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'Customers' attribute type. Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved layout. Customer attributes are not included in the help documentation.

Software Version: 20192022.0906.0316 and newer

Table of Contents


Toolbar IconsDescription
Insert excerpt
Delete - LV - Global
Delete - LV - Global
Insert excerpt
Edit - List View Single LineEdit - List View Single Line
Insert excerpt
Excel - GlobalLV
Excel - GlobalLV
Insert excerpt
Favorites Add/Remove - Global
Favorites Add/Remove - Global
Grid Layout
Insert excerpt
Grid Layout - Global
Grid Layout - Global
Insert excerpt
Help - Global Icon
Help - Global Icon
Insert excerpt
New - Global
New - Global


Transaction Type

Identifies the value in the 'Transaction Type' property on the record view. This defaults to blank and is required. If not assigned, the message “Transaction Type is required.” will be displayed on Save. This field is not editable after the initial Save. The value can be set to:

  • Order: Used to track the order and shipment of items
  • Invoice: Used to invoice a customer
  • Return: Used to allow customers to return items
  • Price Adjustment: Used to provide customers with price adjustments for items

This lookup contains all the values in ERPx_SOOrderType where IsEnabled = 1

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.OrderTypeSK

Insert excerpt

Used to select one or more records for delete or mass update.
Document Prefix

Identifies the value in the 'Document Prefix' property on the record view. This defaults to blank for new records and is not required.

The 'Document Prefix' is used in conjunction with the 'Next Document Number' to determine the system assigned Transaction ID's. Transaction ID's are created by stringing together the [Document Prefix] + [Next Ticket Number] from the applicable Transaction Class. The 'Next Document Number' is auto-incremented each time a new transaction for the selected transaction class is created. 

This field is always editable from the record view and must be <= 10 characters. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentPrefix


A Yes/No field used to identify if the record is Inactive. If set to 'Yes' then the record is "Inactive" and will not be listed as a value when the 'New' icon is clicked from Sales Transactions List View. If set to 'No' then the record is "Active" and can be freely used

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IsInactive

Logo File

Used to display the network path for the image file used on the transaction reports for records assigned to the Transaction Class. This defaults to blank for new records and is not required. This is only used for reports and does not drive any other functionality. This field is always editable from the record view and must be <= 1000 characters. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentLogoLocation

Next Document Number

Identifies the value in the 'Next Document Number' property on the record view.

This defaults to blank for new records and is required. If missing, the message “Next Document Number is required.” will be displayed on Save. The value must be a numeric whole number. If not, the message "Next Document Number must be a number and cannot contain letters or symbols." will be displayed on Save.

The 'Document Prefix' is used in conjunction with the 'Next Document Number' to determine the system assigned Transaction ID's. Transaction ID's are created by stringing together the [Document Prefix] + [Next Document Number] from the applicable Transaction Class. The 'Next Document Number' is auto-incremented each time a new transaction for the selected transaction class is created. 

This field is always editable from the record view.

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.NextDocNumber

Payment Terms

The 'Payment Terms' property on the Transaction Class record. This defaults to blank on new records and is not required. This field is always editable from the record view.

This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Payment Terms.

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DefaultPaymentTermSK

Transaction Class

A hyperlink that shows the value of the 'Transaction Class' property on the Transaction Class record. Clicking on the link opens the record view for the selected Transaction Class. 

This defaults to blank for new records and is required. If not assigned, the message "Transaction Class is required." will be displayed on Save. This value must be unique by Transaction Type. If not, the message "Duplicate Transaction Classes are not allowed." will be displayed on Save. This field is not editable after the initial Save and must be <= 15 characters. 

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.DocumentID

Transaction Integration

Identifies the value in the 'Transaction Integration to Host System' property on the record view. This defaults to "Transaction with Journal Details" for new records. This functionality is only applicable where NorthScope sales transactions are sent to a separate host system. For systems that send sales transactions, this preference describes how they are sent. The options include:

  • Transaction with Journal Details: When transactions for this Transaction Class are posted, an outbound record is created so that it can be imported by the host system. This can only happen if the Outbound Transaction Type of "SO Transaction Class" is configured in the Integration Configuration master file.
  • No Integration: When transactions for this Transaction Class are posted, no outbound record is created, even if the Outbound Transaction Type of "SO Transaction Class" is configured in the Integration Configuration master file to send transactions.

This field is always editable from the record view.

Linked Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderTypeDocument.IntegrationMethodEN


Avg Days to Pay

Insert excerpt
Average Days to Pay
Average Days to Pay
 This is required and never editable.  The value will be recalculated if the Sales "Number of Days for Average Days to Pay" preference value is updated.  

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomer.AvgDaysToPay


Insert excerpt
Def - Currency
Def - Currency
 This is required and is always editable from the Customer Record View but should not be done until all the open receivable transactions are fully applied.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID, ERPx_ARCustomer.CurrencyID

Customer Class

Insert excerpt
Def - Customer Class
Def - Customer Class
 This is required and is always editable from the Customer Record View but changing it will not update any of the default customer properties or accounts that are assigned on the new Class. 

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomerClass.Description, ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerClassSK

Customer ID

Insert excerpt
Def - Customer ID
Def - Customer ID
 Clicking on the hyperlink opens the record view for the selected Customer.

This is required and is always editable from the Customer Record View but only in systems that are not integrating Customers with a third party system. To be editable, the "Customer" 'Transaction Type on both the 'Inbound to NorthScope' and 'Outbound from NorthScope' Integration Modes  must be set to "None" on the Integration Configuration page. 

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerID

Customer Name

Insert excerpt
Def - Customer Name
Def - Customer Name
 This is required and is always editable from the Customer Record View. 

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerName


Insert excerpt
Def - On Hold - Customer
Def - On Hold - Customer
 This is required and is always editable from the Customer Record View

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomer.IsOnHold


Insert excerpt
Def - Inactive
Def - Inactive
 This is required and is always editable from the Customer Record View but only Customers with no open or unapplied transactions can be set to Inactive.

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomer.IsInactive

Invoice Delivery

Insert excerpt
Def - Invoice Delivery Method
Def - Invoice Delivery Method
 This is required and is always editable from the Customer Record View. 

Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomer.InvoiceDeliveryMethodEN

Payment Terms

Insert excerpt
Def - Payment Terms
Def - Payment Terms
 This is required and is always editable from the Customer Record View but will only apply to new transactions, it will not update existing transactions.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFPaymentTerms.PaymentTermName, ERPx_ARCustomer.PaymentTermsSK 

Tax Class

Insert excerpt
Def - Tax Class
Def - Tax Class
 This defaults to blank for new records. This is not required and is always editable from the record view.

Tax Classes are used to calculate sales tax on Quick Sales transactions. 

Database Fields: ERPx_MFTaxClass.TaxClassSK, ERPx_ARCustomer.TaxClassSK 

This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Tax Class records.

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titlePage Definitions

Page Definitions
